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Posts posted by Danthuyer

  1. Thx for all the well wishes guys :D

    It's been a great last few days with the new ride. Have taken a couple of mates for spins and they have all been more than impressed :P

    Lucio - yeah mate running it in hard has proven to be good. yesterday it was raining all day ...hitting lift in 2nd in a straight line makes the wheels spin ......so i found out :P

    Have clocked up over 500 K's so far ...and with today and tomorrow looking good...its off for some more rides.


  2. Well I Got my Stivo 2 days EARLY!!!!!

    I called up yesterday and was talking about the rear skirt and the dealer said " oh you car just got rolled into the showroom" I was like ...WHAT!!???¿¿ I'll be there in 1 hour to pick it up....BEPP ....BEEP

    So I took the train down to the dealership and picked it up !!!


    Hit lift from the first set of lights back infront of the dealership and gave them a wave goodbye :)

    Have run the engine in fairly normal/hard so far have hit lift at least 10 times and gone to 160 so far...along with alot of normal and slow driving also...but never keeping the revs constant for too long :)

  3. Guys,

    As wheels are one of the 'main' asthetic' enhancements that us as car owners are to do to our cars. I thought it would be nice for existing buyers and new buyers alike to post a few pics/links to wheels that they have on their ride or are planning on getting.

    I think it would be good so that we can all see what colours/styles go well with the Stivo or not.

    Now please dont flame...because everyone has different tastes. and something someone else likesmay not be to you particular liking.

    ATT: Danz + Influx - I really like your rims could you both let me know what you run ???

  4. Just got the update from the dealer

    I'll be picking it up on Friday afternoon at 2.00 pm....and then lift will comence asap :D

    I have also arranged with work to take friday, monday and tuesday off so I can cruise for 5 days....i might do a quick run down to some of you guys in sydney and melbourne :P

    3 sleeps to go .....YAHOO!!!!!!

  5. Just got the call from the Dealership. They have recived my Stivo :D

    Now they said that it would be ready by Friday afternoon, and as usual I said no, I want it Wednesday Afternoon. We are only waiting on Ming to do the paint protection and the under chassis rubber thingy. Hope fully they can get it all done for Thursday but they will let me know in an hour or so :)

    It's booked in Tuesday next week for the window tinting, and later that week im in the tyre shop to see whats i want to get :)

    So here starts the countdown......

  6. Well paint Protection is sort of like the teflon coating on your frying pan. Makes it real easy to 'wipe' clean but if you scratch it off with a knife and damage the teflon coating then food will stick to the surface easily and make it harder to clean.

    When you use a cutting agent and some polish's they actually have a very fine sand like material in it which actually takes a fine layer of coating off, hence making it look really nice and shiny

    So thats why they recommend that you dont polish cars with paint protection on it and just give it a good wash with lots of water and a soft sponge/cloth with soap

  7. interesting lucio .....ill test it out next week in my brand new Stivo for you NOT!!!


    Rolla Boy - You had the time to take out a camera and take a shot of your speedo on a highway whilst doing 220+ ?????? mate thats just silly :P

    I'll be getting someone else to do it for me when I need photographic proof for people

  8. OUCH!!!!! :o :o

    Bad Luck mike :(

    Glad to hear that you didnt hurt yourself though.

    I had a run in with a dog once in an old honda accord 3 door :( bent the steering arm and buggered the CV joint after trying to dodge a mutt on the road and hitting a gutter and nearly putting the car on its side

    $900 later :( :( :(

  9. orrock - very indepth look there mate :) Great to see so much technical data getting around in these forums :D

    Skitzo - My last set of wheels and tyres made out to be $2500 with rubber. @ $600+ a corner you dont want to hit anything at speed or let your girlfreind drive it :P Mine has scrubbed all but one of my wheels on my other car GRRRRR! :angry:

    E-Gene - No worries mate ill add you to the email list :)

    also have a look at a brand of tyre called 'SAVA' they are a german made Dunlop Tyre....not too expensive and are a great all round tyre...plenty of grip B)

  10. dakota - remember that you take into consideration the profile of the tyre when you add bigger rims :) the larger the diameter in the wheel the smaller the width of the tyre rubber so a 17" wheel will generally have 45mm profile tyres making the overall diameter and the circumfrence the same as the orignal.....therefore no need to adjust the speedo :D

    Skitzo - I have one of my mates at Bob Jane sorcing a whole heap of 17" and 18" wheels at the moment for me. If you like I could forward on the email to you once he has finished???

  11. Just got off the phone with MEPFILMS Australia. They are the Sister Company to Tint-a-Car.

    They sent me a sample the other day a really nice Black tint called 'Ultima'

    Ultima = $275 LifeTime Warranty

    :D :D :D :D

    The place that is doing the fitting used to be a Tint-a-Car installer anyway, so they still use same methods etc. They also did my last car and did a GREAT! job.

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