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Posts posted by spillige

  1. thats bad luck dude, almost happened to me last nite also pot hole/slippery road almost had me in the gutter, managed to hook it back.....just, guy behind me was in stiches

  2. No offense SB, as you know I'm as reasonable as they come. But with the amount of senseless dissing you should have done this a long time ago.

    are the opinions posted above hitting a little to hard for you jase? maybe conflicting with your views? lets all be glad your not a mod then.......

    To all those curious about CES, I've mentioned emailing them and I've also called them. I have expressed my interest from day 1 SB started a thread about making a CAI months ago, yet when I called CES they simply said because I'm in WA they can't do anything. Simply get a test car in and they'll finish off their design.

    Needless to say I felt a little 'disappointed', therefore I never brought the issue up again. For all those who were wondering, SB can confirm I've messaged him plenty of times regarding this issue and nothing has come about either there was not enough interest of there was no test car or the test car decided to pull out.

    thats not good enough.... from the way you carry your self around these forums, you pride your self on being a model member, yet why didnt you use some initiative and instead of starting a ''injen thread'' start a CES thread to get zre owners organised, all its going to take is for zre owners to work as a team to get this up and running.

    Therefore, if Injen are happy to make one then I'm more than willing to pay for something offshore.

    ...................... :o

  3. Always be on the lookout for sales at autobarn, cause I picked up two K&N xtreme filters for $40 each.

    May as well add the filter cleaning products, so that people can clean their filters out?

    sounds like a plan, go for it

    do we wish to add the legality of the above products, some are and some arent


    if you know the legality of the above products, post it up

  4. the smurfs would burn and pillage the Ompaa lomppa villige, there would be no survivors.

    any one remember that idiot gargamel, always trying to capture the smurfs, i always wondered about dopey smurf as a child dident know what was wrong with him, in later life it hit me..... he was a herion junkey


    Pinned rides should be rides that the club can be proud of, since it is the place that visitors to the club first check.

    If I had my way I would include include Past AND Present rides (whether it was sold years ago, it should still be pinned if it was once a hot car).

    So it'll be more like a Hall of Fame.

    And it shouldn't be about the ride of the most popular member etc.. pinned rides should have some form of:

    - innovation (the first to experiment with mods and made it work), and this can be anything including, performance (power, handling) to visual and audio (kit, audio setups)

    - achievement (power, track times, comp trophies, etc.),

    - overall balance (if your only mod is a $3000 brembo kit, its not going to get pinned)

    my 5c

    sounds good, though theres maybe 2 or 3 cars that fit that description in the pinned rides section at the moment.

    heres what the currant pinned rides criterias are.

    - silver membership

    - being a mod (which prity much gives you the rite to pin every car you own your pet cat and the misses if you see fit)

    which is why the members rides section is in the state its in at the moment.

    i cant see any reason why the pinned rides cant stay where it is as long as theres a major clean up like the one stated by dhc09, other wise i think it would be better off moved to its own section.

  6. we can only assume that zre owners are a bunch of cowards, if you guys had any balls you wouldnt be waiting for a faceless over seas company to develop a cai for you. instead one of yous should grow some balls and organise and work as a team to get a list of members that are intrested and forward it to CES, like silvabullit said that would get the ball rolling


    Ur always running ur mouth n there aint no need for it!!!

    dont worry ZRE OWNERS im gettin a CAI measured up this week.. i went n saw a mate at Carline Mufflers his names Bruno n he said he could make me a CAI!!!!

    So it should be interesting...

    i motivate people the only way i know how, if the reason you got off your *****, is because of my above post thats irrelevant. what matters is your taking action

    good luck mate, let us all know how it goes.

  7. Thanks to my boyfriend (love him dearly) he is lending me the 3k and im paying the 300 but ill be paying him back once my girl is over the pitts and *****.

    you must realy give good head?..........thank god we live in a country where evan a bogan can own a lexus.....


    Grow up and be more productive.

    it never ceases to amaze me how easily people are offended on this forum, toyota owners are a real uptight bunch

    That's a joke??? WOW....... I must be uptight then :huh:

    your uptightness is wasted here guni, you would be more at home in sunday school, telling off little kids for laughing at some one passing wind GO GO GO guni the world needs you...........

  8. If you like to treat yourself for upper scale brand, there are many European brands to choose from for quite desirable price. Alfa 147 GTA, Golf GTi, Ford XR5 and Mini Cooper S. My choice would be 147 GTA, shame it was not as affordable as it is now back then.

    You're keen on the Alfa as you fantasize about breaking down all the time :P

    :clap: guy i work with, son has one it breaks down every other month.........sounds so sexy though

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