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Annoying noises

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I don't know if this has been posted elsewhere (Sorry if it is), but here goes.

My 2003 Corolla is making some annoying knocking noises when idling, they are very discreet but audible. It doesn't happen when in neutral, but only in drive or when there is a pulling load that you know... vibrates the car slightly. It isn't coming from the engine, but it's from somewhere behind the dash board on the passenger side. I don't know what it could be (maybe a loose wire or bracket?). But it would be nice to get rid of that annoying noise. So do you guys know what it could be? My mechanic is stumped too because it isn't the engine or tranny from what he sees.


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Hmm... funnily enough the noises dissapeared after I drove through a street with really crappy quality and plenty of potholes that shook the car like a blender when travelling at 60KM/h.

Well that's a good thing because it shut itself up for now and I hope it stays that way...

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