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Everything posted by "RuNx"

  1. solid(ohhh that sucks wat kind of dog??)
  2. nitrogen(wat happened???to ur puppie????)
  3. copy(hehehehe my new puppie is asleep on my lap)LOL
  4. Cool i'll come as long as you guys are there!!!!!!!
  5. PANCAKES(MY FAVOURITE FOOD) But not maccas ones they're fake and rubbery!!!
  6. HAHAHAHHAHAAAA.............DAMN YOU TIM BAILEY!!!!!!!!YOU JINX THE WEATHER ALL THE TIME!!!!!!! <_< <_< :D :P "It's gonna be as dry as a dingos luch box this weekend"????? AND WATS WITH UR CRAP SMILIES THEY MIGHT RHYME BUT THEY ARE SOOOooooOO FRIKEN STOOOooPID!!!!!LOL He's a weather garden gnome have u ever seen him in real life no wonder he gets the weather wrong all the time he's that short he's always covered by everyone else walking near him!!!LOL Lets start a tim bailey fan club on this forum......NOT!!!!! :P :P :P :D
  7. syrup(how nice to see XOOM contributing to word *****)!!!LOL :P
  8. score(hahahahaha justin ur funny bro)
  9. Ooohhhh bro u have missed out on one the greatest ads of all time!!!!
  10. No its tempting but no warranty job for me!!!This is the perfect excuse for "BRAND NEW COIL-OVERS"!!!!!HURRAH!!! :D :D
  11. Yup guilty as charged!!!Where were u bro???? Also spotted ElBOws in the SYd city last night!!!!Man there were actually heaps of rollas in the city cruising last night and not too many of our mates in blue :P The funny thing is me and GREY-ROLLA came across 2 car loads of young ladies cruisng in the city together If you on the forum come to the next meet I'm sure sum of the boys wouldnt mind!!LOL :P :P ;) ;) ;)
  12. yup meee tooo!!!!!!! I say bring back the good ol cars like the GO-GO MOBILE!!!! GEE.....OOOHHH......GEE....GEEE...OOHHHHH But NOt the DART it's not THe DART!!!!LOL....hehehehehehehe...Who out there remembers this ad on TV??????? ^_^ :D
  13. HAHHAAHAHAHAHAaaaa it's SOOOOoooo TRUE!!!!! But this comes back to my most brillant idea YET!!!!! To slove the problems of water restrictions and drought in our remote farming areas wat we all do is plan a cruise to drought striken areas in Australia (depending on how it works perhaps internationally) and WASH OUR CARS there!!!!!!! :D :D Judging by my luck it will start raining within 30mins and there you have it problem sloved globally!!!! :P :P ^_^ ^_^
  14. Well the way i look at it is.........They are all just a bunch of money making greedy b.a.s..ta..rd...s!!!! I can understand if it is a serious engine modification such as "turbo" or "supercharger" that u should inform them about it, due to the fact that it may be ridiculously over powered for street use and or it may have not been installed or engineered by a qualified mechanic!!! But when all you are doin is just changing the asthetic qualities of ur car to suite your tastes then why not???? It all just comes down to the fact that in their eyes it raises the value of ur vehicle and may make it more at risk of theft....But if sumone wants to steal your car it doesnt matter wat u own!!!!Also i had a case b4 i bought my rolla where i thought i would test the waters and see just what i can and cant do and or wat i can get away with; i asked about how much would my insurance cost me if i had an aftermarket stereo put in my car and they wanted to raise my insurance up by around $200?????WAT THE!!!!! Your just replacing a standard part on ur car to sumthing u actually like its ur car why cant you!!???
  15. escape(yeah i rember that episode dirty racist *****!!!!)
  16. EEWWWWW thats nooo good bro!!!!!!! Well then im actually not doing too bad then but my shocks are on the way out!!!LOL Sydney guys will understand this one: *03 conquest....... *kingSprings super lows......... *Standard shocks........... *Taking your car through the nasho run..... A good way to blow ur shocks!!!! :D :P
  17. SMELL!!!!!(YAY....500 mark *throws confetti and balloons* :P :D Thanks heaps CORZZA!!!! Well guys 500 posts and 109 pages long in this thread!!!HAHAHHAHAAaa Crap im on this way too much!!!LOL :D :D :P ^_^
  18. planning(come on sumone reply only one more post till 500)!!!LOL
  19. It's all well and good with manufacturers bringing out a "new version" of their popular cars from their range but why do all the new cars either concept or prototypes all have to be so weird and wedgey space ship shapes???? Wat ever happened to some nice sleek body lines not too many angles and wat-not!!! Every-one got a bit of a shock when they released the new celica and that still looks like a big cockroach no matter wat kit u put on it!!!!! :P ^_^ :D
  20. you can get it from autobarn and other auto product shops even kmart i think??? It is in a black bottle and has a angry looking bug wearing a racing helmet on the label!!!!LOL
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