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MTEC Bulbs


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  • 2 weeks later...


MTEC bulbs r nice but they r too hot for ur car and so they will fry ur end terminals in time.. i learnt dat the hard way.. thats why i settled for hid kits hehe

mtec 4350k r ok but the color is not nice

mtec 4750k is nice but they will fry ur terminals

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 5 months later...


MTEC bulbs r nice but they r too hot for ur car and so they will fry ur end terminals in time.. i learnt dat the hard way.. thats why i settled for hid kits hehe

mtec 4350k r ok but the color is not nice

mtec 4750k is nice but they will fry ur terminals

thinking of getting some MTEC 4750K on my 03 corolla but as you said it might fry the end terminal. How much was it to replace the wiring? I've read that you could get some heavy duty wiring harness for the headlight so it will not melt or something

does anyone know where to get those wiring or does the stock wiring just melt tht easily? :P

thanks heaps for your help and sorry for bumping up such an old topic

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Supposedly te wiring for the face-lift rollas ie 04+ are heavy duty and can withstand a bit of punishment.

Please correct me if im wrong..

But i got the Mtec bulbs and when i installed them, one was already blown. So i emailed him and they paid for refund postage and i got a new set for free. So i have 1 spare. Personally they are more white than blue. maybe its just my eyes. but if you compare them to people with 95 model cars which have like yellow bulbs you would think...cool i have blue bulbs...

Like everyone has said the brightness is not great. but its too the point where its ridiculously crap.

Just make sure you get the 55Watt version.

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I have got MTEC white light bulbs before on my corolla for over 2 years and never had any problem. Go 4300k, cuz i think any higher would possibly melt the terminal. Anyway, i dont have MTEC bulbs on anymore, cuz i switched to their HID conversion kit. I must say its very good for its price. :lol:

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