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Garden Ornament now needs starting


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Hi folks,

I have a 2008 Toyota Aurion that I bought for my wife in 2009 and it has not been moved or been started since 2016 since my wife developed her disability.
She is doing much better now and I plan on getting it back on the road for her in the coming weeks so she can get herself around.

Other than the standard oil and fuel changes is there anything else I need to consider before starting the car up. Both remotes are dead flat as is the crank battery, I have managed to start charging (Alarm works LOL) and used the remotes to push the button to get the ignition to power up but car is not taking the next step of engaging the starter motor and turning over.

Does any one know if the ECU needs a hammer or other assistance to get the next process working

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Different garden ornament but the same issue of the starter motor not engaging and turning over. At least mine did initially start engaging the starter then stopped. Next step is to probably crank the engine by hand then maybe give the starter motor a thump.

In your case I would be inclined to get fresh batteries for your remotes and a fully charged car battery. Using the remotes, open and lock the doors a few times, then try to start the car.

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Gave both the starter body motor and the solenoid a number of taps with a metal extension bar. Starter motor worked, turned and started the engine. Turned engine off but battery charge too low to crank engine. Now got the battery on a charger to fully recharge overnight then retest.

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