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Everything posted by cruzer

  1. so the best idea would be park on ur own i wonder if the ae82 club are goin also will anyone have an tocau stickers cause i wouldnt mind puttin one on me car
  2. the colour is cool as well
  3. in for the kill-(skream's lets get ravey mix) la roux
  4. put random things thru it like spiderman action figure and take photos lol
  5. they are so god damn funny my parents were yellin at me to shutup
  6. yeh its done might take it to that toyota car show maybe
  7. nice car yeh the rangers arent the nicest of people at homebush but u have a realy nice car
  8. bahahahahahah u are now taking advantage of the points oh well the hummer is epic 1000000000000000000000000000000000000000 points
  9. hi max and welcome to tocau good luck on the resto
  10. spotted a black rolla lowered with gold on black no plates with white rims and the badges were black it was on lyons rd
  11. toyo has a 10 point lead against spillage lol
  12. toyo is def in front now
  13. spillage is in front
  14. that is really nice i like the green
  15. yesterday, my friend was getting harassed by a riced up lancer (green P= 18~ age) so the next lights i jumped out and said "are you harrassing my girlfriend" with my hand in my pocket for some reason (wielding my danger phone!), he replied "we were just having a bit of fun" and drove away with my friend cursing her head off at em. Hilarious! bahahahahahah thats the best thing i have ever heard
  16. i might attend see how my car is keep u informed
  17. i might attempt to try and make this cruise i will keep u posted if i am coming or not first cruise in the ae82
  18. cruzer


    i represent 3 teams lol i think. team white team red and team black thats how the ae82 rolls doesnt descriminate teams
  19. dj your car is so good i am thinking of doing wat u done to the interior
  20. i can remember my first car like i bought it last year oh wait i did my first ca ris my lil ae82 twincam
  21. OMG this looks exactly like the lady up the roads mps but its not that low i should post a pic of it to show the similarities
  22. spotted a blue stivo on lyons rd a silver stivo on lyons rd and a silver stivo with damage to the front
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