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Kyle Clews now driving TRD Aurion in Aussie racing cars?


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I believe that Kyle Clews is now going to be racing the TRD Aurion in Aussie racing cars. He was in the commodore which had 100cc less than the aurion and was always challenging them, can't wait to see how much he will flog everybody in the Aurion! One of the best drivers out there, keep an eye out for him :D

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All Aussie racers run the same 1300CC Yamaha engine and have since the start of last season. Performance from the 3 bodies is meant to be near the same however the Aurion is the largest and heaviest so has had to be tweaked to be as fast in a straight line but they now seem o be a tad quicker. Adam Gowans was the first main contender to drive the Aurion and after driving the falcon before the Aurion he said the Aurion especially with the larger aero kit is a lot more balanced and stable than the commie or flacon and kills them under brakes they don’t squirm around as much. Aurion also runs a different brake package due to its extra weight. Its amazing Kyle is still doing Aussie cars many champions win a championship or two and bail on it full time like Adam has and just come back for the odd round of fun here and there. Still the BEST racing I’ve ever seen!

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Yes, well Kyle was running the older 1200cc engine in the commodore (same engine since 07), but it turned out that he didn't end up getting the aurion as he didn't quite have the cash, but he did get the 1300cc engine for the new season.

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Lol yeah whilst the Aussie racing series is reasonable to run in there is no such thing as cheap motorsport. :P Is good to see more and more Switch to the Aurion Bodyshell though.

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