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Posts posted by JJCRU23R

  1. in celebration of my birthday coming up this month, i give to you something i have kept hidden for years.

    totally embarrassing but others ive shown seem to get a kick out of it.

    presenting - me dancing @ my 4th bday.

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  2. Chillis... best burgers! but yea... tough to decide whether i want a steak or a burger at that joint. sucks the wentworthville resteraunt is now a black stump.


    this burger sh!ts over the 4 stacker they got at hungry jacks now.

    btw ive seen much bigger and better looking stacked burgers than that overseas... wish i could remember the resteraunt it was... i wasnt game enough to try the huge stack burger i saw... stood about 7-8 inches tall?? theyd put your name on their wall of fame if you actually finished it in the shortest amount of time possible.

    hungry jacks got nothing to go wow over.

    i dont know why i take pics of my food.. i guess its only the stuff i eat rarely.

    anyhoo.. i love massive servings that make it hard for you to breathe when you drive home.

  3. several weeks back when i started this thread, it occured at least 3-4 times at various times of the day already.

    i still see the car parked on our street, but last few weeks they havent been sitting in the car when i noticed the car.

    one time not long ago while i was at work, my wife went to get the garbage bin from the kerb and they were out there parked near our house. a minute or two after that they drove off and parked a few houses down, so it didnt take much for them to get the message that if we do notice them, maybe they should go somewhere else where people wont be walking past their car.

    anyhoo... no real new news to report... nothing to tape anyways lol!

    everything is normal again which is good.

  4. Asian lotus paste sesame balls


    in philippines @ this fast food joint called chow king they call these buchi lotus... damn it i miss them so!

    crispy n crunchy on the outside, soft, hot n gooey inside..

    cant get enough of em!!! who made em? got the recipe??????


    oh yea heres a bit of food i posted up in a previous thread.. one of my fave foods of all time.

    the ABSOLUTE BEST pizza you can get is from SBARRO.

    im talking deep dish pizza thats bout an inch thick and was a lot larger than the largest pizzahut pizza.

    from memory and by looking at the pic, you can see that all the chunky stuff and cheese was put inside, then another thin layer of crust and sauce n cheese went on top.

    baking was kind of a 2 step process.. you bake the pizzapie first without the cheese, then just b4 you serve it, they melt the cheese over it


    yea it was soo good i had to take a pic of it b4 i devoured it lol

  5. *scratches head*

    i posted this thread to first of all gauge what is generally accepted as normal behaviour as far couples doing it in the car on a residential street, in front of somebodys house!

    as i said in the first post, my previous experience with calling the cops regarding complaints about the neighbours was not a good one, so i was sorta asking others about where this couple stands legally, and whether i have legitimate reason to complain to the cops!

    theres nothing wrong with asking for advice, but i never said id base my actions on whatever people say on this forum - i have my own brain.

    and i dont consider myself to be beating round the bush either. i chose to wait until i had a chance to chat with my next door neighbour and if he agreed with the idea of confronting the couple/contacting the parents/calling the cops next time it occured, i would have gone through with the action with the expressed support of my neighbour.

    i now consider the issue pretty much done, since the couple seem to now go inside the house whenever i see the car parked out front now, so no more problem!

    dont know what the hells gone up your ***** ash... but dont call me a nigger.

  6. gday all...

    been sick the past few days so havent been online.

    just the other day i had a talk with my next door neighbour and informed him of what my family has been seeing going on in front of his place. he had a pretty interesting perspective on the issue. he simply suggested he and my son play soccer out on the street next time it happens... itll get them to stop whatever it is they are doing and gets rid of em quickly enough. lol!

    btw ive also recieved a request from a TOCA member volunteering to make the beep n run in an unfamiliar car next time it happens! hahahha! thanks for the offer! but yea if my next door neighbour doesnt want to do anything as serious as confront the neighbours about it, then im certainly not going to complain.

    come to think of it.. beeping isnt so good.. i mean geez thatll wake up the neighbours. high beeming the car head on is better... lol

  7. You've got to be kidding right!?! they're young, they're horny, and they might even be in love. Just leave them be. If it makes you uncomfortable then do look at them. It's not like they're contributing to global warming or killing off the Pandas or something. THEY'RE JUST KIDS FOR GD'S SAKES! LEAVE THEM ALONE!

    first of all, me and my family dont go spying on the neighbours. we like to respect their privacy coz they normally respect ours, and on occasions we do greet and talk to eachother - that is, the neighbours directly next to our place.

    but when it comes to this guys car, i personally cant help but notice them because i only have to check outside my front door to check that my car is still parked there to see the guys car - their car is in my line of sight.

    i couldnt care less if theyre engaged or friends with "benefits". doing that in the car isnt anything new either. but doing it in a residential street in broad day light??? cmon now!? kissing in public is somewhat normal and it doesnt bother me if i see that out at the shops or whatever.. but they look like theyre doing a whole lot more than just kissing?! if they arent doing it then theyre as close as two people can possibly get without doing it.

    let me further explain how this all started.

    my wife first noticed the car (coz she hadnt seen the car around before and noticed that its slightly modded) outside my neighbours place sometime around midday. she saw 2 people in the front seats just talking. nothing out of the ordinary there, nothing to complain about.

    several hours later after a short nap and after doing stuff around the house, my wife goes to check the mail and couldnt help but notice that the 2 people were still in the car... this time the girl who was previously on the passenger seat was now sitting the wrong way around on the drivers seat, which noticed was somewhat reclined. and the car was rockin.

    normally i get home 3.30-4.30.

    EDIT: for the record - no, they were not naked, and no, im not going to post a video of it either.. sorry guys :P

  8. kinda not a good idea, unless i tape it from a position that is not from the window of my house, otherwise they would know for sure who sent the letter. if i wanted to be more anonymous about it i would probebly have to tape it from another location. too much work involved. once again, i wouldnt hesitate to confront em if they parked in front of my place.

  9. yea poor bugger dont have any tint. lol!

    youd think that if you are goign to do it in the car, at least find somewhere secluded, not outside your neighbours yard?! cmon now.. its people like that that shouldnt be breeding in the first place

    my problem is that its out in the street! tonight it was already dark, but my relos spotted the same behaviour around 2pm in the afternoon on a schoolday?!

    fact of the matter is that they are doing it basically in public. if i walked round naked out in front of my house i could be arrested for indecent exposure in public or something like that.

    personally i wouldnt care what they did as long as it was inside their own property.

  10. ok heres the deal...

    I have a teenage/20something year old neighbour that lives a couple houses down, who has a boyfriend who parks in front of the house next door to mine. on at least 3 occasions my wife and/or myself have witnessed my neighbour on top of the bf getting intimate on the drivers seat.

    got nothing personal against the neighbours but bloody hell they should just get a room?!!

    the girls parents must know what they are doing out in front of the house, and i dont think my next door neighbour is the type to complain... although I wouldnt hesitate to go knocking up on the dudes window if they tried that in front of my house.

    my wife wants me to make a complaint.. call the cops or something.

    im looking for a second opinion, since my experience with the local cop shop hasnt been too friendly to talk to when it comes to complaints about the neighbours in the past.

    do i have a legitimate complaint or is this just an annoyance i should have to live with?

  11. _e12tail_trc_02f.jpg


    here you go

    i like it, but then again its kinda wierd how the shapes and angles they used inside the tail light doesnt match the more squarish looking outline of the tail light... if that makes sense.

    in any case, its nice to see another alternative to getting the stock preface/facelift, JDM and altezza type tail lights.

  12. wish sunrise was a bit more like this in the morning!



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    SOME other channel must have copied the idea, but damn this has something more interesting bout it that i cant put my finger on

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