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Everything posted by XploShun

  1. what the heck??? how?????? so.. u just paid for the item? and the freight... thats all??! i wanna get a set of rim via sea.... which couriers did u guys use???? i was introduced... that airmark is pretty good...
  2. what the heck??? Australian Quarantine & Inspection Service fee?! Cost recovery charges??? how come theres so much bs fees?! sigh.. did u email them by this email too? information@customs.gov.au??? i think i need to email them as well... fuk!! if we have to pay... where/when do we pay??? sigh... im still soo lost... hahahha
  3. HMMMMMMMMMMM thx man!! the rims im looking at is around $8xx... lol... the rims r sold seperatly... i can send 2 rims each week... :P anyone know the limit???? if theres no duty or tax...... :)
  4. well, i've got a question... hope some of u have done it before... im just wondering... if im mailing just say a set of rims from overseas... other than freight... are there any other fees i have to pay? coz a friend of mine.. got his MOBILE, mailed to australia.. it worths around $6xx... he bought the insurance and all... and there was not tax charged... please HELP!!!!! ive been googling about this... n the PDF are HUGE!! they dont kinda answer my problem!!
  5. to they have lights at night... it'll look better if the photos were taken during night... with all those purple and blue parkers
  6. yeh i know!! wt the heck is 38 - 45!
  7. i have spotted a set of rims! but im not sure if it fits... it says its: SIZE OFFSET HOLE-P.C.D 16×7.0J 38・45 4-100 please help i have a 1zz... does it make any difference? prefacelift as well. :P thx in adv
  8. hmmm.. group buy from this guy.. :)
  9. a few of u guys probably have the "limited edition" already..
  10. try these URLs Best Oil & Oils aint oils :)
  11. ive been waiting for a group buy for a long time.. if its reasonable.. im in!
  12. cant we have a symbol instead of a URL?? TOCA symbol.. hmmmm :) man, every other clubs are using URL... like prelude and all...
  13. saw YDOIT4 again this morning .... at around 7:15... on the bridge..
  14. SPOTTED!!!! david (waiwong) on DELHI ROAD at around 5pm.. he stopped along the side... was driving my bro's accord.... by the way.... HAPPY NEW YEAR in 6.5 hrs!!!!
  15. hey we should start talking about V-POWER racing.. its 100 octane!!!! but man.. its damn expensive!!!
  16. stupid marketing...... we're being ripped off!!!
  17. wow.... hold on.. blue rolla u said i wont be able to tune into some radio stations? well not i listen to the music on the station (same music playing every week... blooody guy spasm... veronica crap.....) HIRO.. so you say we can tune it??? to make it able to tune into our radio stations? how can we check if its able to do so or not? whats the function called?
  18. btw... the fuel indicator on our rolla is not that accurate... everyone knows it... mine is still "FULL" after driving like 150km...
  19. do they fit...(as in voltage and all) our car?? ive seen ones from ebay... they kinda cost a lot cheaper. those kenwood ones.. have things like sirus satelite.... what is it? we dont get them here... do we??? thx in advance
  20. V-power, vortex 98... blahblah ...and all those crap only have 98 octane... which is the STANDARD unleaded fuel in most other countries... most euro cars use 98 octane not coz they "need" 98 octane... its bcoz most other countries have 98 standard... whats the recommended fuel on a ferrari? man.... i wanna try ones over 100!!!!!
  21. lol... if YDOIT4 dont mind.. id rather send it to him again... coz i wanna see his car.. :P
  22. me2 me2 me2 me2 me2... david... what is that???? is that some kinda fluid u wipe on.. and it changes colour??
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