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Posts posted by JJCRU23R

  1. the statement by supplier doesnt show anything about how much the service costs... is there another sheet i fill in for this?

    It doesnt need to show the amount. The person you supply to will retain the form with their paperwork as evidence as to why they didnt withold 48.5%. You only ever need to supply the Statement By Supplier to a customer once...

    if u do do it tht way....the amount u get will be a taxable income...if i were u i would just make up a recipt on excel and keep it at tht....

    precisely, however by doing a didgy excel spreadsheet and not declaring, when dealing with businesses, they must withold 48.5% witholding tax unles they are provided with an ABN or a Statement By Supplier.

    Should the business be audited and can show that paid Jase (or anyone else) then the ATO will further audit the payee, then Jase is in more poo that a poof's doodle without a rubber

    please do not put my name in the same sentance as the words "poo", "poof's doodle" and "without a rubber" in the same sentence!


  2. thanks for the help azza!

    i frikken hate doing tax... wouldnt know where to start with it


    so i guess for the purposes of the website i should fill in the supplier by a supplier form yea?

    i dont plan on opening up a business as a webmaster or anything...

  3. i didnt really purchase it.. the nokia 6110 navigator came free when i upgraded my plan with optus!

    it works a treat though!

    nokia dont actually make the maps, they got someone else to make the software... i guess i gotta buy an upgrade if its available from the software company...

    its "route 66" apparently... they got maps all over the world apparently...


    just found out it costs $169.99 US to upgrade?! sucks...

    route 66 gps

  4. heres the thing -

    i am a jack of all trades so to speak... (high school teacher/tutor/amateur webdesigner amongst other things) and i basically want to be able to give my pupils/customers a proper receipt/tax invoice/account whenever people pay me for my services.

    for instance, my mate whos paying me to develop his website is going to pay me a 4 figure sum for building the site from the ground up. thats a big chunk of cash from his business to give to someone and i cant even give him a recipt?!

    im guessing i need to register as a business, but then again im only doing small things here and there on a part time basis.. not planning on opening a shop front or anything like that... so what do i need? what should i do?

    i know id need an ABN, but do i need a business tfn?

    im very confused - the ATO website makes me go crosseyed i cant make sense of the info.

    please help!

    thanks in advance... jase

  5. its the central locking... not necessarily your remote..

    i had this similar problem on my old ford laser which didnt have central locking but i ended up buying the cheap d!ck smith 1s for like $30 and got my cousin to install it. (i did not install a keyless entry, it only had a remote for switching on/off the alarm)

    i had 2 double n triple check the car b4 i left it.

  6. simo i guess you could dry the sealant the clear sealant that they use in bathrooms.. or something equally as strong?

    if you use some sort of glue, make sure you remove the doublesided tape... btw, did you clean your stock doorsills before sticking these things on?

    i know my back drivers side doorsill is rubbing when the door opens/closes, but it doesnt fall off coz its not sticking to the stock doorsill.

  7. this problem is one of the reasons why i didnt go the carputer route.

    best thing you can do is find a carputer with in dash screen (not motorised screen, but an exposed screen in a fixed position -2 din) that can do everything a regular head unit can do straight out of the box... and thats not gonna be cheap.

    as for the screen opening up at the flick of the ignition like the mazda in that youtube vid you posted up, it looks as though the screen is located in a large storage compartment on top of the dashboard, which is only able to move cos the guy installed a linear actuator to the actual lid - not the screen. totally different to your corolla dash, which i doubt would be able to provide enough space for an actuator along side/behind your 2din space.

    if you are ballzy enough to attempt a custom job like that yourself then good luck to you, but looks as though your only options are to deal with a motorised screen that would cover up your regular 1 din head unit/ airconditioner vents or buy a 2din usb tft touch screen.

    dont motorised screens adjustable angles anyway?

  8. then installing a little rca adaptor to the stock speaker wires behind the stock headunit wont be a problem for you.

    if you wanna be more adventurous and mod your stock head unit so that it actually has RCA plugs on it, someone on this forum DID solder some on a while back.

    all they did was solder the connections the circuit board... totally cool 11/10!

    4got the link though. have fun finding it!

  9. nice one!

    where i work, im usually handling a either a footlong knife or rolling pin and ive imagined what id do a million times over if someone stupid came in... weve had lots of people try 2 steal either from the till or grab a mobile phone from behind the counter... but im NEVER there when anything exciting happens!

    aahh see thts the problem these days...when ur prepared the idiot doesnt come...and when ur not he decides to strike....where do u work?? im guessin like telstra or something?


    im a part time bakers assistant (for now)... looking for full time work as a visual arts high school teacher. (graduating in april!)

    12inch knife comes in handy when youre cutting up sponge for cakes or cutting upto 50kg of dough to make about roughly 144 loafs of sliced bread everyday.

    did the guys get caught? was that question for me?

    anyhoo.. several times people have made attempts at stealing.. weve had little things like bread stolen (when the customers were able to pick their own bread out) but only 1 person was successful at grabbing cash from the register and we called the police on that.. we rearranged the front of the store so people cant reach the register (or anything else of value) by reaching over the counter. every other attempt at stealing something was busted but the fools manage to leave b4 we even get to stop them.

    funny thing though, they like to work in teams! 1 or 2 occupies the employees, another tries to sneak around the counter, and at least 1 more has his eyes on the back of the shop to see to warn the others to abort the mission (IE: yell "THE BOSS IS COMING").. then they all retreat. - this particular incident happened while i was grabbing lunch. damn i chose the wrong 5 minutes to get some lasagne..

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