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Everything posted by "RuNx"

  1. Big scratch and sniff ones would be great i havnt had those since i was a kid!!!!!LOL :P :P :D ^_^
  2. tissue ( sorry mr fancy word for a tissue and yes u do care cos i'll tell ur missus)PPPPWWWWHHAHAHAAAAAAAA
  3. croutons (HAHAHAaa stop trying to cover up)!!!
  4. chicken (hahahaha i am blind EVL stop trying to pick up members)!!LOL
  5. cap ( HAHAHAA man u must be bored repling to ur own posts)LOL
  6. sorry no pics but i have the chrome grill Z aero tourer with the "NEW CENTURY" badge in it and at the rear i have "C-ONE MotorSports" and "RUNX"..... :D
  7. hey dont forget the hello kitty stuff too!!!!!! they have got everything head rest covers, seat covers the works mind you get it all in PINK!!!!
  8. YAY im up for it i'll just keep checking these details!!!!!
  9. Look to be honest guys i help the guys get their parts from Japan due to the fact that i have a contract with TRD and C-ONE and Bigbum does not have anything to do with this company directly at all!!! He is just a happy customer of this company praising their product and the way that he has been treated by them!!! It is the same case with this CES thread, now why can so many people praise this company without copping any flak for it but sumone else can do the same and they get hammered for it and accused of being part of the company they are praising???!!!!! It seems to me that some people on this forum are taking themselves way too seriously FOR GODS SAKE ITS A FORUM WHO GIVES A SH!T unless u dont have anything else better to do with your time then keep acting the way you do!!! Also this comes down to a whole lot of double standards *especially when sum people can get away with praising products/companies and others cant *moderators not acting like moderators but just being instigators to arguments!!!! By the way i dont deal to public only to company contracts so MODS u dont have to freak out and kick me off!!!!! :P :P LOL HHAHAHHAAAAA P.s. Mintos i was not having a go at you at all bro.....just incase i dont want anyone getting grumpy at me now!!! :D
  10. Man honestly it never worth an insurance claim on such a small ammount of damage it will only make your premium go up next year not really worth it hey!!
  11. Well depending on wat colour ur car is.....Say if its a dark colour like the first car pictured i would definately go for the "JDM TINTED" ones but if its a light coloured car i'd go for the "JDM WITH CENTRE PIECE" :D
  12. Wat im saying is that there has been a few cases on previous post where people have asked "where can i get ..... from" and people saying "go buy it from this shop" and then they have copped the questions from mods saying are u from a certain shop promoting for them!!! As for finding the threads, posts and who said them that would mean i have to use the search tool and it doesnt work for crap!!!LOL So u will just have to trust me on this one! There probably are few members out there reading this that have been told off or accused of being in co-hoots with shops around the place on this forum!!!
  13. I would love to host it but my comp is really not too reliable at the moment but i hope sum one does it would be great to see!!!
  14. How come this shop can get such a great promotion on this forum but if u even mention any other company or product from a shop u get told off for doin so????????? <_< I think that this is Bull$h!T!!!!! Either we can all avertise/ promote companies, shops and small businesses or no-one does!!!!Thats wat i think anyway :D :D Especially when people ask on this forum "where can i get ..... from" sumone answers their question and gets hammered!?!?!?!?!!
  15. So just another question sorry if this is just stupid or sumthing but...............So is this "CES" exhaust shop in QLD like a franchise or something or do they just have like 2 or 3 shops??????
  16. "WAT THE"!!!!!! I mean i've heard of having a good alarm and security system on ur car but MAN thats just PARANOID!!!! :D HAHHAAHAHA...... Hey KT wat area was that in????????? Must have in CABBRA and it was probably GREY-ROLLA'S BEAST!!!!!LOL
  17. HEHEHEHEHE.......Well if its 86's and the Skyline i've seen that but i thought sumthing about it was familiar but when u said AE82 i was thinking that would be mad seening them take on a Skyline!!!LOL Actually come to think of it i have the best motoring DVD under my desk!!!! HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHaaa i'll watch it now kekekeeee
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