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Posts posted by SecaBoy

  1. try driving a late model modified wrx at the age of 21... :lol:

    once a week i was pulled over for a "RBT AND RANDOM LICENCE CHECK"... :lol: random my a$$!

    in your situation, you'd think the cops would be able to sort their $hit out though. thats just total BS if all the "systems" are saying there is no problem, but there is quite obviously a problem... :lol:

  2. its not just the TRD though man... look at the prices of the normal aurions...

    i blame the fact that the aurion has become a "fleet" car... so the market is just flooded with them!

    i'm just arguing the fact that the toyota name brand goes hand in hand with good resale... its not always like that!

    its just like any other car... :)

  3. yeah cause thats a WAAAYYYYYYY better resale value than toyota... :lol:

    people who say "toyota have a great resale value" are severely delusional!

    my TRD's RRP was 70k... what is it worth now? well, i'd be luck to get 30k for it these days...

    oh and its just a smidge over 2yrs old...

  4. put it this way... right now is a good time to buy any VE holden...

    the R8, auto, leather, bimodal exhaust, sports suspension was $65k drive away... thats like 15k under RRP i think... at least 10k...

  5. its fuqn bulls!t...

    i fail to see how ONE person can be blamed for the 'mining tax'... the majority of the labour party have to back the proposal before to goes ahead (to my understanding)...

    ugh... so fuqn lame...

    i know i wont be voting for anybody next time...

    i'm gonna vote for DJKOR.... :lol:

  6. JAP: as far as i understand, its not the same 4cyl that get shut down all the time... they rotate which cyl gets shut down...

    i could be completely wrong, but i remember reading something about it a while back... it might not have been the holden though...

    the only time i'd buy an XR6T over the SSV would be if i was planning on modding the car (ie, everytime! :lol:)

    std car vs std car, the SSV is a much nicer car to drive, imo...

    R8 vs F6 is a WHOLLLLEEEEEE other ball game... ;)

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