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Everything posted by spillige

  1. you know i think there are a lot of corolla's out there that would eat your rx for brearfast like mine for instance on 16yr old stock sx rolla suspension i did a 2.09 lap around easter creek race way n open centre diff and 3 previous runs experience i did a 13.7 @ 104.7 mph down the 1/4 no fast corolla's peh The FD was one of the most balanced cars in terms of handling, let alone straight line speed to ever come out of Japan. I already know I'll out handle, and out run you in a straight line by the figures you gave. If your name was Keiichi Tsuchiya, and it was a downhill Touge, then I might be worried would die for sure. all i can say is there are some die hard corolla owners on this forum, i can bet my life that if i said a porsche gt2 is better than a stivo id get ripped up
  2. people can we be clear on what rice is please, rice is performence style parts that do nothing or are over kill on a car. to any rolla owners that hate rice i think u should rip your skirts and lips off as they are rice in the true definition of the word (purpose of a sports bar and skirts is down force and to allow better cooling does your factory rice do any of that lol)
  3. spillige

    GTR V GT2

    put a question out..... what one would u choose? id fly the german flag high
  4. gorgeous?? You better be a chick. I am most def. a female, don't worry ;) photos, or you're a boy :P x2
  5. i got a cusco front not long ago bit of responce thru corners but is overkill for street cars
  6. hate is a strong word, but i think i hate this guy. its like baby siting a 12 yr old that wants to mod cars
  7. hows the car?.........................
  8. we can only hope costello comes to our rescue, still think johny is king. he came into the restuerant tonite for dinner next time he comes in ill beg him to take on rudd, if he says no......ill offer him head? p.s he never tips...........
  9. wasnt even gona open this thread but couldnt help my self, i agree with xoom completly but not when the thread was started by this guy, it took u 6weeks to save up for your trd badge...... wake the hell up
  10. i hate rudd, the only reason he won is cause he had that stupid catch line -kevin for 07- the thing about him is he is trying to please every one, where johny was a penny pincher who put his foot down. u can blame this all on kevins right hand man or should i say woman...
  11. these things happen at the worst times, its just a test of character stay strong and youll make it thru
  12. .........................................
  13. i got my rims from there, i admit there rude but that didnt bother me. new what i wanted new what i wanted to pay and got the hell out of there....simple................fully sick, i actually have to say that ozzy tyres are worse, my friend had the ****s bad when they chewed him up and spat him out, thats why i went to tempe. id rate tempe as 2 and a half out of 5
  14. seems like a down grade to me... the garnish that is
  15. youve goten used to blowing away to many vl comis, when was the last time u got blown away by a real import xoom lol. nice feature in ffs
  16. dude this has already been posted.... the sound coming from that subi is scary
  17. i talked to CH yesterday and told them if i dont hear any thing from them by the end of the week im canceling business with them, they blame it on the japs but i think there doing little to help us. ive also contacted other dealers includeing nz suppliers but there policy is they dont ship to oz, so ive hit a brick wall. ive talkeed to tiet about this and i think this gb will be cancelled epic fail......sorry
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