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Posts posted by JJCRU23R

  1. well it was a clearance item.. last 1 i saw on the sales table... kinda regret not getting it now! from memory the price was cut down from 30 something bucks which i thought was a bit much, but $55 bucks for that?

    i guess if you got the cash.. but yea id say its still a good thing to have in the car with friends who love playing their music from their ipod/nokia mobile. not bad on the eyes either

  2. saw that exact sony model din tray at strathfield for like $12 back in strathfield car radios mt. druitt!

    but that was in january... the cable inside it would be incredibly handy. i would have bought this myself but the stereo ive got is for some stupid reason slightly larger than 1 din which makes for less than 1 din extra space above my deck.

    the toyota jobbys that fill in the spaces on the sides dont fit right around it either. :(

  3. dark blue corolla with jdm taillights, dark gunmetal rims & spoiler, random yellow plates on george st outside wynyard station 2day just after 3pm! I was walkin in d rain tryin 2 take a pic with my 6110 navigator but the cam settings were set on the 2nd camera- ended taking a pic of myself. Excuse bad speling im typin this on d train home

  4. i will keep that in mind for when the time is right, SB :P

    just wanted to clarify... are the kyb struts are made to suit the lowered springs or are they basically the same as the stockies?

  5. hi, im typing this from my celfone cos my adsl is stuffd, so xcuse my spellin. I bought a 2.5inch sata usb harddisk enclosure from ebay and i put a new 80gig hd in it. My pc can recognise it as a generic usb drive with 80gig in it but it doesnt have a drive name like d: or watever. The ebay seller gave a mini cdrom with nothiing useful in it so it seems. Anyone know wat i should do 2 get it running? Thx 4 ur help in advanced

    Hey i figured out how 2 partition d drive thanx anyway

    just in case anyone was wondering how to partition and format (for winxp):

    goto- start>> control panel >> administrative tools>> computer management >> disk management, then find your HDD.

    Just right click to select "create partition" and enter the Create Partition Wizard.

    Follow the instructions, tick "quick format" to do the partition and format all at once.

    these were the instructions I followed.

  6. hi, im typing this from my celfone cos my adsl is stuffd, so xcuse my spellin. I bought a 2.5inch sata usb harddisk enclosure from ebay and i put a new 80gig hd in it. My pc can recognise it as a generic usb drive with 80gig in it but it doesnt have a drive name like d: or watever. The ebay seller gave a mini cdrom with nothiing useful in it so it seems. Anyone know wat i should do 2 get it running? Thx 4 ur help in advanced

  7. gday n welcome to the club!

    you could check the "members rides" section to see all of the members cars and mods that they have added to their cars, but at the moment there are only a few active members in here with the latest corolla right now.

    members rides section

    you might also want to check out the wheels and tyres section

    corolla wheel picture thread

    hope these lead to your answers you seek?

    if not, you can try cardomain.com and search for them there.

  8. im not totally against lexus badging replacing toyota badges.

    its kinda cool that it can make people do a doubletake when they see it.

    has anyone here not seen the lexus version of the 100 series landcruiser? besides all the extra luxuries and larger engine (they are v8s arent they? - but the landcruiser also came out with the option of a v8 engine) and different headlights/tail lights/grille it still appears to look a lot like the toyota 100 series!

    its not like your putting a ferrari sticker on your corolla.. (saw that in melbourne b4, as well as some pics on the forum last year?)

    anyhoo... hands up who hasnt seen a holden bearing a chevy badge around here?

    wouldnt call that gay or tryhardish either.

    take a look - 1 example of lexus badge on corolla

  9. underpower? i think in the case of the amps and speakers, being under is kinda better..

    i think the only problems you would encounter is if you overload your speakers/subs, or if you wired and grounded things incorrectly.

    just do the math and make sure you dont overload the speakers, you should be right.

    btw we take no responsability if you stuff it up! lol!

    im just telling you whats worked for me.

  10. i really cant see how this site is full of ricers.... u on drugs ??

    Well for one, you are the one with the smoker (I'm guessing you) as his pic.

    Second, you all seem to own a done up corolla.

    And you all care about hondas... For *** sake, get over it.

    its not as if we LOVE hondas here dude, this is a toyota first and foremost, but the fact his car is a honda was beside the point!

    every1 was having a go at you coz youre post in the other thread showed the sensitivity of a sledgehammer to the back of the head towards a dude whos was simply asking for help after he just had his car stolen!

  11. i heard someone on the radio saying something like "if I spend my life putting 100% faith in G.od and in the end I find he doesnt exist, then I really havent lost anything have I?. But if I didnt believe in G.od in life and in the end I realised all the Church stuff was true, then Ive lost bunch more".

    true different strokes for different folks, but yea almost every civilization has had some kind of belief that "something" created the earth and everything else.

  12. Respect to all religion............THE ONLY THING I HATE IS WHEN PEOPLE TRY TO GET YOU TO JOIN ONE!!

    They can be so persistant that I find it hard to tell them 'WHAT PART OF "NO" DO YOU NOT UNDERSTAND?!'

    But thats being rude...:(

    ive had odd moments where i ended up talking to these two blokes who came to my front door and couldnt get rid of em! ended up late for work! took me 30 minutes before they would go away coz theres really no polite or unoffensive way of telling them no?! But on the same token, there is the idea that part of being a member of a church is "spreading the word", which is pretty much what theyre doing! But preaching to strangers door to door.. geez... that tactic must work somehow, since they are still doing it? Its a bit much.

    What gets me annoyed is when other Christian types tell people directly/indirectly that those who dont follow WILL burn in hell. I know a couple of people like that, like on some level they are ALWAYS making judgements about you/people around you, and im standing right in front of them?! kinda makes me uncomfortable to have conversations with them.

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