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Posts posted by czaja74

  1. Well here is the story. My Aurion was totally OK no problems with the smell from air-conditioning. However my wife was saying that her Altise aircon smells a little. She is very sensitive when it comes to smell. So I removed a glove box and placed nozzle close to the fan. Run aircon on coldest setting and full fan speed. Sprayed slowly a half a can of desinfectant. Left car running on recycled for about 15 min. She says that it feels much fresher. Also did my Aurion too just in case. I'm happy to give it thumbs up.

    As for the Fuel Doctor it seems that it does the job. Car feels more responsive but I guess time will tell.

  2. I'm installing reversing camera in my wifes '04 Altise. I need to connect reverse gear sensing wire. I spend hours on the net trying to find wiring diagram showing which connector and which pin I should connect it to but no luck. It will be great if somene could point me in the right direction.

  3. Used Fuel Doctor today. I'll report back in the week or so.

    I'll be going to a mates place tonight, but before I do I'm going to pop by supercheap(open till 9pm on fridays) and grab two bottles of Fuel Doc and try this stuff out according to instructions.

    First use: After refilling petrol, immediately poor the whole bottle in.

    After the first use, use the second bottle to measure 25mls and pour that in after each petrol refill, which should last you 11 petrol refills.

    If this fuel doc does not make a difference I will use the Toyota stuff, as it looks like Adamsy has had good experience from using it.

    I had 50% fuel in the tank. Went to petrol station poured full bottle inand then topped up the tank with petrol. I felt a bit of difference but it might be Placebo effect?

  4. I got the extended warranty(3 years/150K). IMO, its worth every cent. I rather pay a one off and know that what ever blows up, malfunctions etc will be replaced free of charge.

    By the way, don't get ripped off $301 I paid $1299. ph34r.gif

    Thanks for so important info.

    May I Know who gave you the offer?

    I might try with that dealer.

    Airport west Toyota smile.gif

    edit: sorry mate, I just looked over my receipt, and to be exact, I paid $1295

    Thats really good. I was quoted by Toyota $1500 for /150k and $1300 for 3/100k. Will have to ask dealer and see what they can do.

  5. I would like to know about it too. My Touring reads 4-5 km undr. I drove 95km/h on cruise control for about 7 min. Gps was steadily showing 100km/h. I used this GPS in my '04 Altise and speedo was exactly same as GPS. Therefore I can safetly asume that Aurion speedo is out. Asked the dealer about it and was told that it was ok and within guidlines. However reading this article it seems that it is not. I'll try to ak to the dealer again and get whole thing changed.

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