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my stuffed up 1/4mile

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OMG was the strip slippery tonight or what. i just couldn't get the power down on first gear. the new clutch bites and dumps it down really quick as well :blink:

i was getting consistent 15.5s and my crappiest was 16.6 where i stuffed up 2-3 change trying to outrun an R33-GTR. :D


did 8 runs altogether. full tank of fuel, seats, trim, spare wheel, refidex and junk still in the car.

i think i need more practise!!

thanks to richi who hosted this for me, below is a link of a clip of what i was doing most of the time.

wheel slip clip :(

sometimes with the clutch fully out and hit lift, the wheels start to spin again

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Hey shao,

a 15.5 still is pretty good. U reckon u can get it quicker ?

also what mods r on ur car ?

did u deflate ur tyres at all ?

did u do any prep work on the car ? i.e. octaine boost, oil change etc etc ?



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hahaha nope. i just went in the trim that i go everywhere in! :P

just rocked up, kicked my mate off with my camera and tripod and the box for my other mate's helmet with 2 bottles of water.

i'm dead sure with more practise to get the launch right and stop doing burnouts in first i can get early 15s.

the tricky thing now is that because of the flywheel it makes 1st and 2nd rev out quicker. and also the TRD sports clutch and pressure plate make the connection quicker and harder so i find it a bit difficult to control the finer bits esp since the window of slip for the friction point is a lot less.

oh well, so much for my first attempt! :D

anyway, i did manage to get a VR or VS SS commodore on my last run which was average.

most of the time i seemed to be running hardcore old skool kingswoods and toranas!! my mate who took the video said there a few BA XR6s out there doing 16s and 17s

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Well done buddy ;) along with yourself and hames we are doing the QLD boys proud on the track.

Wish i could have been there. as soon as i get back the big mods are going in and we are hitting the drags and the track ;)

DAMN i miss my rolla :( BTW - have not seen a single bloody T-sport since I have been here :angry:

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yeah next run just do little things like Bill said, lower the psi which should provide a bit more grip and how hard were your launches at what rpm? The key I think for a good run is to stay in the pocket between 1 and 2 but everyone knows to do that consistently is a test of patience.




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i tried to launch at a variety of revs. the safest was to launch at around 4ish but u couldn't get under 15.5s

the best launch is from 6ish. u have to slip the clutch for quite a distance but for some reason the wheel spin doesn't haunt u till u have released the clutch or close to it. if i can get it right, i'm sure i can shave a few tenths off. i tried that 6k launch once with my stock clutch and i dun really recommend it too much.

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