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Posts posted by JJCRU23R

  1. Please wait a few seconds for Video to Load!

    the story (judging by the anime) looks not so dissimilar from urotsukidoji (legend of the overfiend?), but this japanese animation is still a bit hard for my asian-looking-but-not-asian-speaking brain to understand.

    whats with the japanese? ever since hiroshima theyve got these post apocolyptic giant machine killers destroying civilisation fascination going on in many different forms.
  2. btw i vote 4 gud spelling.


    To elaborate on this statement (now im on a pc), If I am going to be faced with marking 18-25 high school level essays, all containing KEWL language then im going to spontaneously combust!

    My personal/professional opinion is that there is definately a time and a place for those methods of the english language. Our language and culture is constantly evolving and always has - you just have to look at the slight differences in accents and colloquialisms between Sydneys "westies" vs those who live in the Northern suburbs.

    That being said, if you are a youngin' that leans towards using KEWL language than choosing to use the proper spelling (EVEN IF YOU SAY YOU CAN PROPERLY SPELL), please consider that there are those in here who are anywhere upto 10 years or older than you, that come from a different generation of education and social standards, yet still have a common interest in all things Toyota related, just like you.

    Therefore, please do the right thing in the common interest of the forum and choose the most common mode of the English language which all members should understand.

    I would go further as to make new members tick a box for reading and accepting terms and conditions of joining the club to include proper, acceptable spelling in order to participate in the forums.

    I understand this is only an online forum and we are all free to express our opinions as we see fit and this isnt HSC english class, so the odd spelling mistake would and should be forgiven, but I do believe if we want to express our views on the forum it has to be understood by EVERYONE that reads it - that means as close to correct spelling as possible.

  3. im on my mobile on my lunchbreak so please excuse d spelling n grammar. I managed 2 watch most of a recent repeat of "insight" on sbs. The topic was manners & language in 2days society or somethin of that nature. Apparently txt & kewl language are slowly but surely being accepted by exam markers in the yr12 hsc cos so many students think it is acceptable, normal & isnt even regarded as rude/innapropriate! Some 30 odd yrs ago some dude tried getting language 2 basically "spell it the way you say it" and now its happening again!

  4. wait till its a hot day, use your thumb to roll the glue up starting at one end, mine took bout 30min for all of them and then a quick cut and polish and all is good.

    No real need for a goo remover, as long as the glue is warm it should roll off.

    good point there.

    from memory, me and the wife were taking these off in cold weather, at night.

  5. yep. i went through catholic school all my life, (with short stints in public primary schools), and thus far only managed to teach in public high schools.

    im by no means saying public system is crap- theres a lot of good in the public system, but a lot also has to be said about the "culture" in private schools that helps kids get high UAIs.

    btw im not using myself as a prime example of this.. lol! i didnt apply myself in high school and got much lower UAI than i was initially aiming for, but still managed to get through to complete undergrad and now postgrad education.


    The following youtube videos are rated M for mature audiences.

    They contain course language and sexual references.

    Girls are not to be trusted

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    B.J. girl

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  7. "At Pal College, we know how to make the learning process work best for students. We believe that there is no other high school or college that is focused as strongly as we are on teaching a student to achieve his or her individual potential."

    from that quote on your schools website, the focus at your school is on the quality of the teaching.. which means more students with higher UAIs than the average high schools ive been and taught in.

    ive been in schools where you wonder if/when a certain kids are gonna end up in pregnant/in jail/dead by the age of 18.. (ive been told NOT to even think about that.) schools where you knwo for sure that certain kids are never ever gonna get a job after year 10, and obviously the parents arent paying the same amount in school fees that your parents had. consider yourself lucky! if your parents didnt pay up, youd be stuck in a lesser quality school full of distractions like some of the students ive had to teach! and if a teacher isnt teaching their topics, they would be dealing with kids behaviours, whcih means less time to actually TEACH.

    obviously the schools ive been in have a lot of problem students. totally different world to be in than the type of school youve just come from!

  8. QUALIFIED SECONDARY TEACHER - NOW TUTORING! (kinda - no students yet coz schoolz out.. but yea GET ME FOR NEXT YEAR!?!)

    LOL where the hell where u at the end of last yr ; my school ( new jus started 2 yrs ago ) was looking for an art teacher and we got some loser-chick LOL and well im gunna guess the teachers that teach at my school are super rich considering the fact that my school costs 8grand per year per student LOL and guess what ! theres only 50 students all together in the hole school AMAZING ? bet u never heard of a school like that LOL


    full time teachers starting salery is like $40 something. hardly RICH money. obvious by that website youve shown, theres lots of money being spent on resources to help the KIDS with their education, so your parents tuition money is well spent.

  9. gave up seaching for this so i ended up looking up the dude who kept crying "leave britany alone" for the first time. now theres a nut. i am very upsetting.

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