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Posts posted by JJCRU23R

  1. yea i gotta agree with mopp about the left and right channels... i soldered a RCA adaptor so i can connect my stock stereo to the amps... the rca adaptor needed to be connected to both left and right front speakers.. even if you had an aftermarket stereo with RCA outs it wouldnt make a difference.

    as for using a mono amp... the only reason i didnt reccommend connecting a mono amp to 2 subs is just because ive never seen it done b4. i never meant 2 say using a mono amp is wrong.. it just makes more sense 2 me to use a 2 channel amp.

    rolla3's wiring diagram looked a bit funny 2 me... looks as though thats how you do it with a mono amp yea?

    but yea... just 2 be sure, ask your car audio shop and theyd know for sure.

    on a side note...

    after having installed new speakers, tweeters n sub in my car, the first thing you gotta do is to go to the drive-in movies if you have one in your area!!!

    weve got one in blacktown (western sydney)... just tune your radio to the cinemas frequency and enjoy your new speakerz!

  2. You can legally only go 2 inches bigger than stock therefore this rules out 18" so if u wanna do it legal I guess ur limited to 17" :(

    for the billionth time, THIS ISN'T THE RULE! why on earth does everyone think this???

    umm.. i think that might be a NSW rule.. since im pretty sure i read that on some RTA document...

    anything larger would need engineers certificate.

    im sure i read this in the RTA somewhere!?

  3. if it does effect sound quality, its barely noticable. i didnt notice any loss of sound quality at all. even if you use the stock head unit, if you amp up some new speakers then logically you would IMPROVE the sound... (unless the installer totally F*CKS it up then you shouldnt worry!)

    i soldered an rca adaptor to the speaker wires that came out of the stock head unit, then i hooked up the rcas directly to the amp. if i guess if i did a dodgy job with the rca adaptor id have static or something.. but the thing is i dont!

    i think ive said this before... if you arent trying to enter autosalon, then the stuff weve been saying should be good enough.

    if you wanna improve sound quality, why not have a go at sound deadening or if you have the money, get yourself an aftermarket stereo and go pay someone to install all your stuff.

  4. hi,

    i just came across this website. lil bit interesting info bout corollas old and new. no idea where else you might find this info, but take a look.

    click here

    also found this:toyota territory

    (although i think someone else might have mentioned this site b4.)

    what i found interesting is that toyota joined forces with KICKER to make a sub to suit the US corollas!?!

    makes me feel much better for putting a kicker in my car :P

  5. what i mean is that you can use something with even less than 600watts.

    hopefully thatll can save you a few more bucks in buying a cheaper sub.

    what are your intentions with your subs anyway?

    how loud and how often do you plan on playing them LOUD?

    which type of music?

  6. the amp would have a "remote" wire, which should connect to your headunit.

    if you have an aftermarket stereo, then it would probebly have a remote wire coming out of it. if you connected it correctly, then the amp should only switch on when the stereo is switched on.

    if you only have the stock head unit, you will have to connect it to some other wire (i forgot which 1).. and i am not 100% sure whether the amp would turn off... i think it stays on though.

    one thing you can do in that case is to install an on/off switch along the remote wire. thats the only sure way you would be able to turn the amp off.

    you could try installing a capacitor.. although theres lots of debate whether you should buy that or simply buy a higher quality car battery.

    adding a 2nd battery would be a bit much.. how much are you planning on installing into your car besides the amp and 2 subs?

    bridging doesnt do anything wrong to the amp. if you want to work 2 subs on a 4channel amp, thats the only way you can get the most watts to the sub. it was part of the instructions from my amp anyway.. its not a frankenstein job that i made up...or you could just go and get a 2 channel amp instead.

    ive noticed the mono amps are more expensive.. 2 channel amps are 2nd most expensive and 4 channel amps workout to be cheaper option (based on watts per channel).

    the thing about 4 channel amps is that they can be pretty big compared to a 2 channel or a mono.. so thats another thing you gotta consider.

    i think sony have released some digital amps last year.. supposedly smaller and dont create as much heat? more expensive though.

    btw, you dont need to buy the most expensive amp! your ears wont notice the difference between a $100 something amp and a $300+ name brand amp.

    ive got both a kicker mono amp and a 4 channel avalanche amp in my corolla (from my old landcruiser - where i installed my 2x10inch subs) which i bought from strathfield for $140?.. ive never had a problem with the avalanche yet! as long as it works yea?

  7. ive done this before on my old car. i had 2x10inch 400watt subs in a ported box... which was about 7 years ago now... but im not a full expert on this subject but it wasnt that hard to figure out... so consider this advice as no frills "sub install for dummys".

    USE AS A GUIDE ONLY. your car audio store would understand your needs more than myself.

    ok.. youve got 2 subs (i assume they are both in the same box?)both handle a max 400 watts.. so 400+400 = 800watts max total.

    since you have 2x 10 inch subs that handle a max of 400 each, find an 2 channel amp or a 4 channel amp that can be bridged into 2 channels (that is right, isnt it? i forget the terms coz its been years since i did this).

    you dont want a mono amp.

    mono amp = 1 channel = 1 sub.

    only use mono amps for powering just one sub.

    so to get this straight,

    1 sub = 1 channel.

    you have 2 subs... so you need 2 channels.

    2 be on the safe side, find an 2 channel amp that has 600 watts max

    (which really means it feeds a maximum of 300watts each channel.)

    if you end up getting a 4 channel (like i did b4), you would end up with 4channels sending 150watts per channel. you can bridge the 4 channels , turning it into 2 channels, then youre basically giving each sub 300watts).

    what to i mean by bridging 4 channels into 2??

    NORMAL USE OF 4 CHANNEL AMP LOOKS LIKE THIS: (ignore the dots and look at where the verticle lines are going

    A M P L I F I E R

    CHANNEL 1..........CHANNEL 2..........CHANNEL 3..........CHANNEL 4







    SPEAKER 1........SPEAKER 2.......SPEAKER 3.......SPEAKER 4

    BRIDGING LOOKS LIKE THIS: (this is what your set up should look like if you end up getting a 4 channel amp)

    A M P L I F I E R



    ....\ ............................./ .................\ ............................../

    .....\ .......................... / ...................\ ............................/

    ......\ ........................./..................... \ ........................../


    ......SUBWOOFER 1.................................SUBWOOFER 2

    why only 600 watts when your subs add upto 800watts?? why not buy a 1000 watt amp?

    i was advised to buy a 600 watt amp so i wouldnt risk blowing up my subz because i fed them too much power.

    if you had a 600watt max amp that sent the maximum of 300 watts each channel, your subs would still be strong enough to handle 100% of what your amp can pump into em.

    if you got a 1000watt amp and set it to full blast, you wouldnt expect your subs to last too long, coz your feeding the subs too much power.

    youd be sending 500watts sent to a sub that can only handle a max of 400watts... you do the math!

    in any case, you shouldnt have your subs set to full blast anyway if you dont want to go deaf.

    i hope that explains it..

    as 4 the wiring.. get the thickest positive and ground wires you can get for your amp. and dont get cheapo wires either. this is electicity we are talkin about, you dont wanna cut corners on that.

    let me know if you something i wrote doesnt make sense ok? took me a while to get the diagrams looking the way i wanted.


    I JUST NOTICED your description says NOMINAL watts = 100watts.. so that means 200 watts would be sufficient

  8. nice 2see youre in the NSW thread now RME1 :P


    spotted on top of blacktown westpoint carpark tonight.

    blacked out corolla levin with blacked out tail lights

    levin sticker transfered to where it normally says SECA on the hatch door.

    I KNOW THIS GUY IS A MEMBER coz of the au.toyotaownersclub.com sticker plastered on the side.

    took a pic of it but unfortunately cant transfer it to the comptuer.. i 4got how bluetooth works?!


  9. When i painted mine i did it with a brush. Wasnt to hard and looked just fine. Been like it for over a year now and has not peeled. Just make sure they are clean before painting and i also scuffed them up with some 80grade sandpaper beforehand. If you want it magnetically sprayed it would have to be powdercoated which is big $$$.

    what type of paint did you use?

  10. you wouldnt be the 1st 1.3L to get a turbo.

    theres lots of engine mods you could do to improve your cars performance!

    doesnt matter what engine your car has.

    you could try 2 get a celica engine upgrade maybe? what other toyotas do they sell in egypt...?

    /me going to toyota egypt website now...




  11. gday, welcome to the club...

    i guess the best thing you can do is add a turbo or supercharger to your existing engine, coz upgrading to a sportivo engine would be so much more expensive coz of the work involved. also, no1 up there would be familiar with the sportivo engine.

    you might have a better chance at getting a compressor engine from the UK? much closer than australia.

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