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Everything posted by justin_es

  1. spread lol gees theres something wrong with me ??? what about yourself haha LOL
  2. juice you could take that as any type of juice if it offends anybody i meant orange juice lol if it doesnt offend you then you know what runx and i are talking about
  3. ok guys im just about to go buy myself a video camera im thinking of th panasonic NV-GS35 wich ive been told is currently the best camera on the market for its price before getting into the 3CCD cameras its got 30x optical zoom wich is the strongest lense on the market as standard anyways its gonna be used for our car cruises and meets and things like that so i want something with decent sound quality due to loud cars and good for moving anyways was just wondering who has what camera and have they had any troubles with theres so i know to stay away form them also does anyone have rthe panasonic NV-GS35 cheers guys
  4. deepthroat not beer from the bong
  5. ok well there speedy lite 7's in 18s ITHINK there 8kg wish is lighter than our standard rims i could be wrong i just dont understand that if the 16 and the 18 is exactly the same weight why does the 18 make your car slower and if the 18s being lighter than the 16's would 18's still be slower than stock 16's
  6. beer bong its on runx your going down lol
  7. ok then so i got 2 opinions totally the opposite of each other actually ill have more grip cus the tyres will be wider also why does bigger rims say 18's compared to 16's make your car slower
  8. :D Sorry man, i met the guyearly but one guy was late the 20v levin, and we waited for him, im so sorry man...be on time next time.... :( ← nah man its cool doesnt bother me i was just having a joke thats all its all good man cheers :D
  9. ok guys i have read so many times that putting 18's on my Stivo will actually slow the car down the rims im lookingat are the speedy lite 7's so there light weight anyways i have also herd of some people that bigger rims ( to and extent im not talking 20's or anything) will actually help the performance and the ca will go quicker so wich one is true i want rims but i dont want to spend big dollars and sacrifice and speed gotta hold my reputation against there SSS pulsars in my area if i go bigger will i start losing cheers guys any info will be good
  10. hey man it was a good night last night thanks for getting the meet going considering you was like an hour late to your own meet but oh well just wanted to say i am SO dissapointed i didnt come on the natio run but by the time i got home from there would have been a littleto late for me cus i had things to get done anyway hope you all enjoyed the noise i made as i blasted past everyone up the entrance onto homebush bay drive ( i thinkit wa scalled) cant wait for the next cruise cheers
  11. oh damn really just as i was getting over my withdrawels from selling my commodore and starting to fall in love with my stivo it might be recalled anyway bloody hell hope someone has some information on this
  12. damn sisters LOL old word was painful but 04rola's word changed the subject and he beat me to it
  13. not certain how true this is but somone told me that for the first 30-50kms after the reset you shouldnt hit redline as it slows down the learning curve cus the ECU rejects it or something cus its trying to learn from scratch again like learning how to ride a bike after so many years you can do it but your a little unsure at first so you should only go like 7000rpm give it a 700rpm gap before hitting redline only for first 50km but then next 150kms HAMMER it lol but you still need to drive it hard for it to learn how you want it too
  14. hey guys see you all there my car is in the garage im doing an ECU reset as we speak so ill get a few km's on it before tonight so it should hopefully be running fine by then catch you later
  15. road LOL hey big bum i just noticed for the first time your kill list or should i say your killed BY list haha that was a good one i was sitting there thinking gees must be a good driver to take down them cars then i realise they took you down lol sorry guys back on topic
  16. yeah man ill be there almost certainly but im going about 10pm OR when you leave for the cruise ill just go home maybe just depends where your going cus ill be on my own and i sorta need to know how to get home ASAP when needed to so i thought ill play it safe and just go to the meet and thats it so make suer you all come say hello the 05 white stivo with a guy on his own
  17. TOYOTA AAAAAAAAAHAHAHAHAHA sorry im in a phsyco mood lol
  18. hey man i had no problem with them coming i actually thought i would be good for more of the toyota's to come but from the way this thread has been going it just seemed to me it was a rolla meet just a mistake man sorry im completely happy with all other cars coming too :D
  19. ok thats cool with me i just didnt want to say yes and offend grey rolla cus he seems VERY EXCITED about seeing all the rolla's there and no other car has been mentioned to turning up so i assumed it was a rolla cruise thats cool ill go back through the founms and let them all know its for all toyota's not just rollas
  20. i have a few people asking if they can bring there celicas and what not i did state that it is a ROLLA meet so unless people say otherwise let me know so that i can say yes but it currently stands at a no i told them its a rolla cruise
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