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Everything posted by Branno

  1. Really don't want to do any unnessecary driving, plus, I just cleaned the car ready for tomorrow.
  2. Won't be there tonight lads. Will see everyone tomorrow :)
  3. Good news everyone, blue skies all round :)
  4. I won't be there tonight, maybe tomorrow night. If I do come out tomorrow night, someone keen to let me take their passenger seat?
  5. Daryl, you might aswell enter your car if you are going to put that much effort in :P
  6. Someone keen to let me take their passenger seat on friday night?
  7. Cheers D. Was just a thought if it turned horribly bad.
  8. The question still remains... What happens if it rains really heavily at the show and shine? Will gazebo's be available for those entering their car into the event?
  9. MY GOD. Could never wheelspin going into 2nd Gear. That was before BP ULTIMATE. Wheelspin into second gear, AFTER BP ULTIMATE

    1. STYLSH


      Now all you need is to chirp the tyres getting into third like us :p

    2. DJKOR


      The BP Ultimate goes in the fuel tank, no under your tires Branno.

    3. STYLSH


      Yeah diesel works better under the tyres. Or bio-diesel so it's more environmentally friendly

  10. Queensland is going to lose if this thing comes to the annual meet.
  11. 01 VEY: Thanks for your input, every bit of support is better for getting it up and running. And it's also great to hear that you are willing to help out. With what you said about involvement and having a lot of spare time on your hands. If we allocated 5 people to the magazine, It really wouldnt take that much effort. Steven: With what you said about about by the time it is all put together, it is already out of date. Most things can be left until the last week, But big things which need a lot more attention would need more time. But things such as writing an article about the melbourne meet wouldnt go out of date because they dont have two a month. I believe it can happen, and if it doenst happen for a long time, we have the foundations set out and the ideas already there. Just less work down the track. If we get all the ideas compiled, when the day comes that the decision is made to do it, we know exactly what we are going to do. I'm not going to jump the gun and say this is going to happen, Im just wanting members ideas. This is a community, one which I believe should be expanded on.
  12. Very fair point Steven, I wasn't thinking about making a magazine like fast 4's. More like a 10 page paper thing. Mainly for those who dont want to go the hard yards and get silver membership and for those who cant keep current on the forums but want to see whats been going on. I appreciate your great input, Its greatly appreciated.
  13. Out of all seriousness, I use Castrol Magnatec 10-40. It works great. I recommend it.
  14. I use vegetable oil, It does the trick and its a cheap alternative. I have had my engine overheat once thought, that was when I took it to the drifts.
  15. Thankyou for your input VF-X. You do have a good point and it was also one which I thought about. If it was going to be a monthly thing, the only way to fix the issue of people just being able to go online to see the things would be to, Restrict more threads to silver members only. However that would lead to less interest due to the cost, or even more silver members due to them loving the forum. Thus, if people dont want to pay the full cost for silver membership, they can just pay $10 for the monthly magazine, that way we can still allow people to see what goes on and allows them to still be apart of the TOCAU community. These are all thoughts, and I do need more input. The chances of it succeeding is slim, however i'm not dropping the idea until I exhaust all possible options of it happening. REMEMBER, ALL OPINIONS ARE WELCOME. HAVE YOUR SAY
  16. Tell me your thoughts on a Club Magazine in the site suggestion area! Give it a read.

  17. Okay, so I have had a pretty big and complicated thought about this. How about we organise a club magazine? It could be possible. I have thought about it hard and have come up with many obstacles. I shall list these below with possible solutions in RED 1. How will the costs be covered? When subscribing, there can be an option to whether you want to subscribe to the magazine, 12 issues for $10 2. What will be included in the magazine? Things which could be included are; What happened at the different states monthly meets, updated forum moderators, new members to the forum, most popular modification of the month and the 2011 ANNUAL MEET ITINERY. 3. Who will be interested in the magazine? I think that allowing silver members and regular members to subscribe to the magazine will be better as it will have a better popularity and there should be an option when subscribing that you may only want to subscribe to the magazine for $10 instead of silver member for $30 4. What design would the magazine have? Well I have come up with my own creation of a possible front cover, however anyone else can have their say or even a go at designing a whole magazine if they like. I will post up my possible cover design. So everyone, it's up to the majority vote. Tell me what your thoughts are.
  18. A good way to fix the EPIC brightness which hits the ground behind the car, is get some tape, and tape off the rear half of the glass of the lights. It should then only allow light to hit the number plate and rear bar.
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