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Posts posted by SecaBoy

  1. you're getting old phil.. the poor kid was just trying to have some fun... :lol:

    and i bet the conversation went like this:

    Other: is that a sportivo

    Me: Yes

    Other: How much faster are they than my this, i hear they are not that fast

    Me: So close, I wouldn't bother mate

    :P hehe

  2. oh thats fuqn dodgy as!!! :(

    a few years ago, a friend was in a similar situation...

    so he got someone else to approach the guy and say that he has cash and has heard from someone that they had X product and was willing to pay good money for it...

    the guy agreed and gave him his home address (yeah, real smart guy aye! lol)...

    so he told the cops everything and the guy got busted... HAHAHAHA

    you never know, it might work for you too! lol

    these guys arent that smart generally...

  3. okay...

    so here is some specs... i guess i just have to do some measurements over the weekend to see where they will sit...

    i know the rims will fit the falcon, just not sure on how close to the guards they'll be...


    Stock - 8" +36

    New - 8.5" +35

    Result: 5mm closer to the strut and 7mm further out.


    Stock - 8" +36

    New - 9.5" +35

    Result: 18mm closer to the strut and 20mm further out.

    my thoughts are that the fronts are fine, but the rear guards may need to be rolled...

    i'll measure the stock clearances over the weekend and post up my results...

  4. try getting one for a ML350 merc... i enquired about one for my dad as a bday present...

    got told it would cost me $250... i then said to the guy 'no, it already has the unit in the car, i just need the special cable'... and he replied with 'yes sir, thats just the cable.'


    bunch of cnuts!!!

    edit: i should have actually asked this up front... which year is your car? is it the facelift?

    cause i think they came std with ipod integration... no?

  5. nope...

    they found the van though... all burnt out and nothing left inside...

    they even took the 25c in the ashtray! hahaha

    middle of the night is bad, but the cnuts that took my sh!t did it between 7am and 9am... they were DEFINITELY watching the place i reckon...

    either way, i'd recommend posting pictures/information about the rims... people can then keep a look out for them on ebay/forums etc... you never know, they might turn up for sale interstate...

    i hope they catch the fuqers, but to be honest i wouldnt hold my breath... :(

  6. http://www.advancedice.com.au

    SupaTouring on here had it and from what i understand he didnt have any issues with it...

    installation costs (if done professionally), would be somewhere around the $60-$100 mark i'm guessing...3.


    three options depending on how crazy you wanna go with it...




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