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Posts posted by SecaBoy

  1. you need the following items:

    1x Ultra Racing Front Strut Brace

    2x Rear Bar Reflector => LED Lights

    just so happens that i know where you can get them for REALLY cheap... :P

    well, only if you're in brissie though... :lol:

    nice car mate... dont see too many of that colour on the streets... :)

  2. anyone have a spare RHS drivers knee?

    mine developed a chronic clicking sound yesterday arvo when i was running after my nephew! :lol:

    doh! getting old! :ph34r:

    I get that every time I bend my knee past a certain angle... I don't think it's age as much as it is downward force for us larger blokes

    yeah, mine is downward force + cartilage damage + gristle floating around in the joint... :lol:

    its all levels of awesomeness... :D

  3. lame/soft/losers/pikers/etc...


    if snorlax came out till the end, no one has any excuse!!! :P

    ps. gotta get that damn sticker on my car... stupid dirty car... :(

    you love us. Well me anyway

    if i have to be honest, i love stu more than you... :wub:



    steven: first time i went to hogs breath in YEARS... and the fact that they only had two types of steak is a ***** poor effort for a steak house...

    i say we go to brekkie creak hotel next time for a PROPER night out...

    who's in?!?!?!

  4. As everyone has said it was a good night and I think we should do it more often! We are a social bunch afterall.

    Sorry that we bailed on the ice cream, we had a leaking bottle of wine in the car :( not cool!

    Pete, hope you had a good night too, and a great birthday. See you again soon.



    if snorlax came out till the end, no one has any excuse!!! :P

    ps. gotta get that damn sticker on my car... stupid dirty car... :(

  5. couldnt make it cause i spent all night last night getting prices for the stuff that got stolen and writing a LOOONNNNNGGGGGGGG ***** email to the insurance assessor explaining why we believed we were getting screwed and how the items that were stolen were grossly undervalued... fuqn cnuts!!! seriously hate insurance companies!!! :(

    anyway, i'll try to make it to dinner on tuesday night... :)

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