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Everything posted by "RuNx"

  1. "RuNx"


    HI AND WELCOME!!!!!! :D :P
  2. MONEY!!!(And then it all goes into the car!!) :P
  3. well bro i have no idea either!!!LOL but to keep interest in this maybe leave it for another weekend??? But we will keep everyone posted on this.....so just keep checkin!! I'll have a chat to the boys today and see wat everyone is goin to be up to this weekend!!!
  4. YES evl i agree with that leave it with ya and u can sort out the club scene!!!!
  5. I think that keepin it to once a month is probably a better idea!!!For exactly that reason we dun want it to start getting boring for just a few guys that turn up every 2nd week!!! But hey inviting a few other clubs is a great idea to!!! On the night we had a few guys from i think the nis-silvia club down checkin us out too
  6. with that chick riding the pony you probably would be 25sec or less!!!!LOL BILL!!!!hehehehehe :P
  7. not too sure wat time we will be meeting up but ask grey-rolla he can organise that!! As for the stickers ask XOOM and check out in the general disscussion section!!! XOOM has a new range of stickers!!!LOL :D
  8. Maybe just woolongong for now and then we can do the BIGGER cruise to A.C.T???? How does that sound???!!
  9. oooooohhhh......better things huh???????better than cruising hey??!!!!HHHHhhhmmmm can we come too!?!?!?!?!?!!?? :D :P
  10. yeah bro we need to get more up and into a show!!!!!
  12. Honestly bro if u need info......u have tried to use the "CRAP" search tool then just keep on posting bro with any questions that u may have!!!!!! And i'm sure u will get a good reply from the guys on this forum!!! :D I have only been on this forum for a short time too and find that the search tool doesnt always help to find relevant info!!! I thought that forums especially with "cars" being so techincal, they were there to help people gain more understanding about products and how things work and to get advise from other enthusiasts!??!?!?! Obviously not all the time....And moderators are there because are very active on the forum and have great knowledge about our cars!!!! Well most of the replies to peoples problems have been from ordinary members!!! The only words from "THE KNOWLEDGIBLE ONE'S" are "Go use the search this topic has already been covered"!!! :D MODS be more helpful to people not everyone knows everything the automotive world has to offer!!! And if you cant be nicer and use your "powers" for good not evil....LOL....hehehe GO AND DEMOTE YOURSELVES!!!! :P :P :P JOKES!!MODS!!! I still luvs yas!!!! :D
  13. YES!!!!! Certainly GREY-ROLLA i'll sponser u please contact me on this number: 0419 317 446......(CALL THIS NUMBER!!.....hehehehe....ITS ACTUALLY A FUNNY NUMBER TO KEEP STORED IN YOUR PHONE!!LOL :D )
  14. everleigh st. (for people unfamiliar it is the notorious st in redfern sydney)
  15. YES YES.......I raise my hand to that i will never grow up!!!!aging just gives me wrinkles but hey its fun :P :D
  16. yup im in i get a chance to shoot grey-rolla!!!! :P just kidding bro!!!
  17. hehehehehehe hey XOOM and EVL were right i didnt believe them u really are getting deported!!!LOL
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