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Posts posted by spillige

  1. Arnie, hands down. For one thing he isn't a 80 year old man that still hits the roids hard.

    Plus he does spend money out of his own pocket to help make California better.

    lets not make this personal stallone did what he had to, to make rambo 4 which in my opinion is one of the greatest action films of all time, and lets not forget arnie hit the roids for termonater 3

    If it is an open fist fight (no rules, no gloves, no padding), I say Bruce Lee :)

    who is this bruce lee guy you talk of? :D

    depends on the type of show down.

    if it was brute force, arnie would win with rambo as a close second...

    well to put to put it in context its the charecters they played in the movies above, rambo2, predetor,scarface and bond as well............ bond, take your pick. i know its hard cause each is good at different things although in gorilla warfare rambo and arnie would be to good, i actually think rambo might come out on top, its to close to call.

    ''great rambo quote''

    Teasle:Are you saying that 200 of our men are no match for your boy?!

    Trautman: You send that many you better remember one thing.


    Trautman:Agood supply of body bags!!

  2. Spillige, I'm not singling you out... and this is not personal... so don't get your knickers in twist.

    But considering you (amongst others on this forum) have publicly stated that you rolled your car (and your mate died etc etc) yet will continue to break the speed limits, I'd have thought you of all people would understand when I have a problem with the young impressionable members of this forum trying to follow in your footsteps...

    hangs head in shame... :(

  3. LOL, someone got a bit short changed on their weapons.

    I personally would go for Arnie as well. He's a machine. It would only be a showdown between him and Stallone since the other two don't have the brute strength to last.

    Off-topic: Man I stall can't stop laughing every time I see news clips showing Arnie talking government issues. But seriously, if you were given the option to vote for him as your Governor... why wouldn't you. It's just funny.

    i think bond got short changed cause he gets all the girls, i allso think arnold and stallone would be the last ones left what an epic battle that would be, though ive always had a soft spot for pacino

    You forgot to include Chuck Norris. If he was in the list, thats where my vote would go.

    But, for this list i will say the charming fellow at the end. He can kill people, and have sex with hot women after. No competition.

    i hope your joking about norris, u picked bond? arnold would pick him up by the scull and frow him through a brick wall

  4. what does every one think of this show down between these action hero greats, ive had countless (most times drunk)arguments over who would come out on top with friends and some times with complete strangers.

    my personal pick would have to be arnold the guys a legend.


  5. Nothing displays one's taste and automotive maturity like aftermarket Altezza lights... :rolleyes:


    warning do not do this to your car, this is not my car i have no affiliation with this car nor do i know who owns it

    clear tail lights can look good but has to be done in conjunction with other mods like shaved bootlid/tailgate, which is what i presume the owner above was going to do but got lazy.........note spacesaver rim on left hand side.... :P

  6. ^ are u talking about me leroy, i give you a bad name? your a joke

    on a lighter note good luck to the great Darren Lockyer and the broncos in his 300th game tonight

  7. i like the idea of buying somethign that i know would work 100%.

    rice have a look at the injen cai above and tell me what you see? i see some polished aluminum bends, a maf sensor plate, some silicon joiners, some clamps and for good **** factor a big tuned injen technology sticker. now ask your self how much engineering u think went into making that cai? id say close to none, the only thing they would of had to think about is what diameter pipeing to use (and where to put that giant sticker). the path that this cai follows has nothing to do with performance in this case, rather it has every thing to do with engine bay constrants. to be honast even with my limited welding skills i could put some thing like that together on a sunday afternoon let alone some of the fine enginers/fabricaters we have in this country

    now go back to playing wow u fool :lol:

  8. u know whats funny, when u see cops on street patrol, just as pass them in your car give it a boot full and just hammer your car as hard as u can past them :lol: i know its childish but it s a s funny as **** (to me any way) cause theres nothing they can do, unless one of the cops happens to be the cop from terminator 2 and starts chasing u down...... :(

  9. Ferrari consistently make the most beautiful performance cars in the world. Once upon a time I would have said that of Lamborghini though...


    agreed, though i dont like the look of the enzo

    theres some things in this world that a truely beautiful, looking into a babies eyes, looking into a ferraris eyes etc :D

  10. i dont think it has any thing to do with the cars on the road or what safety rateing they do or dont have, do u think if your in a potentially life ending accident your going to be any safer in that brand new clubsport than you are in the hq? i dont think so, plus when was the last time u saw a hq on the road any way? i think firstly it comes down to the driver and what he's driveing habits are, and we all know humans are not good and following simple rules (especially under 25s). there for the answer is harsher penalties no tolarance on hooning and bad driveing. no fines just severe action taken, loss of car, loss of licence, jailtime etc.

    So, so wrong on all accounts. Driver education is where the changes will occur, not the route the government is currently following. More strict = more people running from accidents. To top it off, EDIT: Have you actually seen the differences in an accident between a new car with a high ANCAP rating to some old junker? You would be surprised how much of a difference there is, regardless of car size.

    have i seen the difference of the damage? i answer that with i was a spraypainter for 5 years. in a medium to small hit you would be better off in a brand new car, in a big hit there would be little difference. i do understand what your saying about the older cars being badly maintained and that leads to accidents. in all honesty i dont think driver training/education does ****, they'll just walk away laughing at the instructer saying to them selves what tool he was, u give a younge mind to much credit. i know what option id fear more a couple hours of training or some serious jail time....how about you?

  11. i dont think it has any thing to do with the cars on the road or what safety rateing they do or dont have, do u think if your in a potentially life ending accident your going to be any safer in that brand new clubsport than you are in the hq? i dont think so, plus when was the last time u saw a hq on the road any way? i think firstly it comes down to the driver and what he's driveing habits are, and we all know humans are not good and following simple rules (especially under 25s). there for the answer is harsher penalties no tolarance on hooning and bad driveing. no fines just severe action taken, loss of car, loss of licence, jailtime etc.

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