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Oil consumption V8 Turbo Diesel


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Has anyone else got unusual high oil consumption with their V8 Turbo Diesel, or is it just me ?? :(

Within a few weeks after delivery I noticed my new GXL Wagon was using oil. Not just a bit, but 1.4L in the first month alone ! (about 4000km). Now, 4 month later, my 4WD is undergoing yet another oil consumption test at my local Toyota Service Centre. It appears it is mostly obvious after driving long hill climbs. (i.e. Blue Mountains, Snowy Mountains). Just topped oil up again, this time with 1.1 L just after 3000km.

Finally heard today (3rd. party) that this is internally known within Toyota, but yet nothing done about it! :unsure:

Anyone else with information or similar experience ?

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Has anyone else got unusual high oil consumption with their V8 Turbo Diesel, or is it just me ?? :(

Within a few weeks after delivery I noticed my new GXL Wagon was using oil. Not just a bit, but 1.4L in the first month alone ! (about 4000km). Now, 4 month later, my 4WD is undergoing yet another oil consumption test at my local Toyota Service Centre. It appears it is mostly obvious after driving long hill climbs. (i.e. Blue Mountains, Snowy Mountains). Just topped oil up again, this time with 1.1 L just after 3000km.

Finally heard today (3rd. party) that this is internally known within Toyota, but yet nothing done about it! :unsure:

Anyone else with information or similar experience ?

Checkout my posting in the LC200 section..http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17964...noisy diesel. Make sure your dealer submits a 'DRP' as per my posting..


Edited by Kymbo
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Has anyone else got unusual high oil consumption with their V8 Turbo Diesel, or is it just me ?? :(

Within a few weeks after delivery I noticed my new GXL Wagon was using oil. Not just a bit, but 1.4L in the first month alone ! (about 4000km). Now, 4 month later, my 4WD is undergoing yet another oil consumption test at my local Toyota Service Centre. It appears it is mostly obvious after driving long hill climbs. (i.e. Blue Mountains, Snowy Mountains). Just topped oil up again, this time with 1.1 L just after 3000km.

Finally heard today (3rd. party) that this is internally known within Toyota, but yet nothing done about it! :unsure:

Anyone else with information or similar experience ?

Checkout my posting in the LC200 section..http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/index.php?showtopic=17964...noisy diesel. Make sure your dealer submits a 'DRP' as per my posting..


105,000 kms now and hasn't used any oil between services since 50,000kms.


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Has anyone else got unusual high oil consumption with their V8 Turbo Diesel, or is it just me ?? :(

Within a few weeks after delivery I noticed my new GXL Wagon was using oil. Not just a bit, but 1.4L in the first month alone ! (about 4000km). Now, 4 month later, my 4WD is undergoing yet another oil consumption test at my local Toyota Service Centre. It appears it is mostly obvious after driving long hill climbs. (i.e. Blue Mountains, Snowy Mountains). Just topped oil up again, this time with 1.1 L just after 3000km.

Finally heard today (3rd. party) that this is internally known within Toyota, but yet nothing done about it! :unsure:

Anyone else with information or similar experience ?

I had similar problems with my 2008 model, in fact the 3000k check they put me on showed little movement but then it really jumped down by about 7000ks so much I even carried spare oil with me. The local dealer ordered and installed some revised pump I think, without any pushing, and I have had no issues since. Just done 9000k's, a lot of it towing a caravan and the oil has hardly moved. It was a known problem I had heard from others but thought it was fixed on later versions. But I love the vehicle.

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G'day kschoepple, Kymbo and Nomad,

Excessive oil consumption in TLC 200 Series Diesels is a well known fact - to owners and to Toyota Australia.

In fact in Toyota Australia's techTorque magazine, issue 20, page 14 and 15, there is a detailed article about it. This was circulated to Toyota dealers in about mid-2008!!!!

I have tried to attach a copy of the article without success. If you are really interested e-mail me at kenhay@iinet.net.au and I will try to copy it to you by direct e-mail.

Also, on page 13 there is an article about LC200 Turbo Diesel Autoatic Transmission and the earliest point of engagement of 6th gear.

The problem with the oil consumption is a faulty oil system vaccum pump - whatever that is. I had ine replaced in February 2010 and still use some oil but nowhere near the amount prior to replacement of the pump.

(See my post about al my problems with my VX TLC 200 Diesel.)

I'm not certain but I think the problem has been rectified in later production runs of thes evehicles.

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Has anyone else got unusual high oil consumption with their V8 Turbo Diesel, or is it just me ?? :(

Within a few weeks after delivery I noticed my new GXL Wagon was using oil. Not just a bit, but 1.4L in the first month alone ! (about 4000km). Now, 4 month later, my 4WD is undergoing yet another oil consumption test at my local Toyota Service Centre. It appears it is mostly obvious after driving long hill climbs. (i.e. Blue Mountains, Snowy Mountains). Just topped oil up again, this time with 1.1 L just after 3000km.

Finally heard today (3rd. party) that this is internally known within Toyota, but yet nothing done about it! :unsure:

Anyone else with information or similar experience ?

Hi goto lcool.org and sighn up there you are by far not the only person with this problem there is a letter drafted up there in the 200 forum section for ppl to fill in with this exact complaint i think there is currently 95 on the list and more signing every day !!!

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here is the drafted letter just copy and paste it into a note pad or similar add your details

Concerned Toyota Landcruser 200 Diesel Owners


To the Dealer Principle / Service Manager, (…) Toyota)

RE: My (20…) 200 Series V8 Twin Turbo Diesel Landcruiser.

Dear Sir / Madam.

My name is (…). On the (…) I purchased through your dealership a 20(..) 200 Series Landcruiser V8 Twin Turbo Diesel. I have had the vehicle serviced regularly since I obtained the vehicle as per the manufacturers log book standards.

I am also a member of a group of over 95 (and growing daily) concerned owners experiencing the essentially the same issues.

Whilst we appreciate that the 200 Series is a completely new model, and is bound to have some mechanical warranty issues, I have stuck by your dealership and my Landcruiser.

However, what we cannot condone is the issue of the relatively high oil consumption, accompanied with the excuses and β€˜fobbing off’ from the dealership anymore.

Currently, I am using in the range of (…) and (…) between services, which are at 10000km intervals. This concerns me greatly.

Another issue that concerns me greatly is the ambiguity of information contained in the Landcruiser operation manual in regards to oil consumption.

On page 289 it states under the heading;

Engine Oil Consumption

* The amount of engine oil consumed depends on the oil viscosity, the quality of the oil and the way the vehicle is drive.

* More oil is used under driving conditions such as high speeds and frequent acceleration and deceleration.

* A new engine consumes more oil

* When judging the amount of oil consumption, keep in mine that the oil may have become diluted, making it difficult to judge the true level accurately.

*Oil consumption: Max 1.0 litre per 1000km (which seems on laymen’s terms quite excessive.

* If you consume more than 1.0 litre of oil per 1000 km contact your dealership.

It seems that some (most dealers that our group deals with) dealers are getting around this issue by overfilling the oil level to give the owner the impression that the oil consumption isn’t as bad as it may seem.

This is where the ambiguity of the matter comes into play.

On page 290, still under the general heading of Engine Oil Consumption, there is a notice that states;

* To prevent serious engine damage

Check the oil on a regular basis.

* When replacing the engine oil

*Be careful not to spill engine oil on the vehicle component.

*Avoid overfilling, as the engine could be damaged

*Check the oil level on the dipstick every time you refill the vehicle.

*Be sure that the engine oil filler cap is properly tightened.

So, to sum up the issue so far is that my Diesel Landcruiser is using excessive amounts of oil, which can cause engine damage if it gets to low unnoticed, such as a long distance trip, and to combat this, the majority of dealers are over filling the oil volume to make the excessive oil consumption not look as bad, which in turn can damage the engine of our vehicles. This, in my opinion is a serious, fraudulent and negligent act from the dealers and I’m concerned that they may have (un)wittingly exposed themselves to legal ramifications and ongoing legal / media issues.

On a personal level, I have seen my oil level overfilled, by looking at the dipstick almost straight after a service, once getting home, I have observed to oil level on the dipstick some 20mm – 30mm OVER the full mark. I believe that this would have to have some detrimental effect on the longevity of the engine.

Some owners have had the vacuum pumps replaced and in some instances this has reduced the oil consumption rate, on some others it has not fixed a thing.

I was put on an oil consumption test, where I was told that my car had used just over the recommended amount of oil for the period of the test, but should be fixed by the oil vacuum fix, but months further on, I have heard nothing further about the vacuum pump fix , even through numerous follow ups such as phone calls and enquiries at service times.

As a group, we have been approached certain nation wide media outlets in relation to this oil consumption issue. They very interested in taking carriage of the matter due to the outstanding issues that Toyota are facing currently in the United States.

However, in the name of fairness, and some sound and prudent legal advice, we are going to give Toyota the opportunity of fixing the issue, or devising a reasonable solution to the oil consumption matter before we take the path of going to the media.

Also, in the name of fairness, we are not putting a defined time limit for the solution to be sorted out, but we would hope that Toyota would like to have the issue sorted out in a relative quick and prudent time to reduce the prospects on exposing itself to adverse public media attention and probable legal action from concerned owners

There is one last matter that is also concerning us. That is when the warranty period expires, Toyota Motor Company will wipe its hands of us

After spending the amount of money that we have on your product, we would like some reassurance that this won’t happen.

Kind regards


Concerned Toyota Landcruser 200 Diesel Owners


Edited by Sahara 09
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  • 2 weeks later...

Thanks to everyone who replied.

It seems to be somewhat bewildering that a problem which is known to Toyota for over 2 years, is still causing trouble in a car which was only manufactured in January this year. By that stage such a problem should be well and truly eradicated. Also the fact that not more Toyota owners have responded makes me wonder if I am just "the lucky one who got the Friday afternoon model" ??

Anyway, fact is the oil consumption test was completed today. Looks like the engine is using 4.5 - 5 Litres of oil between the 10,000km services. Looking at the owners book it mentions that oil consumption of up to 1 Litre / 1000km can occur. Which I think is absolutely unacceptable. Might as well not bother with any oil change, just wait 'till the oil is used up and refill then. <_< (just kidding)

Considering that my old Troopy used less than 1 Litre between services and had 400,000km done by the time I sold it, yet this "great new 4WD" is really disappointing.

I guess I just have to wait now what the official response of Toyota will be, once this oil consumption report has been assessed.

Happy driving.


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Thanks to everyone who replied.

It seems to be somewhat bewildering that a problem which is known to Toyota for over 2 years, is still causing trouble in a car which was only manufactured in January this year. By that stage such a problem should be well and truly eradicated. Also the fact that not more Toyota owners have responded makes me wonder if I am just "the lucky one who got the Friday afternoon model" ??

Anyway, fact is the oil consumption test was completed today. Looks like the engine is using 4.5 - 5 Litres of oil between the 10,000km services. Looking at the owners book it mentions that oil consumption of up to 1 Litre / 1000km can occur. Which I think is absolutely unacceptable. Might as well not bother with any oil change, just wait 'till the oil is used up and refill then. <_< (just kidding)

Considering that my old Troopy used less than 1 Litre between services and had 400,000km done by the time I sold it, yet this "great new 4WD" is really disappointing.

I guess I just have to wait now what the official response of Toyota will be, once this oil consumption report has been assessed.

Happy driving.


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Thanks to everyone who replied.

It seems to be somewhat bewildering that a problem which is known to Toyota for over 2 years, is still causing trouble in a car which was only manufactured in January this year. By that stage such a problem should be well and truly eradicated. Also the fact that not more Toyota owners have responded makes me wonder if I am just "the lucky one who got the Friday afternoon model" ??

Anyway, fact is the oil consumption test was completed today. Looks like the engine is using 4.5 - 5 Litres of oil between the 10,000km services. Looking at the owners book it mentions that oil consumption of up to 1 Litre / 1000km can occur. Which I think is absolutely unacceptable. Might as well not bother with any oil change, just wait 'till the oil is used up and refill then. <_< (just kidding)

Considering that my old Troopy used less than 1 Litre between services and had 400,000km done by the time I sold it, yet this "great new 4WD" is really disappointing.

I guess I just have to wait now what the official response of Toyota will be, once this oil consumption report has been assessed.

Happy driving.



If you wait for Toyota to do something chances are you will wait a long while. Get onto thir hammer firstly through your dealer IN WRITING then write to Toyota Australia, GPO Box 2006S, Melbourne. Vic 3001 and send another letter every month until you get a response. If you do get a reply it will come from the euphemistically named Customer Experience Consultant in Carringbah, Sydney. It took 18 months and a few letters from the first major issue with the oil in my Cruiser until the vaccuum pump was replaced. If you are interested in learning about how these big time operators think and what they think of their customers (and staff) read the recent book, "The Men Killed Qantas". The parallels with their behaviour and Toyotas in dealing with isues is amazing. Two common factors are ARROGANCE and IGNORING the issues.


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i have a 2009 gxl 200 series wagon, it uses up to 3 litres / 10000 km, they have replace the vacuum pump. they have replaced one turbo as the intercooler was filling up with oil. it is still using oil and there is a rattle in the motor as the oil light has come on and the engine was low on oil. the dealer does not wish to do anything about this.

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Thanks to everyone who replied.

It seems to be somewhat bewildering that a problem which is known to Toyota for over 2 years, is still causing trouble in a car which was only manufactured in January this year. By that stage such a problem should be well and truly eradicated. Also the fact that not more Toyota owners have responded makes me wonder if I am just "the lucky one who got the Friday afternoon model" ??

Anyway, fact is the oil consumption test was completed today. Looks like the engine is using 4.5 - 5 Litres of oil between the 10,000km services. Looking at the owners book it mentions that oil consumption of up to 1 Litre / 1000km can occur. Which I think is absolutely unacceptable. Might as well not bother with any oil change, just wait 'till the oil is used up and refill then. <_< (just kidding)

Considering that my old Troopy used less than 1 Litre between services and had 400,000km done by the time I sold it, yet this "great new 4WD" is really disappointing.

I guess I just have to wait now what the official response of Toyota will be, once this oil consumption report has been assessed.

Happy driving.


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Thanks to everyone who replied.

It seems to be somewhat bewildering that a problem which is known to Toyota for over 2 years, is still causing trouble in a car which was only manufactured in January this year. By that stage such a problem should be well and truly eradicated. Also the fact that not more Toyota owners have responded makes me wonder if I am just "the lucky one who got the Friday afternoon model" ??

Anyway, fact is the oil consumption test was completed today. Looks like the engine is using 4.5 - 5 Litres of oil between the 10,000km services. Looking at the owners book it mentions that oil consumption of up to 1 Litre / 1000km can occur. Which I think is absolutely unacceptable. Might as well not bother with any oil change, just wait 'till the oil is used up and refill then. <_< (just kidding)

Considering that my old Troopy used less than 1 Litre between services and had 400,000km done by the time I sold it, yet this "great new 4WD" is really disappointing.

I guess I just have to wait now what the official response of Toyota will be, once this oil consumption report has been assessed.

Happy driving.


Hello Karl (and others with unresolved oil consumption 200 series v8 diesels)

Whilst forums are not the place to flog products, sometimes communication of solutions are worthwhile if they are genuine. Not withstanding the various pump and other possible mechanical issues described here (which are the manufacturers problem), these 200 series engines require a high spec engine oil. I suspect that various dealers and service centres use a variety of oils (both in base oil, API spec, viscosity and additive pack ingedients). In many cases, this could explain the avriety of oil consumption levels being quoted here. I have had some success this year resolving oil consumption issues immediatley in 200 series v8's with a CJ-4 semi synthetic 15W40 diesel engine oil, with special soot control features in the add pack. I have collegues in both VIC and NSW who have complained bitterly about this issue and by taking this particular oil to the dealer for servicing, discoverd the oil consumption issue was resolved, together with a noticable decrease in engine noise on startup.

Interested members are welcome to email me if they would like to discuss this solution in more detail or be referred to some 200 series owners who have resolved this issue.

Kind regards to all


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Hi Bruce,

thanks for the reply. I will certainly try the other oil on my next service (about 6 weeks away).

Needless to say I didn't get an official reply yet from Toyota, despite that the oil consumption test finished over two weeks ago.

(Also still waiting on a new stereo, in order to fix the Bluetooth issue, - but this is another story. Besides, it only has been 5 months on that issue ) ! <_<

However, it is still amazing that Toyota could simply resolve such issue by quoting such oil in the owners manual. Instead they just list a general, common diesel motor oil. (which I made sure was used by my mechanic)

Once again, thanks Bruce. It's people like yourself who more often then not, find solution which otherwise would go unnoticed for a long time.


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  • 2 weeks later...

Latest News:

Had a phone call this morning from Toyota. There is an issue with this particular type of motor, which is known to Toyota. Apparently the return feedpipe which connects to the oil pump has a problem with a gasket (....so the story goes). This is being already fixed during assembly of the motor in the factory for some time now. However, for some reason this hasn't worked in my engine or the fix wasn't applied correctly at the time. <_<

So now I've been told to 'wait a bit longer' so Toyota can investigate the mater further. In the meantime I'm supposed to keep topping up the oil. (since I haven't got any other hobbies and nothing else to do, why not? ) <_<

So as they say:

....watch this space

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  • 2 months later...

Current situation:

Just been to my local Toyota service centre, but still no news from Toyota head office.

Have taken the matter now to Dept. of Fair Trading.

I did consider using the high performance oil as suggested by Bruce in his reply. However, I had another look in the owners manual and such oils are not officially listed / supported. Since I do not want to risk my warranty I have decided against a trial of such oil, unless I get the go ahead by Toyota to do so.

I hope this matter will be resolved soon.

....until then,....happy driving.

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  • 2 weeks later...

Hello all !

I have a 200 VX 11/2007.

I was aware of the oil consumption problem and was checking it every week and had no problems until about 50,000 k then it started using 1 litre every 2000k.

at the 50,000 k service an oil consumption test was done and the vacuum pump was replaced under warranty at Chadstone toyota in melbourne, i have now travelled over 62,000k and check vevels weekly and the problem no longer exists.

Maybe some dealers are playing the game and some are not.Have no problems with chadstone toyota would highly recomend them.

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What is the solution to this oil use problem?

Is there a special oil that should be used?

I am proposing to use Shell RIMULA R3 X 15W-40 as the Rimula brand worked well in my previous Cruiser for 18 years. Never did anything to the engine, which was still running strong and clean when I sold it.

I notice that Shell recommend two products:

HELIX HX7 10W-40 (B) which I belive is synthetic, and

RIMULA R3 X 15W-40

What is the answer?


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  • 2 weeks later...

I have a 2010 Feb VDJ79 ute (same engine as the 200minus a few extra bolt ons) And the first 10,000KM was fine. after that i have used 1L of oil every 2300KM. I have been Talking with my Toyota Dealer almost weekly about this problem and other problems i have had with the ute ( Rear Diff not aligned correctly, Stereo not installed correctly, Steering alignment not correct X5 and a few other faults)

My dealer started to use a full synthetic oil i believe the HELIX HX7 that Ken has posted. The word is that this oil fixed the problem after 20,000KM. For the first 5,000KM it worked great. I used about 0.8L in the 5,000KM but after that still using the HX7 i am back to consuming 1L every 2,300KM.

I am in the process of writing a letter to toyota for my Dealer to submit for me As he is working with me to solve this problem. But yes this is a joke! It has been too long and too many top ups. My old 1988 FJ73 didnt use this much oil and it had 620,000 on the clock.

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Had a phone call from Dept. of Fair Trading this week. Apparently Toyota has been looking for a fix, but a few month ago it seemed they have a solution only to discover that it doesn't work long term. (short term fix only).

Toyota is still researching various solutions and once sucessfull (whenever that may be :unsure: ) all affected Toyota owners will be advised.

Now as far my options go:

a) Put up with it and wait for a solution.

B) Contact a solicitor and lodge application with court to force Toyota to take car back with full refund or exchange of car with new one. (been advised that I can't take the matter to a tribunal due to the value of car being over $ 30,0000.- )

I personally can't see the point in an exchange, since I could still end up with the same problem in a new version of the same 4WD.

I probably wait 'till early next year and then seek legal advise as to the possibility of a refund.

'till next time

Marry Christmas and happy holidays (for the lucky ones getting a break)


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  • 2 weeks later...

Looks like other modern diesels also use abnormal amounts of oil.

See the Q&A pages on Drive....


In particular, read the Q&A about Volkswagen who claim that their 2 Litre diesel can use up to 1L of oil per 1000km.




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Nielsen are currently doing a survey for Toyota but it can only be done online. Not sure how many are getting it but I certainly pulled no punches with it. I have also changed to 15W-40 Conoco Guardol (Bruce Anderson)and so far have not seen any oil usage but was told by my dealer to use 10W-40. Need to use the vehicle more often than I am at the moment to see how it goes longer term and towing.

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Interesting stuff, Legendts.

I haven't received any survey stuff as yet.

Funny your dealer advised 10W40. The "Genuine" Toyota oil is 15W 40 and the manual says we should use it. (Not that means anything.)

I had the vaccuum pump replaced in my 200 series in February. Still burn some oil but only when towing my caravan and not as much as previously.

Apparantly Toyota are now considering a fix for this as it is a common problem.

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Interesting stuff, Legendts.

I haven't received any survey stuff as yet.

Funny your dealer advised 10W40. The "Genuine" Toyota oil is 15W 40 and the manual says we should use it. (Not that means anything.)

I had the vaccuum pump replaced in my 200 series in February. Still burn some oil but only when towing my caravan and not as much as previously.

Apparantly Toyota are now considering a fix for this as it is a common problem.

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