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New Kluger owner, got a lot of question, as you can tell.

does taking the engine cover off have any benefits or drawbacks, One I can think off is it would keep the engine cooler , but does the engine cover have any function other than to hide the engine? and maybe stop you touching the engine and burning your hand.

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It is there for functional and cosmetic reasons.

It keeps dirt and other crap out of there and helps prevent calcification type corrosion on the alloy parts caused by water etc.

What about retaining heat towards the bonnet?

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It is a piece of crap that needs to be removed as soon as is possible !

I took mine off one day after getting my Kluger ;) you can read my main thread to see what the engine looks like without it and the benefits of doing so :)

After 18,000km there is NO dirt or other rubbish on the engine at all, but unlike all other cars that leave the cover on my wiring harnesses all over the engine are soft and pliable and show no signs of heat stress as would be the case with the cosmetic rubbish plastic cover attached.

Do it, it's the best mod you can do to your car :)


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  • 2 months later...

Anyone noticed whether the bonnet is hotter with the engine cover removed? I'm a little concerned with the potential for additional heat from the engine to accelerate the degredation of the clear coat over time.

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I personally would leave the cover on because for me it feels better to have that extra layer between the engine and the bonnet.

In reply to RICE RACING. My Aurion has gone 72,000kms through hot Queensland summers an hard driving, and my wiring harness on the top of the engine is in perfect condition. I even spliced open a section of the flame resistant split loom and the wires inside show no signs of heat stress. This is a good indication that the wiring loom is doing the job it was designed for. The loom itself may feel stiffer than new, but that's what they do. Even the exposed wires at the ends of the harness are still in good condition.

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The loom is stiffer cause its rooted from heat :rolleyes:


This is not an internets opinion rather it's engineering facts, stuff that I have been exposed too since 1991 when I first started out with cars and doing my job!

Leave the cover on if you want to degrade your cars engine! Take the POS off if you want it to be better like I said, the advise is free and you can thank me years down the track :yahoo:

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Anyone noticed whether the bonnet is hotter with the engine cover removed? I'm a little concerned with the potential for additional heat from the engine to accelerate the degredation of the clear coat over time.

Absolutely not, if anything the engine bay is cooler as the motor can dissipate the heat or reject it as its meant to do rather than bottling it all in with the token crap looking insulating cover on top of all of the vital electronics and the poor little engine itself :)

Remember the simple fact about the internets and forums....... Most all of them are wrong! You need to look behind the people giving you the information and their qualifications and also Reality based experiences V's the Virtual worlds token sample of one or two from people who have discovered a forum gives them a voice and the internets gives them factual informational credibility :)

I can't tell you strongly enough, taking the crap cover off is the best thing you can ever do for your poor suffering engine :toast:

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