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Everything posted by spillige

  1. old and also fake (meaning hes not hitting the cross bar like it looks hes doing) but still very very impressive to get those rebounds
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  3. ricky martin, living la vida loca....... its a joke.....
  4. how much for a touch but? if its more than $20 forget it.....lol a touch ? yeah a touch on the arm is 1k to breathe my air is 10k :) 10k to smell your bad breath, doesnt sound like a very good deal to me...
  5. busta break ya neck, one of best c/walk songs around
  6. spillige


    who gave u that advice? birds and the bees talk?
  7. talkin bout her car kenneth dont u get it? what did u think i ment?
  8. spillige


    revenge is the sweetest joy next to getting *****
  9. how much for a touch but? if its more than $20 forget it.....lol
  10. lol ive only put myself on two forums. sydneyrollaclub.com and here. CAR ISNT LOST. just love my little car. and yes the hub caps have to go. the plan is to get rims possibly at the end of the year. probably either chrome or black. I dunno yet if ive been that annoying putting a post up on each site... :P dont worry as i dont plan on making more than one here. lol If i see anyone around which i tend to pass allot along to work ill post u as being spotted :D u go girl!
  11. lols .. sorry i dont know about you but ive got standards hey u look a little like her...... You flamebater you. I like it. You wanna make out? if u look any thing like the asian troll then maybe.... LOL hey man ! people pay to see THIS haha what u trying to say?
  12. best thing ive seen all week nice p.s evo ftw
  13. lols .. sorry i dont know about you but ive got standards hey u look a little like her......
  14. dude, how many of us can say we havin hit some thing like that......just bag it, but she is pritty ugly, maybe its the lighting
  15. looks like it got stolen of the set of the fast and the furious.....
  16. ill be leaving it how it is just intergrating the oil catch on to it, one thing i dont get is why they made the out let on the valve so small yet the plenum nozzle is 15mm
  17. did alittle research today battery cost drysell $460 wireing labour bits and peices $550, not looking like a cheap mod
  18. lol who am i to judge on this? i was only in the smash repair trade for 5years thats all...like i said im in no way ripping up his work, all im saying is this type of work can not be carried out at home its illegal by law. ive seen to many horror stories over the years and this type of work scares me, the cars never the same, i repeat im not ripping up his work!! so get it right lads
  19. and im waiting on castlehill as soon as i have any info ill post it
  20. it was the front driveway mate:)...firstly i drilled out every spot weld on floor pan, exhaust tunnel, wheel arches to "A pillar" on both halfs...(robot spot welds are in precise EXACT places)....line up holes...went crazy with 10mm nuts and bolts:)... then test fitted front guards (which are bolted to front and back sections), bonnet, bumper....hey presto it lines up.....remove front panels....went and bought new mig welder, open 6 pack of jim beam's and spent 2 days and nights awake welding....and after i re welded factory spot welds i seam welded every single seem too... STRONGER THAN ORIGINAL BUT HEAVIER THAN THE TITANIC:) ILLEGAL??? its called a "full sectional body repair" or "car clipping" in usa...(INSURERS AUTHORISE REPAIRERS TO DO IT AND BY LAW DONT HAVE TO TELL OWNER) I DID im not ripping up your work u look like u know what u doin, but i can bet the floor and chasis were buckeled, doing this type of work is illegal if not carried out in a workshop. just hope u tell the next owner the truth about this car, good luck to u.
  21. how on earth did u square up the front end in your backyard? a job like this is hard to do in a work shop let alone in your garage, not to mention illegal..dont try this at home!
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