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Everything posted by CORZZA

  1. LOL!!! or your car had explosive diarohrea it kept on boosting for some reason! oh yes my right foot cramped up. lol
  2. Chelsea!!! (my fav english team!)
  3. i noticed! it looks far more stylish to me!
  4. true up until a point. the highway limits were 120km/h if you were caught doing 180km/h then you have to go to court and explain why u were going so fast and if found guilty jail or a big sum of money to be paid!
  5. Brazil (angel falls is in brazil isnt it?)
  6. fresh water ( i love bream and fresh water fishing!)
  7. lol! my shopping list used to go along my side skirts
  8. CAI in my previous car yea to all fo the above
  9. cop (back home we call cops pigs)
  10. Was good meeting you all!!! so i had to duck home thats why i never went on the cruise. you guys have very shweet rides! gives me inspiration!
  11. Hope so bro! sydneys lke a maize at the moment for me
  12. well if im there then i could lead u back in the right direction as i live in blacktown which is only 15 mins away from castle hill ← thanks you still going?
  13. ← check the meets section!
  14. thanks i never knew they were identical!
  15. got my car yesterday and the tyres are shinning! what do they use? cos it looks brilliant! il try yuk off!
  16. hope the sound im putting in will hold up the the rollas small battery!
  17. me too! is anyone bringing stickers to sell tonight to the meet?
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