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Posts posted by Andrew357

  1. nearly everything is made in china (or other parts of asia) these days... as long as the company oversees quality control to the same level then who cares.

    My brothers friend bought a new 4wd Toyota and it kept on going back and forth for repair. He finds out that the parts that were failing were the ones made in China. He's a mechanic so decides to buy the parts that are made in Japan and teh problems with the fuel injector and everythiung else now working much better.

    And that is the problem with things that are to cheap to be true.

    Its the same with most things. Not everything made in China is bad but odd how a Japanese made car doesn't have the same faults as cars with Chinese made parts. The major brands are all doing it now.

    Panasonic dvd / recorders used to be great when made in Japan. These Chinese made ones are no where near as good and don't last more than 18 months before they start to fail where ones made years earlier are still going strong. The Japanese model ones had a steel tray where the Chinese new models are plastic and you can guess they simply don't last that long before they break.

    Ahh ok.

    So going from 2 examples, that means that ALL things made in China don't last. Gotcha.

  2. Thanks Steve,

    I had told them I did not want it, but they wanted to charge me extra checking fee beside $664 service checking fee for 80KM.

    I drove my car without any problem there just for standard service. Prius is sort of costly for maintenance. May need fair trade's help for this now.



    Dept of Fair Trading?

    Don't waste your time, go to another mechanic who can offer log-book servicing and get them to have a look. Chances are they are going to be cheaper. The name UltraTune comes to mind.

  3. Many thanks for the information about comparison rates Grasshopper McGee - very informative.

    Seems you have an extremely appropriate avatar though - a photo of mouth-all-might Gordon Ramsey.

    While I appreciated the information I did not appreciate the abusive post script.

    As much as I didn't appreciate the sarcastic notes which flowed throughout your initial post, especially as you were asking for help.

    More of a harsh-truth than abusive.

  4. I frequently see TV advertisements for Toyota, and other vehicle manufacturers, stating a finance "Comparison Rate".

    What does this mean? No one seems to know. I went to my local Toyota dealer and asked a new car salesman. The answer he gave me was gobble-de-gook and I learned only that he didn't have a clue.

    So, Toyota, please tell me, and the millions of others who do not know, WHAT DOES "COMPARISON RATE" MEAN.

    It's not a Toyota term, it's a financing term. ALL lenders since 2003, are required to state a comparison rate to help identify the true cost of the loan (per annum). A loan isn't based solely around the interest rate alone; other factors such as the amount loaned, term, repayment frequency, interest rate and other fees/charges applied by the lender all need to be factored it.

    It doesn't factor in everything though (e.g - early payment fees, govt charges etc) so you should never enter into a loan solely based on the comparison rate.

    You shouldn't be such a smart**** RE: not knowing what a comparison rate is; if you don't know what a comparison rate is (and even too lazy too google it), you shouldn't be looking to finance your next purchase.

  5. Yes i work for the dealership and yes it is my job to sell the product but no where in my contract does it say i have to promote the product out side of work hours or apply it to my own car or that i have to go on a forum and tell people i like the product. so get back in your box mate. I believe in the product because it works not because i am told to. the products are from a company called Premier Vehicle Products or PVP and you are correct it is not available to the public but what’s that got to do with anything.

    Let's try to remain calm my little sweetpea.

    Just letting nix19 know this paint protection that is so highly regarded probably won't be available for him to use, as he is quite enthusiastic regarding his car care. He (like myself) would be interested in giving it a go at least once.

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