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Everything posted by GTL05T

  1. It sure does BROTHER!!! Cant wait... Hopefully my rear end will be reset.. FINGERS CROSSED!!
  2. Dont worry bro ive gota be back home b4 3... Ive gota DJ my bros 30th in the city... LOL!!! We'll cruz off together or sumthin... LOL!!
  3. I LOVE UR WORK CHA54.... Now i know wot u mean by a CLEAN WELD!!! LOOKS VERY VERY NIICE!! U wana make me ONE?? Even though ive already got one... LOL!!!
  4. Even a normal panel filter will suck in dust... My standard panel filter is BLACK AZ!!!
  5. It'll be more than enough for the wife ;) I don't want her to fly in the Corolla and writing it off like she did with the Tiida LOL :) The main reason I got the K&N wasn't power gain as I know it's not much, but I don't want to keep chaging paper filters and for Toyota to charge me an arm and a leg for their rubbish filters. The stock panel filters get pretty dirty easily... Well myn did.. LOL!! I guess ur right TOYOTA WILL CHARGE U A ARM N LEG... LOL!!!
  6. Ive got a K & N panel filter sitting in my garage... LOL!! I used it for a month then i got my cai... The panel doesnt really do MUCH!! LOL!! i paid 90 bucks brand new...
  7. Yo YURi!!! I didnt know there was already a thread, but hey this ones different coz its MEMBERS USERS NAME / REAL NAME... LOL!!! U know wen we have a club meet n u FORGET PPL NAMES, even though they've already INTRODUCED THERE SELVES A THOUSAND TIMES!!! LOL!! So this thread mite HELP A LIL!!!
  8. Isn't ur name LADY GUY GUY??????? LOL!!!
  9. i shall try car is almost ready dad is gonna have to drive though i am only on L's and havent really driven manual yet (dnt yell at me lol) so yeh i will try and i shotty seano lol tell ur dad to come along bro it'll be good to meet use both. Will he let u drive?? Shot seAn-oh-9!! Lol! yeh i will attempt to get him interested let him drive lol yeh we have been drivin toyotas for a while he has a twincam track car but yeh if he says yes i will inform u and i shot SEANO!!!! capitals i win mwahahahahahahaah so ur dads a race driver aye??? That's kool az bro! I wish my old man had a race car! Lol!! Ur a funny guy Sean0H-9!! Convince ur dad!!! SHOT BRO!!
  10. i shall try car is almost ready dad is gonna have to drive though i am only on L's and havent really driven manual yet (dnt yell at me lol) so yeh i will try and i shotty seano lol tell ur dad to come along bro it'll be good to meet use both. Will he let u drive?? Shot seAn-oh-9!! Lol!
  11. Shot seano!! Why don't u come on our cruz next month?
  12. My bad guys I Neva knew there was already a thread. Well wen were on meets sumtimes u forget ppls names. Lol! I thought this would make things a lil easier.. Sum ppl can't even say my name for sum reason so my Nick names WY. Lol! That's a lil bit easier to remember.........
  13. Hey guys, just thought I would start a name thread just to put sum names to faces wen there's a club meet. I thought it'll be easier doin it this way so wen there is a meet we'll know each others names. Lol! I'll start... GTL05T/wyclef peace out guys!
  14. DONT SELL UR STOCKIES!!!! U neva know u mite need them one DAY!!! PLUS the ADVANS ON THEM R A GOOD TYRE!!! KEEP THEM!!!!!!
  15. R they those metal tube things with the electric fan that plugs into the intake??? if so, there GAY!!! my mate put one on his bros subaru RS, he was full tellin us its a electric supergharger... its a waste a tym!!! there was no performance gain wot so eva!!! its sounds lyk a radiator FAN!!! major GAYNESS!!!
  16. Tell me about it bro!!! there soooo GAY!!!! but it beats her catching the train to work... so if the mrs is happy wot else can i do... LOL!!!
  17. i reckon u should LOWER it b4 u get the GPS bro... Once ur cars lowered on the kappas, it'll look HOTT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  18. Hmmm unless its not the alignment thats the issue? -Azza yeah RIGHT MATE..
  19. i reckon Bob Jane T-Marts CRAP!!! i took my gurlfrenz Kia Rio there to get a wheel alignment, i drove it out of the shop n it kept pulling to the left... So i took it back, they did another wheel alignment it was still the same!! USELESS THEY ARE!!!
  20. Manual GT-T R34s cost another $5-10k ontop of a tiptronic model for the same age... SO WOT!!! A TIPTRONIC SKYLINE is GAY!!
  21. QUOTE (GTL05T @ Aug 12 2009, 05:15 PM) QUOTE (sickular. @ Aug 12 2009, 03:43 PM) Hey I sold my 34 a lil while ago and have been looking for a new car. -Kim Hey bro just wondering... WHY DID U SELL THE 34 was it a GT-R, GT or a GT-T??? It was a GT-T, fast, but as it was a tiptronic it was'nt as fun to drive as a manual. Drank fuel like a drunken irish sailor. And I've now realised that I'm a 4 cyl man. I just wanted to ask why did u even bother gettin a R34 TIP TRONIC GT-T in the FIRST PLACE??? LOL!! I wouldve got a manual.. LOL!! Sportivos are HOTT BRO i didnt know about them wen i bought my car n that was about almost 2 yrs AGO... If i knew about them i wouldve got one instead of my ZRE.. I LOVE MY ZRE THOUGH!!!
  22. Have you been peeking in my garage Kenneth :D Dont tell anyone but i have bought new rims B) These are nice too, XD9 R U SERIOUS JOHN???? Damn u get sick of ur rims pretty easy aye??? LOL!!! I WANNA SEE THEM PLZ!!!
  23. PHAT ANOTHER ZRE!!! Welcome bro why u from??
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