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Posts posted by SecaBoy

  1. its not just fwds that suffer from loss of traction... rwds also suffer loss of traction from a heavy foot at the lights...

    as daryl was saying, you need to learn to feed the accelerator on rather than just stomping on the loud pedal...

    if you feed the gas on, you'll find that you rarely will spin the wheels... :)

  2. Now I feel Ash's feelings when his rims were stolen.. :lol: Not good!

    your situation is WAY worse than mine dude... if i was in your situation, i would have snapped and hit someone! :(

    in relation to the wheel/lock nuts...

    all lock nuts are one of a few sizes... so its not that hard to just take all of the sizes with you when you go to steal rims...

    lock nuts WILL NOT stop these fuqheads!! just wanted to make sure that everyone understands this!

    seriously though, how the fuq did they have the time to steal your rims when your car was parked on the street!! :o

    if they catch them, make sure you hit them for me too... these scum need to learn a lesson.. :lol:

  3. at the end of the day, you have to ignore all the hype over every phone in the market (*) and pick one based on your requirements.

    (*) yes, EVERY phone has some sort of hype attached to it... just that apple's marketing team beats the hell outta google/sony/RIM/etc.

    for me, the ease of use of the phone is number one for me by a LONG way...

    NOTHING comes close to an iphone interms of being able to pick it up and do whatever you want with it within seconds...

    imo, blackberrys have the most annoying interface on this planet!

    android phones are still too new in the market to benefit from developers making apps for it...

    thats the unfortunate truth...

    if apple doesnt develop a new software that doesnt have so many god damn limitations and actually embraces some of the features that a JB gives you (ie, SBSettings, Quick reply SMS, etc), then i have no doubt that android will overtake apple as the most popular OS on the market...

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