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Everything posted by "RuNx"

  1. HEHEHEHeeeee sorry dude the AutoBarn BBQ has passed already i missed it as well but as for a meet tomorrow night maybe get in contact with a few guys maybe u can organise a little meet??!!?? :D
  2. HEHEHEHEHEEeeee :D :P Spotted hey!!!LOL always up and down hume hwy every day....But at the moment there is only 1 ignition X rolla soon to be 2!!!!!! And as for being on Oxford St u will catch me on that St between the hours of 10pm...12pm picking my mum up from work!!!Hey Heatseca were u the guy i waved to in the Maurone rolla????? If so spotted ya too!!LOL :P
  3. Born in OZ half chinese half dutch...........
  4. HAHAHAHAHAaa The only thing we have to do to you EVL-50a is to blind fold you drop u and ur car off somewhere and then make u find ur own way home!!LOL Is cruel but hey its the only way ur gonna learn!!!!!! :P Man when i first started to go for drives with my older bro he was teaching me how to read a street directory mind u i was only 10 and every-time i missed a street he would punch me and every-time i turned the map around he would call me a girl and hit me!!!!! <_< So maybe we should addopt this system for you too Justin!!!PPPwwwwAAAAaHhhhhHAAAAAAAaaaaa DYLAN.......BILL......VOY...... Justin has just raised his hand up to lead the cruise to woolongong and back!!!YAY :D Now Justin if u stuff up we all get to give u a punch in the arm!!!!!!!!! :D :P :P
  5. flawless(how nice to see u here for your training MR SILVABULLIT)HAHAHAHAHAAAAAA...... :P ^_^
  6. "RuNx"

    New Club

    Yes thats my Forte "posting crap".......LOL no actually i have my rare moments of decent info!!!! :D :P ;) ^_^
  7. "RuNx"

    New Club

    Secret traing begins in Word association Boys meet me there i will be your personal trainer!!!!!!LOL
  8. theory(WOW how did u do the stars)!!!!LOL ^_^
  9. *thats wierd sorry guys my comps stuffed!!!!!!! <_< <_<
  10. HAHAHAHAAAAaa that would suck wouldnt it!!!!!! One night i saw this guy pull and illegal u-turn to the other side of a busy main road and pull the hand brake and slid it quite nicely between to cars!!!!!! to a perfect stop&park!!!LOL GO THE MIGHTY CHARADE!!!! :P
  11. shiney(HAHAHAHHAHAaa u got to love EM)!!!
  13. bloodbath(yeah my ug-boots copped a hammering)LOL
  14. It means piping from the "Catalytic Converter" back to the end of the exhaust......... :D Oh in a very very simple explaination it helps convert BAD exhaust gases and unburnt fuel to a BETTER or SAFER form of exhaust GAS!!1 Basically!!LOL
  15. carnage (he's chewing everything now little bitey stage)!!!LOL
  16. who ever trys this and fails has to post up a clip of how to stuff up a "FRONT WHEEL DRIVE BURNOUT PARALLEL PARK"!!!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAhahaahaa LOL ^_^ ^_^ :P
  17. PUPPIE!!!!! HEHEHEhehehehe
  18. YAY 600th POSTY!!!! hehehehe its all happening on word As5 today!!! :P ^_^
  19. undies (hahaha socks and undies my 2 most commonly received chrissy presents DAMN IT)!!!!! <_< YAY first one on page 120 and still goin strong!!!!!!keep up Word association!!!LOL :P
  20. My symphathy goes out to all the friends and family of the girl killed on the weekend :( !!!!! But yeah its true about the street racing thing!!! People dun learn do they especially in the wet they dont think about speed and distance required for breaking!!! I drive that road nearly every day and for the accident to end the way that it did the driver of the vehicle was obviously HAMMERING IT!!! even in the wet it is a road that is easily negotiated!!!! <_< I have.....and many of us have also lost close friends and family too car accidents.....But the thing that absolutely baffles me is that WHY when u lose control of a vehicle it always goes towards a tree or telegraph pole???????????????? when it could have easily gone either way around it???!!!!!!!! Anyways on a brighter note cant wait for the Woolongong cruise!!!!!! :D B) ****SAFE DRIVING ALL******* B)
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