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Everything posted by travino85

  1. cheers nic i had a look around and it seems the camry has super white, i checked my manual an i have super white 2. im not sure what the difference is, but im willing to give it a go. which toyota are you at mate? wont be able to do it till jan 15, thats when my license is returning. the countdown is on :)
  2. is it possible that i did not need the recall to be done. i dont have the sticker. if so, it seems weird that toyota would change something in the 2004 models that didnt need changing. mine is a 2003 july (bought second hand) tivo. i need this to be clear in my head(i hate questioning if something is wrong). do i need the recall or not?
  3. well it wasnt carlovers but pretty much the same thing. i read on hear that it uses chemicals or recycled water, in my opinion that sux (duh), but it does a pretty good job, cheap and quick. my beef is not with the water its with the water pressure. i had it on soap with the trigger squeezed an saw a bit that needed doin on the wheel guard/housing/ front quater panel (whateva, its just infront of the front wheel) where it gets really skinny. so i get closer, not coming off, closer, closer. 'where did that black spot come from?'. closer. 'OH NO, YOUR GOT TO BE KIDDING' it took off the paint. this is just not good. in my laziness by not getting the brush ive just taken off a bit of paint about 2cmx5cm. its not a really noticable thing, its the bit facing the tire, but if it happened anywhere else i would have cried. so take heed of this warning; DO NOT GET TOO CLOSE. if u have a spot that doesnt budge, get the brush. so is touch up paint the way to go? super white 2 or something. can i get if from auto bahn/ super cheap?
  4. where would you prefer to drive: in the suburbs/city: low speed limt, traffic, cruisy but lot of action and people(to see your car). around corners, more fun, but less gripand less speed or on the highway/freeway: boring but the speedo's the limit which one?
  5. thankyou for clearing that up rev head, so now ecu reset can not benifit fuel economy? gets confusing when the topic goes around in a circle.
  6. this is a very interesting topic i too notice a short time after "flooring" it that it has adjusted to that style. so des this kick out the nessesity to reset for the reason of preformance? but on the other hand i get only 450km out of my tank. would i benifit from doing an ecu reset? i hear that some people are getting 600km, would the reset change the economy so much that ill now also be able to get 600km. and if so does this mean that the car will drink less? when i put my foot down i want it to take as much fuel as it wants, but if im going slow i want it to be conservative. what im asking is if there is a sacrifice for better fuel economy, meaning you cant have both? if i do get the fuel economy to 600km with the ecu reset will it still give the same exact surge of power, the power that feels like it's sculling a beer on a hot sunday afternoon? cheers Trav
  7. i would also like to know if you all install it yourselves or take it somewhere with the little knowledge i have it would be a good learning experience but i would rather know its perfect.
  8. well done atleast you got it fixed man if you put that chrome strip on (that was mentioned earlier) it would b sic thanx for your reply, i reckon the rear lip is awsome, couldnt imagine it without it
  9. great topic same thing is happening to mine, :( i would like to know one thing though; i have the same setup and was this the case from when it was first sold or is the rear bumper/lip an extra add on that the previous buyer has attatched. what im asking is if its all starndard or is it an aftermarket add on that has produced the melting problem. thanx
  10. thanks for all the info i dont have the sticker, so im still wondering if it needed the recall done. maybe what i need is the code of the ecu that got changed( the faulty one). then it would be obvious. if no one has one then thanx anyway for what was provided.
  11. cheers for the replys and for the cruise invite, unfortunatly with the suspension of my liscence i wont be joining you untill early january. tell you what, im haveing huge stivo withdrawals. come january ill be an addition to the convoy. untill then ill be present on this forum, all the time remembering that all juicy lift that you all experience on a daily basis :( . hehe so are there any obvious signs that i can look for that can tell me if it has been through the recall? Trav
  12. seems like a shame to get rid of the indash 6 stacker, doesnt it. im procrastinating big time with mine. anyone else......6 cds..hell yeah.
  13. on the goldcoast. this is the new sevice centre that went up, its farkin huge. they r open till 11pm so its pretty flexible IMO. was just a bad runin with a think-ya-know-it-all rep. even accused me of being 'one of those hoons', pretty arogant, pretty funny. Trav
  14. thanks for the reply. HE IS A TOOL, but hes the only genuine sevice around. so i have to stick with the tool. but if anyone knows specifically what stivos got recalled, then ill take it to get done and get them to adjust the clutch pedal. can someone please confirm that adjusting the clutch pedal makes shifting a bit smoother. thanks Trav
  15. i have to raise this issue. i am constantly searching for info about sportivos, seeing if everyone else has nice things to say as i do. i can find a bit on the net, but mostly this forum. im ranting coz i want to see a couple in some mags, is it just me, or are we being left out. but i have only been keeping an eye out for the last couple of months, but still. tell me to find a civic or a 200sx and theres 1 in like every mag. i some times hear that the sportivo is overated, but wheres the proof in that, i cant even find 1 in a car mag. am i wrong? whats going on? Trav
  16. hey, first post. first off, great forum guys ive been reading this forum for a while, looking for specific info on the recall. Hears my position. bought my 2003 sportivo in june of this year. absoltely love it. before i read this site i didnt realise it wasnt just my sportivo which had a few "glitches" though. Had 2 different under body noise but took it into get fixed and 1 had been ironed out. the other is the really loud scraping sound from underneath, as i understand it only come on rarely so i cant be bothered trying to explain to toyota; i really dont think that they understand the scale of people with the same problems. and i deal with the crunchy gearbox by changing bout 7,5000, toyota had the nerve to tell me i should never have it near that rev band anyway, so issue was dismissed. well anyway i would like to also know specifically what sportivos were recalled, i bought mine second hand, i would like to know if mine needed or had the recall done. as i have not seen it yet, i think it might be a bit of an ask to see the letter that toyota sent out, but if anyone still has it, paste it on plz. thanks Trav
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