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Status Replies posted by dutchie101

  1. homemade dumplings FTW! :D

  2. learnt a big lesson today, that could have cost him some large figures... headlight mod on hold now... :( F theee MF L

  3. learnt a big lesson today, that could have cost him some large figures... headlight mod on hold now... :( F theee MF L

  4. learnt a big lesson today, that could have cost him some large figures... headlight mod on hold now... :( F theee MF L

  5. learnt a big lesson today, that could have cost him some large figures... headlight mod on hold now... :( F theee MF L

  6. Whats the lowest offset and width a latest gen corolla hatchback can run with minimal camber?

  7. today, i have dared to be different... >=]

  8. Ohh bloody weather again... now i have to wait 6-10 days for my new car!! Grrrrrrr..

  9. just managed to get home from Melb. Adelaide airport was shut down due to freakin crazy storms and lightning. Melb was sooo humid yesterday and windy this morn. Weather FTMFL!

  10. Passed the fitness test! ...time for some junk food

  11. To wash or not to wash.. stuff it. Wash

  12. Like EPMD, im paid in full!

  13. Stupid Australia Post. Delivered my iPhone at 7.30pm when i waited for the whole freaken day for it. Do they even work that late???

  14. Stupid Australia Post. Delivered my iPhone at 7.30pm when i waited for the whole freaken day for it. Do they even work that late???

  15. everything is looking good, just front rotors need replacing, paying for it tomorrow, then waiting for the delivery... 7-12 days... :D

  16. everything is looking good, just front rotors need replacing, paying for it tomorrow, then waiting for the delivery... 7-12 days... :D

  17. has a new beast on his mind... Oh decisions decisions...

  18. Off to Japan in 1 weeks time! What to buy??

  19. FINALLY! I cleaned the corolla.. So much nicer looking; as I did each panel, you could see how dirty the car used to be because it was such darker silver LOL!

  20. Getting my roof vinyl'd today!! :D :D

  21. FINALLY! I cleaned the corolla.. So much nicer looking; as I did each panel, you could see how dirty the car used to be because it was such darker silver LOL!

  22. has a new beast on his mind... Oh decisions decisions...


  24. has a new beast on his mind... Oh decisions decisions...

  25. has a new beast on his mind... Oh decisions decisions...

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