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Status Replies posted by dutchie101

  1. got quoted 720$ to dynamat all 4 doors and the trunk:(

  2. LOL funny commetn some one left me on facebook "put on flyscreen lol u spent like 150 or sumtin on an intake system whereas i could have just gotten a 30 dollar plastic pipe n got more gains and not damage the car by covering it with flyscreen to filter"

  3. booked in the LS for service next week. I get a free loan car... wonder which current model they will give to me? :D

  4. booked in the LS for service next week. I get a free loan car... wonder which current model they will give to me? :D

  5. booked in the LS for service next week. I get a free loan car... wonder which current model they will give to me? :D

  6. to remove or not to remove the SECA badge on the rear, that is the question..

  7. is it possible to buy a zre levin tyre placard and swap it with mine?

  8. hey, did someone say 20,000k HID's ;)

  9. is it possible to buy a zre levin tyre placard and swap it with mine?

  10. Typical Dad. Suffers a heart attack, goes under surgery and one of the first things he says is how much he'll miss his meat pies. Always a joker :/

  11. to remove or not to remove the SECA badge on the rear, that is the question..

  12. CD Player Error 3?...GRrrrr!!

  13. CD Player Error 3?...GRrrrr!!

  14. I have seen BG PETE'S RIMS!! Now he needs springs then it'll be PIMPiN!!

  15. Typical Dad. Suffers a heart attack, goes under surgery and one of the first things he says is how much he'll miss his meat pies. Always a joker :/

  16. Bad News: Victoria Police did not accept me... Good News: It now means I can come to the Yearly meet. xD

  17. Coconut M&M's FTMF!!!

  18. Coconut M&M's FTMF!!!

  19. Coconut M&M's FTMF!!!

  20. Coconut M&M's FTMF!!!

  21. would like John to go book shopping :)

  22. should my seat be moving at all when i accelerate? when i take off i can feel it moving slightly...

  23. should my seat be moving at all when i accelerate? when i take off i can feel it moving slightly...

  24. would like John to go book shopping :)

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