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Everything posted by "RuNx"

  1. Nice little ECHO...... :D hey i now get why u called it a black little bunny!!!kekekekeee...... You love ur play boy stuff huh?!!! :) :) ;)
  2. This has got to be the BEST kit i have seen for a car in a long time your cute little YARIS will now be turning EVERYONES head!!!! http://www.c-one.co.jp/C-ONEPARTS/vitz-rs_91.html :D :D :P B) PM me if ur interested!!!! :P :P :P
  3. Lucky u guys all took it easy last night!!!! :) just as i left and turned off right at the intersection and went back along the train lines an unlucky (or probably speeding P plater) had wrapped his Honda Prelude backwards around a tree he must have spun it out of control hitting the passenger side the back bumper was almost to the passenger door???!!!!!! If he or his passengers survived it would have been a miracle!!!!the thing was a complete mess!!!!! :( :( It just goes to show that speeding and being a d1ck in the wet doesnt pay off!!!!! Hope the guy and his passengers are ok!!!!
  4. Well boys all you have to do is VOTE me for Prime minister next year and i will pass a new law that states: "NO OTHER VEHICLE WILL BE ABLE TO BE AS POWERFUL AS A ROLLA!!!!! BE IT ASCENT, CONQUEST, LEVIN OR SPORTIVO"!!!!! So ur about to see v8's get de-tuned to 60 KW@ the wheels!!!LOL :D :P
  5. Yeah they are definately not the safest thing on the road but i'd still take my chances in that over a "SMART CAR" any day!!!LOL My mate had one that was a bullet it had a 12A rotory in it!!!!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAAAaaaa he used to smoke everyone!!!!Mind u as soon as u took ur foot off the clutch it would start smoking!!!!!!LOL ^_^
  6. salt and vineger (well the previous word was egg....so i posted fried...as in fried eggs and in regards to police "dogs" cos the ones in my area act like dirty scheming filthy dogs that will do anything to give u a fine or arrest u) thats how!!!LOL :D :D :P ^_^
  7. HAHAHHAHAHAHAaaa........You gotta love the old fashioned "SHOPPING LISTS" down the front guards!!! I think u should just go the other way with it!!! well it is coming up to that time of the year and on top of the shopping list have another badge that says "THINGS I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS"!!!!LOL :D :P or just do another list that says "MILK....BREAD.....TOILETPAPER.....APPLES"PPPwWWHHHAAAaaaa
  8. My mate works at a smash repairs called AC&P SMASH REPAIRS they are in FIVE DOCK near the complex that has Shell, KFC, MACCAS,OfficeWorks they are basically behind JUBILEE FORD DEALER..... They do insurance work, show cars and they also restore old v8's and american hot rods!!!!! Excellent work shop very professional its not a dingy little panel shop!!!!
  9. HAHAHHAHAaaa............ :D :P We meet again!!!!LOL Bro when are u goin to come to the monthly meets?????huh??? You always see me when i go to the city thats sooOOOoo wierd.....ARE YOU STALKING ME????? :P :P HAHAHHAHHAHAHAHAHAHAHA............next time beep or yell out or sumthing bro and ill stop for a chat!!!! :D :D
  10. next ur gonna say bring out the plastic toys!!!LOL......hahahaha(loving relationship ehh????LOL i think ur just plan kinky!!!)HAHAHAHAHHAA :D :P :P
  11. fried (or dogs!!!!!LOL cos they are most of them any way)
  12. YAY Our meets are actually starting to get alot bigger everytime!!!! It was a really great turn out for this one its a pitty that the weather was sooo crap!!!! <_< But i cant wait for our woolongong cruise!!!!!!!!Hope u guys dun have a big night on the saturday!!!LOL!!!!!! Anyways DYLAN stop sleeping in!!! i know its perfect sleeping in weather but everyone wants PICS!!!!!!!And we all know u got sum good ones!!HAHahahahahaAHHaha :D :D :P
  13. Hello boys ill be there with my new puppie too!!!!!!LOL :P So u can all meet him unfortunately i wont be attending any cruise tonight due to the fact i HAVE NO MONIES!!!! And need to conserve fuel to get to work for the rest of the week!!!LOL <_< But i'll be there so justin start guarding ur wheels buddy cos im gonna start teachin him to ***** on STIVOS!!!HAHAHAHAHAHAahahahahaaaa...... :P :D ;)
  14. bring in the FINE SYSTEM!!!!!! So wat we all do is just save up half the year and then just go race everyone on the road for the rest of the year!!!LOL ^_^ :P :D
  15. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAAaa bro u have lost the plot!!!!!!
  16. as for leagallity in N.S.W...........Either there are alot of uninformed cops (which there are out there) or i have just come across alot of cases of unlucky guys;my mates included that have been defected for having "PODS" (UN-BOXED) in sydney so in all honesty the cops should sit down and read their rule books once or twice a day!!!!!LOL hahahahahahahaa
  17. as for the triangular sections that is very common !!!!!! if it doesnt bother u then who cares if its under warranty the get em to fix it but just make sure it is b4 summer so its not too hot !!LOL i made that big mistake!!LOL Ummm i think i better get my windows tinted now its hot dddeeeeeerrrrr stupid me!!!!as for your bubble get and applicator or even a credit card with very clean soft "felt" and a "PIN" prick the bubble and smooth it with the applicator!!!yay no bubble......BUT.......This may have been cause by sum oil or residue from a cleaning product E.G. crappy evil armour-all (it has to be the most evil s...h...1...7 know to cars!!!! in this case popping it with a pin wont do anything!!!LOL
  18. EVA MENDEZ(hehehehe i bet it was a WET one)LOL!!! :P :D ^_^
  19. WAR&All the dramas that have followed from 9/11 are because the people in power in america are just money hungry devils!!!!! The whole reason they invaded iraq and afaghanistan was so that they could create a diversion so they could run huge oil lines from those countries and take it all none of this "we are trying to find terrorists crap" but hey why dun we just tell our troops to kill innocent people while we are at it!!!! I really recommend any one who is into this topic and want to see how fake and dirty 9/11 really is to watch "the awful truth"!!!! The whole reason they went after Binladden was the fact that it was a business deal through the bush and binladden family that went horribly wrong!!! And these to families have been doin business for years they also have a major oil company in america together GO FIGURE?!?!?!? GEE I WONDER WHY WE PAY SO MUCH FOR PETROL NOW???!!!!HHhhhmmmmm......one guess why!!!LOL
  20. no(as in no money !!!HGAHAHAHAHA!!!LOL)
  21. oh sorry bro we should explain in Australia it is actually a defect to have an air filter such as a "pod"style that is "un-boxed" due to the fact that it produces excessive engine or "induction noise" and creates more emissions in their eyes!!! It can result in a fine$180 and depending on how much of a ****** the cop is u may lose 2points off ur licence!!! Also due to these laws shops have to warn buyers of certain products that they can not be held liable for any action against their customer fitting the product purchased E.G: Altezza stlye taillights, exhaust systems, neon lights under-car,nitrous oxide etc.......It sucks nuts hey bro great country crap laws when it comes to cars but very soon even next year there has been talk of u not being able to modify certain aspects of ur car like air filter and exhausts!!!!!
  22. king(as in stephen king who wrote it)
  23. well apparently from what these guys have dun they reakon that it is the best for a street car to stay leagal and is just as good if not better in the way that our motors perform maybe it wouldnt be as good for other cars but im just goin off wat they have told me!!
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