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Posts posted by SecaBoy

  1. tint film would be very hard to use because of the bulges in the lights... :(

    if it were smooth, but curved around, it wouldnt be too bad, but its got that bulge which would be an absolute cnut of a job to get right... :(

    i cant paint for sh!t, so i was gonna get me mate to spray it professionally, but obviously just never got around to it...

    the beauty of paint is that you can start with a light coat and then build it up until you have the darkness you're after... with tint, if you want it darker then you've gotta remove that tint film and start again with a darker one... no?

  2. damn you steve... you're finishing off what i wanted to do to those lights!! :lol:

    i was gonna head down the route of number 2... but i had a black car, so it would have looked pretty good... not too sure if that dark a tinting would look good or not on your gold car...

    maybe try number 3 level of tint and then go darker if you want later on...

    i assume you'll be doing it yourself?

  3. welcome to the forums mate...

    as the brissie crew loose one trd, we seem to replace it with another... :lol:

    first dave got replaced by daryl's trd and now my trd is replaced with yours! :D

    make sure you come out on thursday nights... we're all a good bunch of people.. :)

  4. I had to make up for the ***** poor effort the first time. Lol.

    And i could have kept going, but i backed off because i thought i saw cop lights in my rear vision mirror. Got paranoid? Hahaha

    One leggas ftw!!!! Lol. At least i think it was a one legga. Lol

    The left side tyre is SIGNIFICANTLY more worn than the right one. Hahahaha


    I mean, no, you guys are lying. There was no skid! Lying lying people!

    Ps. Northy, wanna a comp? Hehehe

  5. the 23mm one is only advertised on the malaysian site...


    if you want to buy it through them, you can:


    otherwise, email Luis @ ultra.racing.australia@hotmail.com and tell him that you saw it on the malay site and you were wondering if he could get one in for you... (might be cheaper, but it might be more expensive)

    to be honest though, after reading your posts about the way you drive, the 23mm one is going to be a waste of money... the 19mm one will suffice... :)

  6. ahhh yes, you're right... :)

    i just realised that when i was thinking about it, i used the +45 as the "original" rim, and the +36 as the "new" rim... :lol: my bad!

    anyway, they're going with the car unless daryl wants them.. :D

  7. would be GREAT for the economy... but all our government funded "services" (and i use that term very loosely!) would be non-existant... lol

    i should be getting a fair chunk back this year though... i've only worked for half the year, but obviously got taxed as if i was working the full year... :D

  8. dont worry, i'll probably get another set of buddy clubs for the new car... :D

    i love those wheels too much!! :D haha

    it is sad that i'm selling the TRD... its honestly been a great car for me and i still love it...

    the ONLY reason i'm getting the xr6t is cause i'm constantly on the quest of more power, and the trd just doesnt give me that option... :(

    plus the fact that i'm pretty sure these sh!t auto boxes would break with 1hp more... :lol:

    i still fail to see why they didnt use the zf box... if ford can do it, i'm sure toyota coulda done it... yeah i know the whole "cost saving" bullsh!t, but if they integrated the zf box in all their cars, the cost would not be that much higher and its a better box in every single aspect!

    anywho, thats a completely seperate point and really not worth discussing because toyota will never change.. :lol:

    *sniff* i will greatly miss the trd though.. its treated me well even when i've pushed it to the limits... :D

    would have liked to see it stay within the community, but i dont think anyone would be in the mind set of upgrading...

    plus, i got a really surprising trade in figure from ford... i think they shot themselves in the foot to be honest... :lol:

    gotta get used to the rwd car now... EEK!! hope i dont crash in the first week! lol *touch wood*

    NO JOY RIDES!!!! :angry:

    only skid rides!!! :lol::spiteful:

    just kidding... i'll behave myself! :D

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