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Everything posted by Branno

  1. All I said was move on. You had your answer.
  2. Okay, so are you keen on the idea of the weekend meet though?
  3. F*ING LOL MATE! It seems you have your answer. Why is there a need to continue? Now you are just being a keyboard warrior/troll. Just move on and dont look at this thread anymore! CUBAI
  4. Firstly, Hello everyone :) This thread is to see if the brissy group are interested in a weekend meet once a month. Also, discussions about where the appropriate meet locations could be, eg. One of the many parks in the city, Wellington Point or a location at the gold coast which could be a combined cruise, or we could dedicate it to a monthly cruise. I tried to get this running before the Annual meet however people were stressed which is a given when organising such an event. My extended thankyou to all of those who helped out for organising that. So tell me forum, what's your opinion?
  5. I like pie, so now that the annual is past us, who is keen for a bi-monthly weekend meet?
  6. I should be making an appearance this week. Will be good to see everyone again after a while! <3
  7. Im loving the sound of this 112 hot hatch idea. I shal join you some day.
  8. Is that you in the passenger seat? Nah can't be, you're a model right? **** lol!
  9. Back from Amberley. I am now a circuit solo pilot. I missed everyone while I was gone.

    1. Andrew357


      This forum needs a like button.

    2. KIRIUS
  10. Obviously won't be there due to me being away flying. I've got some cool footage for everyone next week. Yes, it does include the FA/18's.
  11. Now now Branno... we don't need that. ... Yet.
  12. I'd also have to say that it is probably an act of someone who doesn't like you. Think about who it may be.
  13. I'm sorry to hear mate, but just imagine society without insurance companies! Are you following it up with the police to catch the criminal who did this?
  14. What is worse, carrying a speeding fine or a fine like that?
  15. Your body clock is off. Its wednesday, not thursday. But happy birthday to you father.
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