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Everything posted by CORZZA

  1. TRD CAI (got mine fitted with no major problems
  2. yeah i remeber now! i remeber who you were just not the car. Sunny is that a turbo charged scooter??? Gimme 2!!! :)
  3. C.A.I (im sure they investiget these things)
  4. i wasnt going to say anything! but evl said it for me lol!
  5. LOL! i was getting alittle confused i thought my memory was going cos i was pretty sure i was following you most of the way and there you have pics from behind! lol! thanks for clearing that up. who took these pics? the blue sedan?
  6. well it would be nice for more ppl to turn up! there doesnt seem to be much interest on the posting side.
  7. thats not my pic. i stole it from a member on the forum he did all the writing. well iv leaft that pipe open the little pipe iv blocked off!
  8. atom bomb (1st stage implosion then the explosion)
  9. Might pull through for a little while! Got a family party to go to! but im so keen!
  10. well i dunno cos the commos and falcons have the space and big engines which is the aussie favorite! the MPS smaller turbo motor and limited space.
  11. LOL! yeah cos i wanna know which dealer is more leanient! Cos i went to my toyota dealer and they wouldnt even fit my CAI! they said as of monday we are not installing them due to the fact that its a difficult job! So i took it home and said F*** you! and i got it in and i still have my fog lights! :) Blady toyota!
  12. NOS (just to get you into boost! :) )
  13. iv just done this after filling up with 98 and fitting my CAI!! working better!
  14. http://au.toyotaownersclub.com/forums/inde...pe=post&id=1680 In the pic the red little bit with a whole in it that this guy has has looped a white pipe back into some where. What do i do block it off? and where the throttle joins to the TRD pipe there was a stock black pipe that came out somewhere (cant see cos its under the engine cover) this pipe connected to the stock air box duct. What do i do with it leave it unclamped?
  15. some one please help me! what do i do to the black pipe that came of the stock box? its still coneected to the motor? i think its the breather pipe. And what do i do to the pipe that comes off the TRD pipe? it still bit thats meant to have a pipe connected to it
  16. ok cool! I think a few guys are meeting at villawood tonight if its not too wet!
  17. And toyota are ok with all the warranty issues?
  18. LOL! ok ok. :) Guess what im busy installing my CAI cos toyota have now decided since this monday they are not installing CAI's cos they have to bash away at some body work and the cones rub against all sorts of things such as fogs and arches etc! So i said screw this i got home stripped everything around the air box including the head lamp and fitted the pipe. All good sofar and it looks like the fog will stay! I test fitted the filter & theres plenty of room! so either im an expert or my car has alot more room than most LOL! But damn theres alot of junk connected to the stock air box! All a waste of space!
  19. Black levin or sportivo! Lady driver on old windsor rd. Had the debaged grill etc. Very hot! this morning at 8am
  20. Welcome bro! You must come to the monthly meets!
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