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Everything posted by YDOIT4

  1. Did he have white mags on his car? Yes it did Yep it sounds like that was YDOIT4 aka Dave. :D yea that was me i saw u as well i had no idea who it was i was half dead from the gym but i heard u beep and wave so i waved back then my mate and brother was like who was that i was like " i have no idea.... maybe someone from the forum!" hehe yea i have stock plates now the other plates where getting 2 much attention good and bad and i had an incident with a starlet that a few ppl know about and well lets just say that he had one screw 2 many loose and i dont want him seeing my plate on my car again :huh:long story not really for a spotted thread!!!
  2. what do u mean by that?? ;) do u mean to ask how much of a power gain do you get from a new exhaust??
  3. yea it was the first time i was spotted in like 2 years hehe what car where u in?? hehe yea thats xoom alrite i always bag him for his silver lipstick grille hehe but he has other projects to worry about besides painting a grille like installing a hair dryer into a corolla so he can style his hair while driving We dont want to mess with a wogs hair or hair dryer that is the 8th and most deadliest of sins :o hahahahahhahaah cmon bill tell them the dirty lil hoe of a car with silver lipstick is urs dont be shy now :P
  4. Yea he works at ignition-x he lives near burwood i see him passing burwood road sometimes
  5. the rear altezza lights are black not chrome like corzza's or xooms ride mine are black around the lights
  6. Yea that was most likely me i was on my way to work this morning Where exactly did u see me?? I like 2 see what my TRD front brake pads can handle hehe na i dunno why i was braking hard
  7. hehe thanks man the tip came with the exhaust i might get rid of it as it sometimes scrubs when i go in or out of driveways as its the lowest part of the car kind of annoying as its the only part in the car that scrubs ever
  8. U have the apexi power fc for the MR-S installed in ur corolla ascent?? how was it when u installed it any problems? pm me ur msn details we can talk more
  9. i have hurricane headers with a low angled metal flex and a high flow cat all from liverpool exhaust and a sportivo exhaust from our fastest 2zz Dylan aka blue stivo
  10. hehe ur like the 3rd person to ask me that in the past 24 hours hehe umm im not sure if its from american or aus but it came from like china or somewhere like that, I dont use the radio but it does lose a bit of reception as the aerial has a coil in it that boosts reception with a bit of innovation you may be able to put a coil in the shark fin and boost reception but i dunno if it would work.
  11. Well the Negatron intake is at home now in the garage when i could be bothered ill post it up in buy and sell as well as a few other things but i couldnt be bothered right now i want to get the parts that didnt fit organised Here are some pics ppl in my ride section http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...?showtopic=8669 all from the killcare meet yesterday
  12. well i had to edit some pics that had the number plate visible as i no longer have the plate ydoit4 on my car lets not advertise this one as its only a stockie hehe here are the edited pics
  13. Hey pplz, I finally took some photos of my car (thanks to Phil aka Saiya's awesome camera) I may be getting a friend of a guy from work to take some proffesional photos for me but we will get to that later on possibly early next year. For now Enjoy the photos
  14. Ok now i dont know if you have a rear strut brace but if you ask anyone who races their car on the track or likes twisties they will tell you that the car handles alot better with a rear strut brace. I dont think that TRD would make a rear strut for FF cars if they didnt think they made any difference. i have seen rear strut braces on alot of FF cars on the track and street so i dunno whiteline are on crack or they just dont think their is a big market in FF rear strut braces and gave you that excuse to sound smart ;) Who knows
  15. Hey pplz i thought i would share what i spoke to my fellow silver members about a few weeks ago before i started installation of my mods for the 1zz Levin Now since then i have the car back with everything installed except the - Fidanza flywheel - wouldnt fit to big?? - U.R. Lightweight standard diamater Alternator pulley - couldnt fit still have to speak to UR about this - grounding kit - still havent bought it - racing cooling panel - package was lost in the mail Except for those everything else is installed, thought i might inform the other fellow TOCA members that arent YET silver members about my lil 1zz project hehe Ohh ive been to lazy to post the power gains but its from 87kw At the wheels to 98kw At the wheels and as torque is never right as we all know so i will just say 85Nm gain of torque So a big increase in torque you can REALLY feel it Ill take photos this weekend of the car at the meet in Terrigal and i will post the dyno on monday now i guess its time to hit the strip :P
  16. ahahahaha that episode is so funny i love it But yea i only play like 3 times a week if that.... depends on how busy i am! When you first start you play all the time like any game u want to get further and further but it does get annoying doing so many quests for one level but it is cool to play with your mates and defeat monsters together is a cool feature of the game. As ive said its a fun game "in moderation"
  17. Yea WoW ask you for the credit card so that when your FREE month that comes with WoW is over it goes straight from your credit card and it doesnt stop you from playing Now as far as addicts go i have ppl at work that play every arvo and every weekend and are on forums and on the wow.com site every day so i have bigger geeks than all of you But of course i work for microsoft's tech support so its normal for geeks to be into games here hehe what am i talking about we are having a frag fest this friday where we all stay back and play online FPS and NFS carbon online hehe should be fun with pizza sugar lollies and games how can u go wrong?? Well all i can say is that Phil is ADDICTED the man plays 2 much we need to get him off the game we started our characters together and he is already like lvl 31 and i am only lvl 24 that is a big jump each lvl takes about 4 hours of game play so that is a big amount of gameplay. But its ok as long as you go out during the weekends and get some air and get away from the dam^ game you are ok Im telling you it is hard not to get addicted really really hard the game just has so much depth and so many features and addons and things to do If you play it you will become addicted but as i have done u keep yourself busy and dont play to much only when you have free time if you are tired go to bed if you have something better to do then do it But dont make it your life or it will become your life and consume you completely because it is another world a place where real people can talk to you and help you out with quests and dungeons and just to have a chat about anything so it can become your 1st world and the real world is your 2nd world. Im warning you people who want to buy it dont buy it if you dont have a fruitful social life or it will consume you very quickly i guarantee you that much. as it says in WoW "Take everything in moderation even WoW" - quoted from a WoW loading screen tip
  18. awsome man! Have u always lived in concord? Yea ive lived in concord for about 3 years now previously i was a penrith boy all my life Ill be coming down not sure bout the gf she has uni exams so we will see :)
  19. Well it would be hard to say yes 100% but no doesnt quite cut it either In essence the engines are the same but the mr-s ecu revs higher and has a few wires that are in different places to the corolla model such as the temperature gauge and the radiator are 2 things that i have seen that are different. So i guess if you can find where those 2 wires are in the mr-s ecu and in the corolla then you can swap the ecus over but i couldnt tell you if it would work properly unless someone has done it The power fc replacement ecu that we have available is made for the mr-s and i guess that shows the aftermarket ones work with our cars but id leave it up to the experts of the forum to answer if the stock mr-s and the corolla ecu are close enough to swap ecu's and sill work properly I hope this helps u in some way!!! if i made any sense well it is 12:30am and im tired ill see if i made sense in the morning hehe ;) B)
  20. Im in i have to let saiya come in a manual 1zz to feel the difference ill bring my gf as well she will like a day out she loves the beach just like me hehe :)
  21. Ok guys Silva is going to call the post office with the parcel number and get info as to where the parcels are so i will keep you posted or silva will :)
  22. Or as i did you can get the Corolla S version ofthe Injen and it fits in 100% perfect i installed it myself this morning in 25mins so i no for a fact it fits as i installed it without a problem
  23. Hey pplz big sorry to xplushun and jjcru23r that i couldnt give the panels yo you guys at the meet or call you to tell you they arrived as they havent arrived obdviously But i will email call sms pm and post as soon as i get them so dont worry you will be notified and i will give to you asap when i get them Hopefully soon they will be here next week for sure
  24. No problem when i get a call from home telling me they are at my place ill msg u on here or something
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