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Everything posted by "RuNx"

  1. Yeah bro its basically behind the Jubilee Ford dealer next to Trustcotts toyota on Parra RD Five Dock!!!! :D
  2. Is it just me or has everyone else out there noticed that the terms "JDM" and "OEM" have jumped up in popularity over the last few months this year!!! I have countless numbers of people asking me if i can get them "OEM" OR "JDM" stuff thinking that it is a brand or sumthing and i had one guy try and argue with me that "JDM" is the style and manufacturer of a veilside style bodykit!!???!?!?!?!?!?!?! <_< :P :D
  3. politicians!!!(i hate ray too but i love his old man....such a funny *****)!!
  4. I think that this should be a skill taught to all the up and coming Learner drivers out there!!! Imagine the driving instructor "Now mate if u can just put it in between these two cars i'll pass you on the spot"!!! :D :P ^_^
  5. HAHAHAHAHAaaa silly civics!!!!! I got that clip on my phone!!!LOL I used to do that in my old car to park in tight places HAHAHaaa ^_^
  6. remano (everybody loves raymond!!!)wat a great show!!!
  7. Yeah i must say out of all the rollas that turn up to the meets "Black and Blue" are really the most popular colour!!!LOL............ but the only problem is they dun turn out too well when u have night time shots!!!HAHAHAaaaa thank *** Dylan has a good camera!!! :P :P :D ^_^
  8. why dun u just get a little shift light put sumwhere in ur dash and flush mount it so that it looks factory???? I think this would not be negative thing if u were to sell your car and if it was dun properly and neat this maybe a nice selling point as the person interested may also have a shifting problem???!!!!You just never know??!!! :D
  9. I dont know if anyone had mentioned this mate but i suggest u get a can of degreaser just to be safe clean the covers and wat ever else u are wanting to paint then wash it very thoroughly with water dry spray with a "plastic primer" first then spray your colour let dry and then spray a clear coat just to protect the paint!!! :D
  10. Not much of a fan of the crappy taiwanese carbon bonnets with the scoops it looks tacky like a corolla WRX wanna-be!!!! :P
  11. Yeah thats why i chose that area 1)cos i had to put stickers on and (2) It fills the area very well or other wise it looks like a plain coloured space....
  12. Blackzze wat state or area are u from as i was interested in doin a defensive driving course too!~!!!
  13. As usual XOOM and GREY-ROLLA turned up late :P :D!!! HAHAHHAHAHAHAAaaa.....But i think there would have been about 2 or 3 cars not pictured when these photos were taken!?!?
  14. Ohhh sorry to here that man!!!!!!!! In my case its actually solving two problems at the same time!!! My girlfriends birthday is on the 11th and she wanted to go see her parents and they just happen to live in woolongong!!!!! YAY ^_^ So now i wont be so bored driving down this time cos we'll have all the rollas cruising down!!!! Dont u just love it when things work out perfect??!!! ^_^
  15. HAHHAHAHHAHAHAHAAAAAaaa see thats the spirit!!!! but officer it wasnt me it was the car!!!LOL :D :P ^_^
  16. liverpool (sorry i dont know much about soccer)LOL
  17. Man i know wat my excuse is already if i get caught under those laws!!! "Your honour....the day that i was caught doin 180km/hr in the 120km/hr zone was because i was suffering from EXPLOSIVE DIAROHREA and needed to get to the nearest toilet as soon as possible"!!!!!! HAHAHAHAHAAAAaaa Damn i should use that one next time and maybe carry a packet of laxatives in the car for better dramatic effect in front of the coppers!!!LOL man if being able to do 200km/hr+ on the hyway and get away with it, sum uncomfort while being locked up in the back of the cop car is worth it especially if u drop one in their car!!! :P :P :D :D ^_^
  18. Soccer (absolutely no idea bro)!!!!LOL
  19. Yes the gong cruise but have we decided on which way we are driving to the gong????
  20. Well we can get it but just wait until next year they maybe bringing out some new styles of kits for the rollas as well!!!! Thats if u dun like the carbon bonnet and wing tips that they have available ATM???!!! :D
  21. HEHEHEHEEee i knew u got some good photos Dylan!!!! :D :D Mr artistic photographer!!!!LOL
  22. bream (also lovely fish)man im getting hungry!!LOL
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