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Posts posted by SecaBoy

  1. well technically, the OP didnt say the sizing of the old pod and the new pod... so if they are indeed a big difference in size, then you are WRONG.. so bite me princess!! :P

    oh and fyi, if the filter needs to be oiled, then they all come pre oiled... ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh SNAP back at ya... :P :lol:


    welcome to the real car club!! :D

    and by real car, i mean you know its real cause it keeps breaking down... :lol: :P

    nah seriously though, congrats... we will have to talk "future mods" next time you come out mate. :)

  3. it might be racism... but i doubt it...

    if you're racist, you're usually ignorant... they go hand in hand...

    if you're ignorant, then you sure as hell dont know what my plates mean... ;) haha

    i think its more of the fact that people know the plates and are therefore targeting it cause of the plates...

    orrrrrrrrr, it could just be that i have some really bad luck! i think this is more of the case... but my paranoia does kick in sometimes... :lol:

    Unfortunately it's just the area - literally a hotspot for car breaks

    Forget area and plates.. Maybe it's the guy.. :lol:.. :P

    bite me! :lol:

  4. it might be racism... but i doubt it...

    if you're racist, you're usually ignorant... they go hand in hand...

    if you're ignorant, then you sure as hell dont know what my plates mean... ;) haha

    i think its more of the fact that people know the plates and are therefore targeting it cause of the plates...

    orrrrrrrrr, it could just be that i have some really bad luck! i think this is more of the case... but my paranoia does kick in sometimes... :lol:

  5. paradigm: home and contents insurance to cover items outside the house was an extra 1k a year... :(

    xoom: yeah, and those kinda things only work if its connected to the net... my ipad was a wifi only model... :(

    vf-x: yeah, this has made me think about getting a full alarm system with all the bells and whistles... but at the end of the day, it still wont stop a "smash and grab"... :(

    unique: nah, not all on this car... since i got the number plates... these plates have been on 4 or 5 cars (cant remember which car was the first to wear them)... my wrx got the tyres slashed, my euro got keyed, my trd got egged, and this one got broken into... :(

  6. it was parked in the carpark behind arrivederci on park rd... i usually NEVER park there, but because it was raining and it was busy, i thought i'd just park there to be close to the restaurant... :(

    mick, no, unfortunately i didnt have that setting on... but i've activated it on my iphone now.. :lol:

  7. Can everyone please keep an eye out for a 64gb wifi ipad on the second hand market?

    My car was broken into on saturday night in milton and they stolen my ipad.

    It also had the camera connection kit with it.

    The fuqing low life scum fuqs smashed my window and stole it while i was having dinner.

    No, my comprehensive car insurance doesnt cover stuff inside the car.

    no, it wasnt in plain sight. it was in a bag with clothes, under a jacket on the floor of the back seat of my car...

    Ill post up the serial number of the ipad when i get it.

    fuqing sh!t end to a fuqing sh!t week.

    Not to mention the fact that if they crack the pin number on the ipad, they have access to highly confidential information about work. Fuqing awesome!!

    thinking about changing my plates now... i'm starting to think that someone doesnt like me...

    since i got these plates, my cars have gone through these: slashed tyres, keyed car, egged, and now this...

    its enough to make me paranoid... :lol:

    EDIT: WHOOOPS!!! wrong section... i had two windows open and accidently posted it in the car section... can a mod please move it for me?


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