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Posts posted by JJCRU23R

  1. spotted a white rolla, grey/black rims heading west on the great western highway somewhere between parramatta and westmead? around 4pm.. black numberplates, body kit, cant remember the number plate but it had 2 letters, then 3 numbers... reminded me of sunnys but dont think it was, cos it was all white? looked very clean though.

  2. yo... tax time! ive just recieved some payg papers... (still waiting on a couple more from a couple of other employers), instead of starting up a new thread i thought id bring this 1 back up from the dead- now the time has come a lot closer, whats the smartest thing we can do with the extra 100's/1000's we get in tax return?

  3. According to that quote, the law is pretty clear cut. "Legally", you cant really use them in any public place?! Just like a lot of things like CAI's that arent boxed and some sports seats arent street legal, but you can still definately buy them. With the scooter though... it may be illegal to use, but its another question as to whether a police officer is actually going to enforce that law if you were to scoot past one walking on foot? (if you were scooting responsibly, wearing helmet, aware of pedestrians etc... I dont think you would be noticed)... could be wrong. do you see a lot of motorised scooters around your workplace?

  4. i got 2 amps in my corolla... i removed my 1st (+) cable with a much thicker wire.. thickest you can get from autobarn (0gauge?) and ran that through the same hole/grommet thingo that my 1st (+) cable ran through, then added a splitter/fuse. its also a good idea to get the thickest ground wires you can get as well just to be on the safe side.

  5. damn i gotta make sure i indicate then... might be a nice idea to change the topic so others are aware? oh wait is this only i WA? or is this in NSW as well?

  6. i remember staring at them in toyland.. annoyed my family never had the dosh to buy one of the big star wars sets... had to settle for the cheapy little legos... with the box about the size of a mcdonalds cookies box...

  7. not happy NSW couldnt win it this year... but congrats to QLD for a tough game. had a few questions about the refs decisions in the 2nd game but QLD deserved the win last night. Folau was incredible.

  8. seems to me that this thread is turning into a racist rant as well ...

    before i choose to agree/disagree with your statement, can you please quote the statements you consider racist?

    edit.. the talk about trailer parks is a bit stereotypical... i mean, there are a lot of bogans out there but i dont believe they live in a caravan of any sort.. not in my area anyhoo.

    oh yea and mish... totally agree with you - everyday in 1 way or another it does come up that i am psychologically torn between two cultures- often feeling like you dont fully belong in either culture coz you dont look white enough to be considered an aussie and not filo enough coz you dont speak fluent tagalog. if im with my cousins in philippines i REALLY feel like an outsider and while im at work im called the "asian/chinese/filo" teacher if the student doesnt know my name.

  9. Education is absolutely the only way such dispicable attitudes can be transformed, and I am glad for it.

    funny how you say that.. coz im having a pretty hard time convincing the kids that they wont get anywhere if they continued to skip class and refuse to do any written work! and i refuse to believe that socioeconomic status or broken homes/families creates dumber people. some of the kids ive encountered do so bad at school, not because their not able to do the work, but theyre just sooo damn lazy to focus!

    my parents were born in what is still considered a semi rural, provincial area of a 3rd world country and they studied hard and worked their asses off just to get into australia, then they had to work even harder after they landed here in sydney coz life was sooo much different and they had no friends/family to back them up when they first arrived. one of the things that stuck in my head was that my parents wanted us to make the most of our education and do more than what they were capable of, simply coz they never had the same opportunities that we get to enjoy and take for granted in australia.

    i like to think that i have made the most of my opportunities since now i FINALLY have a decent job... (probebly 7-8 years later than i could have), but ive finally got what ive been aiming for. i strongly believe youll never get anywhere in life without hard work. ( i think xoom said something similar when people in here labeled him as "rich" or "his parents paid for his mods" or something to that effect)

    anyhoo, the kids that i teach have absolutely no frikken idea about how lucky they are to get a decent education and how easy it can be to get a job if you simply focus and put in the hard work. ive heard kids joke about going on newstart/getting pregnant just so that they can get the baby bonus after they finish school. and ive spoken to other teachers who have actually bumped into former students who were proud of being on newstart with no real intention of finding work! THATS A WASTE OF MY TAX MONEYZ!

    in a flash id gladly trade an educated foreigner for an aussie who refused to go to school in a flash.

    *end rant*

  10. thanks guys, glad 2 know that others think i did the right thing. but yea, i typically ignore most other distractions while im driving. the kid did recieve a good whack on the head for his efforts.. not by me, but by his dad/granddad (unsure) who was behind the wheel at the time. all the time at school i get asked by the kids "what nash are you?". at first i ALWAYS say australian! but then i add "my parents were born in the philippinez if thats what you were trying to get at".

    If youve never been insulted because of the shape of your eyes or colour of your skin/hair.. or worse, if you are someone whos actually gone and done this sort of stuff to someone else in the past... youve gotta realise that its a heaps low act.

    I was born aussie. To be treated like i should "go back to my own country" when I was born in sydney.. ffs.. words cant explain the frustration... it cuts deep.

    Anyhoo.. I think its time i got that spit stain off my window.. its still up on there

  11. Theres not much that can get me ****** off more than being racially discriminated against.

    I have to put up with a lot of sh!t from the kids I teach so Ive grown a bit of a thick skin when it comes to kids calling me Nobbi or asking me to write in Jap/Chinese coz there arent many Asians in my school... I can easily forgive my students for naive stuff like that.

    Anyways, I was having an ok day today and I arrived home early from work, so I decided it was a good idea to take my father in law, my wife n kids to my local driving range for some fresh air and a chance to practice my golf swing. Anyhoo, after we were done at the driving range, on the way out of the driving range I had a car in the right lane trying to turn right. I was turning left. The traffic was a bit thick so both of our cars were pretty much stuck waiting for a gap in the traffic to get through.

    Anyways, the kids (12/13yrs old or younger) in the other car were acting up. They could see I was looking through their car in order to see the traffic coming up on the right side. Meanwhile, the kids in the other car were waving their mobiles in the air trying to block my view, so I ignored it and drove forward a bit to get a better view of the road. Seconds later, the kid in the front passenger seat decides to open up his window and start screaming some bloody football chant on the top of his lungs. Im concentrating on the traffic, so I just think "retard" and ignore the little idiot. Bout half way through his song he got ****** off that I didnt react so he goes and yells "F*CKING CHINESE C*NT!!" and SPIT on my car, hitting my window which was only 1/3 of the way up! If i had the window all the way down, the spit would have definately hit me! I yelled back "WHAT THE HELL ARE YOU DOING?! YOU SPIT ON MY CAR YOU IDIOT!" the old man behind the wheel took notice and whacked the kid on the head (why didnt he do that when he was yelling out of the car?!!??) Then I yelled "SETTLE DOWN" before driving off(thats what I normally tell my students when they get too loud)...My brain was somewhat in teacher mode since this was only a kid I was yelling at, so I tried to ignore my more natural instincts in which I would have jumped out of the car and grabbed the little idiot by his neck.

    Thinking back on it now, it only seems like he said that because he got annoyed that I didnt react to his stupid behavior earlier... but still.. Ive had to grow up with ignorant comments like that being said to me all the time! I still remember racist comments directed at me by my teachers back in year 1! Even back then I knew somehow those comments werent right! and to be spat on by a damn kid calling me a Chinese C*nt just a few hours ago.. like being Chinese somehow considered a bad thing in the first place... just does my head in.

    end of rant.

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