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Everything posted by Branno

  1. Got to drive a drift spec Turbo 200sx today, Considering im on my P's. I now know that, i will never turn away from boost. Damn you ghastly P plates!

    1. DJKOR


      Right train of thought.... wrong car. Aim bigger than an SR20.

    2. Branno


      Into an old style celica? Eg, TA22?

  2. It's up to you, corolla is cheaper, easier to maintain. You buy a Toyota corolla for a specific reason. If you want to give up the cheapness. Go ahead. I'm sure the A4 would be alot nicer.
  3. Welcome to the forums mate, I hope you enjoy your time here, you are very welcome :) hope to see you around!
  4. Cheers Daryl, I saw mighty car mods do it, and it did a great job. It actually made me sick seeing how much 'slime' they got out. I don't think woolies have those blue machines anymore. I'll have a look again though. Cheers for the reply :)
  5. Maybe we could get this thread sticky'd. We really need more input than from a select few as it is a club decision. And Tash, thankyou for your input. The more the better. Keeping in mind, that I think the majority of us queenslanders will be coming to melbourne. And on topic, it so far seems that it would be better to have an annual newsletter that will be distributed through the email system in a PDF format. But I really want to get this thread sticky'd.
  6. Hey everyone, I've heard that the rug doctor that you can hire from woolworths/Coles works a treat on cleaning your upholstery. After buying it from someone who had it for 12 years before me, the seats are probably putrid and full of human slime. So tell me forum, what are your experiences?
  7. Cheers Daryl, I'm really excited for this.
  8. Would a fresh pair of bob jane all rounders last a day at the track. I dont wanna have to splash the cash just to go tracking. Plus it would be my first time, so I wouldnt be going hard out.
  9. Omg, I win I win! What's my prize? I guessed wrx!
  10. Ah, dj to the rescue. Thankyou very much. I'll miss you greatly when I do leave.
  11. Im fairly certain I didnt post 16 times today, I think it counted some from last night while I was on my phone, It will be the never ending post counter.

  12. So everyone in the canberra area. I will hopefully be moving to canberra at the end of this year, and looking at the meets you guys have, it looks pretty pathetic, coming from brisbane which has a weekly one with +10 members coming every week. I would really like to see some more attendance from everyone. It would be great to meet everyone and keep the community going.
  13. Okay everyone, BIG UPDATE. I will officially be bailing on the MONTHLY idea. Thats in the trash. Ill be chucking a poll up. Would you prefer: A. Half yearly or B. Yearly Due to the great success of the national meet, but the such low amount of people turning up, Lazy victorians. I want to create a BUZZ for the next annual meet. I want it to go out with a BANG. I really like stevens idea. If we can get something ready. Lets say, for the end of the year and make it really big and exciting. If we then release it, everyone will go, ZOMG ZOMG ZOMG, I WANNA GO TO THE ANNUAL MEET! Because, it is our biggest event in the club. So it is important in getting as many people involved. @1zzfe05 You sir, you are a legend, 10 posts in the forum and you are making a great impression. If you really want to help out, I have put up a DRAFT version of what the front cover would look like. If you want to have a go at making it look AMAZING, go right ahead. It would even be greatly appreciated. So people, OPINIONS!
  14. I like the way you think steven. It would be good to get EVERYONE to go to next years meet. This could be a good way of getting popularity. And thankyou to everyone else for their feedback. Including Andrew for his much appreciated negative feedback. It just helps narrow down what we can and cant do.
  15. EXAMS FINISHED! Well, theres always next semester!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. Kenshin X

      Kenshin X

      i thought 5 yrs was long...

    3. Hiro


      Try doing 31 out of 32 subjects for one degree and then changing to another one :P Got a lot of credit though...

    4. Branno


      Oh, I was talking about highschool. But okay. I am looking into going to ADFA though. BRING ON PAID STUDY!

  16. They are. Someone just doesn't no SHTI bout no dumplings!
  17. All jokes aside, This is a really cool car. Ive seen it in person, and to me, It would be a very cool car to have. It sounds like a monster and goes like one too. But don't take my word for it, You will have to inspect it yourself just to prove it.
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