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Posts posted by JJCRU23R

  1. tayles wat u mean?

    i personally dont mind having the new gen corolla owners in there...

    dont need to be 2 technical... but if there is something that non-car types dont understand, then they could always go 2 the technical dictionary/glossary section (which wouldnt be in existance if i didnt suggest having a glossary in the first place muahahahaha!)

    but seriously its been useful to me and it looks like people are using it, so y not just refer people to the glossary section if they need to understand something.

  2. id contact toyota to ask how much it would cost to install those components you so desparately want and compare the price based on the total price difference you get for trading up to it.

    but you should really be content with what you got.. its not good 2 always think about what the other person has or focus on what you dont have.

    so you should be really think about yourself and not your car. lol

    im doctor phil now...

    ive gone through similar issues with me wanting to get a sportivo after finding out there WAS a difference between the conquest engine and the sportivo 1. but yea make the most of what youve got.. or if you got the money and dont want to change the way you think about things, then trade up.

  3. Spotted Black Sportivo with bronze rims on hume highway warwick farm at around 2ish going towards liverpool.....also a Black Pre Facelift Sportivo spotted at the Woodcroft shops car park at around 5ish with the plates [TH30RY] or something...lowered on stock rims... = )

    damn... i cant believe i actually got spotted.

    i guess there is a couple of sportivo owners here in woodcroft

    might have to catch up with you guys in the next meet. and get some ideas for my car

    Hi seitlich/TH3ORY..

    i've seen your car few times around woodcroft, and also near my mates house at woodcroft near the lake...

    think your mates lives there too, as i seen your car parked..

    not sure if you've seen, but i got a white one...

    see you round...

    spotted TH30RY at woodstock ave/rooty hill rd north traffic lights earlier.. 20/1/08 around 12-1ish?

  4. he was in the telegraph again today..

    featured a school pic of him when he was younger, along with his parents issuing an open letter to the public apparently saying reality of what he has done has hit him hard... and that it could have been anyones kid that could have done this.


    foolish and stupid - glad hes been put up as a bad example for everyone to look down on.

  5. welcome to the club, it would help if we knew a few details such as which city are you located.

    that way, we might recommend some parts places or decent paintshops that might do the job 4 cheaper.

    but yea the price youve been quoted is pretty much a rip off by the sounds of it. how much would the whole car be worth if it ddint have the paint issue?

  6. build my own brackets with mdf.


    i traced around the original bracket on an mdf sheet, cut it with an electric saw and drilled holes where the original holes were.

    i had already bought the mdf rings from autobarn so i just used woodglue to put both parts together.

    simply bolted the new bracket on, and i still have my stock speakers just in case i have to put them back in! i drilled out the rivets to remove the stockies.. no other way of doing that part of the job.

    sorry this isnt clear, but this is what the speakers looked like after i put them in place.


  7. But the limited backwards compatability is not such an issue now as it is improved through every firmware update.

    are you referring to ps2 or ps1 games in this statement?

    what ticks me off is that they dropped the full backwards capability of the ps3.

    i sold off my ps2 (coz i needed the money at the time) thinking eventually ima get me a ps3 and play my old games on it.

    my guess is they dpended more on the bluray and other features as the main selling points.. even if it was expensive (which i still think its kinda overpriced), id get it coz the backwards capability would be the icing on the cake.

    no need 2 have a ps2 and ps3 next to the tv.. thing i hate the most is having so many boxes surrounding the tv.

    ive already got - widescreen(not flat), dvd, paytv, vhs, dvd x360, amplifier... had a hd tuner and ps2 but sold that. too many damn boxes!

  8. theres articles i read online that 9 out of the top 10 ps2 games dont work on ps3.

    not sure which games but i think the article was based in the UK... and i htink it was dated late 2006?

    if they (sony) didnt have a problem having ps2 games play on the ps3, they wouldnt have dropped it as a feature on the 40gig model that are now in the shops.

    the poster @ "game" states it plays ps1.. not ps2 games.

  9. sorry 2 hijack this thread but i have another question regarding this subject -

    does anyone in sydney know who or where these "engineers" are to get a mod like this done and installed and legal for road use?"

    do they also give engineers certificates for engine mods too?

    after reading all this stuff in here, i havent seen anyone mention where to get engineers certificates from, or for how much $$$?

  10. sorry 2 hear bout this man.

    yea if you get GPS into your car, best to add that to your comprehensive insurance so that it is covered.

    which suburb of sydney was this by the way??

    the thing about toyotas (well the models ive been in anyway) is that the inside panels are held in with plastic clips that could easily be pulled out.. wouldnt take long for them to get in so these blokes that came into your car must know what they are doing and what they were looking for.

    i heard and read somewhere (on tocau or was it the newspapers?) about people stealing cars such as 4wds and stripping the dash, leaving everything else. the cost to replace the parts would be worth more than buying the whole car so the stripped car goes to auction, then the blokes who stripped the car in the first place buys it at auction for a much cheaper price.

    that sucks for honest car owners like yourself who gotta pay the excess for insurance and then the incident leads to higher premiums for everyone else who happens 2 live in your area.

    (correct me if im wrong.. but that is partly how the price of insurance works doesnt it?)

  11. I don't think that the PS3 upscales to 1080P natively. But I thnk the XBOX360 does.

    You may need to confirm.

    i would assume it does since its got blu ray? and x360 doesnt have HD DVD as standard. but regardless of the dvd player i think both are able to go HD..? my 360 has the switch on the rca cables with 3 extra coloured cables i have no use for on my widescreen.. and im pretty sure i saw some aftermarket cables for the 360 as well.. not sure what they are for..

  12. blog... sounds like a plan.

    what is that right up2 5 users means upto 50mb?

    oh yea... here is the website ive been building if youre interested.

    its not finished yet... by the end of the month it should be officially up

  13. hey guys, just wondering about the ps3.

    for those who have bought it, was it worth it? even though (the current 40gig version) doesnt play your old ps2 games?

    i wanted to buy 1 expecting that since all the games stores are giving offers to those wanting to trade their old ps2s for a discount towards buying a ps3.. but whats the point of losing your ps2 if your old games wont play on the new ps3?

    i currently have a xbox360...

    would probelby eventually trade for the ps3 coz it can apparently surf the net on it.. and apparently theres no subscribing to anything like xboxlive? free network gaming yea? but the lack of backwards compatability is a real bummer.

    has any1 cracked the ps3 so it can work all ps2 games yet? or is that something thats not ever going to happen?

    i dunno..

    anyhoo.. any comments on things ps3 related would be appreciated.

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