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Everything posted by GTL05T

  1. I say, make BG PETE a MODERATOR!! =0) Ps. BG PETE, can YOU PLZ ORGANIZE A CRUZ?? I'm MISSING them BIG TIME!! Cheers.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. GTL05T


      its always the usuals that rock up.. everytime ones organized, im always there!! BG PETE is the MAN!!

    3. 69.NIX


      There will something brewing for the end on Jan. Stay tuned

    4. GTL05T


      Good work pete!! Woooo...

  2. Awesome stuff bro!! lovong it.. KEEP IT UP!!
  3. PEZZIE.. INBOX ME YOUR MOB PLZ!! I wanna ask you something..

  4. It cant BE!! hahahaha... Good looking out branno.. :lol: :lol: :clap: :clap:
  5. I saw this car parked at homebush while i was walking into autosalon.. It caught my eye, so i took a pic.. I wonder who owns it.. LOL!! :P :P :P :P :P :P :P :P
  6. GTL05T


    wow, what is that? limited edition pack or something? with console or not?I'm looking for a PS3/GT5 bundle pack, what are my chances of one being released for Xmas at a special price? or after Xmas... If you see or hear could someone let me know, thanks :) Charlie, I say that is a hint from Kenneth Hey john, i saw a deal at DSE for $530. Its the 320GB console and it includes GT5..
  7. GTL05T


    Hey whitestivo, its pictures i took from the game, with the in-game camera. Alot of ppl have been spinning out by how REAL the cars look. It's the BEST GT to ever have been made. Simply, MIND BLOWING.
  8. GTL05T


  9. GTL05T


    Yeah my oldy is having a hard time running cool while playing GT5, i think it may kill it :D OMG how good is Nurburgring??? I haven't played that track yet pete... How good is the drifting?? You can actually hold the slide now... it blows PROLOGUE out of the WATER!! My PS3 died while my mate was playing black ops.. It's funny though, i told the bloke at EB games and then he asked me if it happened while i was playing BLACK OPS. I said, yeah it did.. lol.. He said heaps of other people came in saying the same thing.. LOL!! Its called the RED LIGHT OF DEATH... LOL!! Here's a few more pics of my cars..
  10. Going with DJ ROB BRIZZI to the FOAM PARTY @ The GAFF!! POW!!

  11. GTL05T


    Here's a few shots of my beast 370Z and R32GT-R...
  12. GTL05T


    hahahaha!! Yeah man i love my SKYLINES!! my R34 has 780 HP n i could only get 622HP out of the R32!! ill put more pics up now.. Mick, i got a pic of your celica!! wooo!! Seca Boy, my 4 and a half year old PS3 died the other day.. I was SHATTERED, so i got a new one the next day. lol.. Good luck with getting your new one back..
  13. GTL05T

    Little Rants

    blah blah blah . . LOL!! :P :P :P
  14. GTL05T


    LAMBO??? CRIKEY!!! hahaha... thats major hours of game play right there man!! Ive got a EVO9,EK9,R32GTR,R33GTR,R34GTR,370Z and a few other ones.. Its the BOMB!!
  15. GTL05T

    Little Rants

    i BACK YOU 100% john.. I can picture the STEAM coming out of your ears.. hahaha!!
  16. GTL05T


    watch your replay mick, you press PAUSE (start) while watching it and then PRESS PHOTO MODE. You can full play around with the ISO,SHUTTER SPEED, EXPOSURE and FILTERS.. Its AWESOME!!
  17. GTL05T


    Here's a few of my cars.. i LOVE THIS GAME!! haha
  18. GTL05T

    Phat snaps!

  19. GTL05T

    Phat snaps!

    a few more shots i took over the weekend. There not edited.. lol!!
  20. wheres the PHOTOGRAPHY THREAD? lol

  21. dang there HOT Mr Pete!! hahaha.. how much are they?? shot gun!!
  22. I TOLD U TO DO IT FROM THE START!! LOL!! Do things rite the 1st time brother.. =) another photo shoot??
  23. SEXY!!! hahaha.. nice work mr peter.
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