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Posts posted by JJCRU23R

  1. hey all,

    just for future reference, which services are considered the major ones?

    80,000kms i would guess that this is major milestone on a car that thats not considered old, but no longer new.

    but what about earlier services.. which ones are considered major?

    example: 50,000km? - the list of things to be serviced looks a lot longer than the service before it. can you do this via DIY?

  2. its kinda wierd how they sometimes censor people saying G.od on tv.

    who is it offensive to? people who dont believe?

    or is it more a case of stopping people from using His name in vein?

    what about other words such as Allah or Yahweh? <---- neither of these are ****'d out.

  3. just like to make a quick update regarding these missed calls.

    i recieved a call this afternoon from a number starting that looked very similar to the numbers that was calling me and hanging up.

    i picked up the phone and suprisingly, someone was actually talking to me!

    turned out to be the CANCER COUNCIL asking me to start giving em donations again (i used to give them $25/month tax deductable direct debit). i said no, and explained why which was fair enough for them... and then i asked the woman straight up - "i have been recieving strange phone calls in the past few weeks where someone calls me up, i pick up, the person on the other end HANGS UP. I call back and end up with an answering machine message telling me a charity is going to call me at a later time". WERE THESE CALLS FROM THE CANCER COUNCIL?" she apologised straight away! admitting that something in the call centre was malfunctioning and that they have recieved several complaints regarding this issue.

    i went and told her "i appreciate what you guys do, which is why i was willing to support you guys in the past, but I am unable to do it at this point in time. I have one favour to ask - can you please take my number off your call list?!"

    she said "YES I CAN DO THAT FOR YOU". i said thankyou very much and hung up.

    happy endings!


  4. ive found this site with some interesting info about dent repairs, the dry ice method, heat method...

    removing car dents on a budget

    this post i found interesting:

    by shrek-unit at 12:06 PM on 04/24/07 Reply by Email *

    I do PDR - paintless dent repair, specifially hail damage repair.

    the dry ice and compressed air work on shallow large dents. not sharp dents or dents on body lines or the hail stone dents all over the top of your vehicles. and when you do hear that lovely 'POP' sound, the dent only looks better, its not 100% flat. but if you have an 85 tercel, better is probly good enough.

    imagine this, you throw a rock into a puddle and you see the shock waves ripple from the center of the impact, out, right? well, metal does the same thing, except that 'shock wave' stays, and thats what keeps big dents, a dent.

    basically, when the metal is impacted the shcock/stress has to go somewhere. think of an old oil can. by squeeing or pushing the bottom of the can, oil squirts out. even though you hear it 'popping', the can always holds its shape. what you are pushing on is that 'shock wave'. its what we in the PDR field call "stretched metal".

    by rapidly changing the temperature, as these methonds are doing, the 'shock wave' is what you are treating, not the dent.

    HEAT - applying heat expands the metal and loosens a little bit of 'stress' from the dent.

    COLD- by quickly applying extreme cold will cause rapid contraction of the metal. a 'reverse ripple' effect from the stone throwing analogy above.

    you are basically making the dent bigger and softer when you heat it up. then when you freeze it, you are shrinking it rapidly, causing the dent to buldge, and 'pop' out.

    while hoping that you didnt ruin the factory finish...

    heres some example of my work and what PDR can do that these other silly methods cant.


  5. Im not getting paid to make posts in tocau so bugger it! lol! As long as you can read it!

    When it comes to high school teaching, at my uni, you would have had to complete an undergraduate course in a relevent field (using myself as an example - Bachelor of Fine Arts) in order to enter postgraduate Bachelor of Teaching (secondary) - visual arts. now its called Master of Education for some unknown reason they changed it the year after I began the course. Sucks!! "Master" sounds much better than "bachelor".. essentially there is not much difference between the two courses.

    Oh yea the other option is to do a double degree? 6 subjects instead of the standard fulltime load of 4 subjects per semester, completed after 4 years. In other words, 2 teaching subjects on top of 4 undergrad subjects every semester. Thats fine if you arent attached and dont need to worry bout working.

    But yea.. provided youve completed your course (regardless of your actual grades for your subjects), any graduate could possibly enter postgraduate teaching.

    Thats where it gets kind of interesting. 1 year or 1 1/2 years of full time study to become a teacher, where we were mainly taught how to deal with student behaviours, a big range of student abilities and designing units of work. But the thing you guys are talking about relates to 1 subject I had called "literacy for learning"... out of 12 subjects, we really only concentrated on the in's and out's of literacy in just 1 subject. Is that enough?

  6. True, high school teachers have a responsability to make sure that teaching literacy and numeracy is necessary in ALL subjects. And its true that I do consider it my moral/personal and professional obligation to teach the students to improve handwriting/grammar/spelling. In visual arts for example, you can look at angles in tessellations or you can ask students to measure the necessary amount of canvas needed to stretch over a wooden frame measuring 40x40cm to inject some maths into the lesson, or I can intentionally spell a few words incorrectly or use the wrong grammar within a paragraph and get the students to find those words, but those arent really considered "cures" for bad handwriting/grammar.

    But the fact of the matter is that in high school, you only get 60-80 minutes with students who have 4-6 classes in any given day. So, its not likely that any 2 high school teachers are going to teach with the same style, so its not possible for all high school teachers to have the knowledge/ability to consistantly preach grammar/spelling/handwriting skills that the kids need. How am I supposed to effectively teach my subject area if I stop everything and tell the kids "today we are going to practice writing the letter e"?!

    Compare that to primary teachers who get to stay with the same group of students ALL day. It also goes without saying that they get the first opportunity to teach these kids how to do all that stuff correctly! AND they would be able to consistantly monitor the students writing across all subjects coz they would know their students all that much more.

    So yea.. I dont necessarily agree with what that teacher told me as a student teacher, but basic handwriting/grammar/spelling should be better dealt with before a kid enters high school.

  7. while i was a student teacher at a pretty average high school in the western suburbs, there were HEAPS of kids in years 8, 9 and 10 that had really bad handwriting, grammar, spelling.. everything! ive been told by experienced teachers that "it is no longer the high school teachers responsibility to focus teaching proper handwriting! that was supposed to be the primary teachers job! and if they havent gotten it by high school they arent ever going to get it!" - i guess thats just the reality of things now. i kinda agree with that because we teachers have heaps of things to get through besides dealing with student behaviour, and we shouldnt have to fix up the mess that the primary school teachers should have dealt with much earlier on!

    part of this can come down to the fact that they may have grown up using a keyboard to write up assignments etc, therefore the only time they actually practice hand writing is during class! dont know about you, but im 27 now... and i still practice pen techniques to make sure my running writing is up to scratch.

    outside of class assignments, all students have got in terms of writing anything down is in the form of mobile txt language as well as email/bebo/chat language, neither of which encourages proper spelling.

    the fallout of using a keyboard all the time = the crap spelling, crap grammar, crap handwriting. and on top of that, they are oblivious to the fact that not everyone writes that way and accepts that people dont like to read things in those styles!

  8. forgot to tell you guys about this one time this woman in a delivery van parked next to me INTENTIONALLY banged her door into my passengers side door!

    she had already climbed into her van, but for some stupid reason she pushed her door out even though she was already in her seat?!!


    I immediately got out my car, walked round the back and looked straight at her into right mirror, took a quick glance at the dent she caused and she sped off before i got close enough to her window!

    shoulda remembered her damn business number coz it was plastered all over the van..

  9. your first mistake is youve bought your paint from autobarn!

    they dont give a crap about matching paint! the best they can do is get the colour code and cook up the colour based on the recipe they have in their computers which does not result in a decent match, since your cars paint changes in colour as the car gets older and is exposed to the elements.

    go to a professional paint shop that specialises in colourmatching the paint exactly! check the yellow pages for businesses that specifically "colour match".

    by that i mean they do it by hand, going as far as taking the tub of paint out to the car to see how well it looks compared to your cars paint.

    wont cost much difference to getting it done at autobarn. btw, spray cans only give at best a 7/10 result.

    btw ive previously painted my old sportivo grille, mud flaps, eyelids and other bits using colour matched paint, and ive been to autobarn too so i know what results from using their paints.

  10. i was concerned that the clay was too soft for my liking, considering the function of this clay... i was thinking that the clay has to be a bit firm to last getting rubbed on against something the area of a small/med. sized car.

    but if you say its good then i cant wait to use it

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