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Everything posted by CORZZA

  1. culture! (its a weird culture)
  2. transvestite! (i cant spell it but you know what i mean!)
  3. i got lows not super lows and the ride it just perfect for me!
  4. i use the car lovers and always take care with the high pressure because iv seen it happen! When i see a stain that wont come out i let go the trigger low pressure still quite stong and i move it right up to the spot.
  5. Yip for anything more i would get forged pistons and possibly get 4Xsupra injectors and fuel pumps!
  6. I dont think thats all bad! a nice performance clutch will do the trick! Oh and some good rubber!
  7. Heman! (the best figurine of them all!)
  8. i get the best of both worlds where i live!
  9. and the ride gets abit uncomfortable!
  10. None that i know of here in Oz! but there were a few in South Africa. And mate there was one with a supercharger and turbocharger and this thing was a monster!!!! I have the magazine!
  11. what motors are in those mirages? So far iv been successful against every mirage thats tried there luck! that be 7! 4 lady drivers and 3 guy drivers! Oh and dont forget the Mitzi gli's who always seem to think they can take on the rollas! take your 2.4 motor and extra 20% power and shove it! It aint gonna happen! :)
  12. not interested in paying 500 avg for a CAI seeing AEM is of the same quality for considerably less price i paid $370 for mine
  13. is it me or was the price of 98 like $1,18 at most caltexs around the west?
  14. some cops would claim they chasing someone and they havent got there siren on because it would give away that they chasing! They only put there siren on when they close enough to the car they are chasing
  15. There was a cop on military road this morning with the radar on the rood and on the boot of his car!!!
  16. exactly! I went to darrenwood toyota in cresat randburg the pricve for a RSI was like R203 000 here you can get it for R150 000!!!
  17. black stivo in manly this morning at around 12:00 mid day. had a blue personalized number plate. BLU *** anyone from here?
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