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Posts posted by JJCRU23R

  1. im glad that clip stopped before the shemale gets gangraped lol

    ***edit*** - ive just been told that the "girl" is actually the choreographer... make of that what you will lol!

    check the other clips as well! theres 1 called the algorithm march..


    wierd but entertaining :P

    gotta love the philippinez hahaha

  2. ok as far as the rear skirt, it should fit but you might need to cut around the muffler... i think it depends on which rear skirt? not sure.. but people have discussed this before and i remember cutting was involved.

    the new corolla rims wont fit.

    thats because the new corolla rims use 5 lug nuts.

    the corollas from previous models used 4.

    i wanted the new corolla rims as well but saw that they just wont fit :/

    but yea search round the corolla thread.. people have discussed this stuff about the rear skirt before


  3. btw i did search n couldnt see a thread that dealt with my issue. if i missed it - sorry.

    gday gday,

    my 03 conquest's tyres look like theyve just about had it.

    my spare tyre has replaced a flat tyre i experienced during the big wet weekend that the pashabulker crashed into the beach... and the tyres im using now are (im guessing) all at 45-50% or less tread... by lesss.. i mean almost bald.

    not safe...

    so yea just curious what brands you guys recommend for corollas still riding on stock alloyz?

    my tyres are dunlopz... not sure if they came stock with everyone elses corolla but yea. should i stick with them or is there a better brand/model of tyre i should be looking for?

    another thing, which in your opinion of the tyre places provides best price/service? if you can recommend a specific tyre place in western syd that would be helpful but yea.. otherwise, if youd choose bobjane over beaurepairs or something please tell me why?

    thankz in advance..


  4. if you get jack blacks humor then youll enjoy this movie.

    the first 5-10 minutes is all music.. HEAPS FUNNY... made me wanna enjoy the rest of the film.

    then the first song kyle and jack do together sofa KING rocks!

    (if you dont get that joke then watch the SOFA KING video somewhere in this youtube thread.. eh)

    for me - the gags are are heapz funny but the storyline is kinda weak.. but i enjoyed it heapz! i watched it online last december.. couldnt wait 4 it 2 hit the cinemaz or in australiaz case, go straight 2 dvd

  5. 2b honest i wasnt sure how 2 take the kantong ad... i mean, its not at all humerous or entertaining like the previous kantong ads where they ripped off the iron chef or the japanese looking commercial they did a few years back. come to tthink of it, i enjoyed every other kantong commercial theyve made up until this new one?! the communist theme killed it.. not in a good way.

    boo kantong!

  6. im kinda seeing a trend in these patakz/kantong commercials...

    the new kantong commercials try to put over the fact its chinese by putting in a lot of images that remind me of communist china (chinese people "marching")... but they add in an element thats very very australian... good in some wayz, but bad in that it can be taken the wrong way somehow...

  7. ive been looking 4 it online but cant find it as yet...

    ive seen it on channel 9 and 7.. in case you dont know what im talking about-

    the commercial features a very indian cook whos demonstrating how to cook chicken with pataks...

    thing is, his indian dialogue is being dubbed over in a very aussie voice... i was on the floor the first time i saw it!

    if you can find it anywhere online, you gotta post it up in here!!



  8. So basically the government (yes the government cause its an RTA ad) can encourage multi culturalism but when it comes to speeding, blame the white aussies?

    what i mean to say was that since they are using the regular white aussie bloke, they are trying to avoid focussing on race all together, as if to say that the "white" race doesnt really exist- white is just considered "normal" in Australia. when people talk about race in australia, its usually spoken when referring to minorities or indigenous groups, not referring white australians as a race.

    Therefore any other race in that sort of commercial would make it seem like they were focussing specifically on THAT race.

    So why not put on a car theft add and make it all lebs? I mean, where i live, car related theft is commited primarily by male youth of an ethnic back ground.

    im pretty sure that most races have a few bad eggs who can break into and steal a car. Unless the RTA/police is going to make an ad and say specifically and explicitly that "AUSSIES OF LEBANESE DESCENT ARE RESPONSIBLE FOR ALL THEFT" (which they arent).. then they wouldnt go and try 2 imply it either. theyd ignore the whole issue of race by placing a blonde aussie actor as the criminal.

    The other funny part about the add is, why have they got an anti speeding add when there is no speeding?

    i saw speeding that ad!

    the idiot spinning his tyres at the lights... obviously his foot is on the gas a little too hard when he was completely stopped at the lights..

    look at the guy who sped past when that woman was trying to cross the road. you cant say he was driving appropriately. driving appropriately is slowing down for the woman and letting her pass... instead of slowing down it looked as though he sped up?!

    the last car who was trying 2 drift round a corner. you simply cant do that if you slowed down like youre supposed to.

    the ad is talking bout speeding in a general sense, not just in terms of driving over the limit. all the examples in that ad had someone behind the wheel who didnt have the common sense to slow down.

    not trying to pick on you dude, just trying to explain what i wrote in my earlier post.

    learning this sociology stuff was long and exhausting but i think my lecturer did beat it into my head... im not even using the terminology she got us to use... you can imagine how confusing itll get if i started using words like discourse and hegemony and all the rest of it...

  9. theyre comparing their pinky fingers to the size of his manhood.

    haha u getz?

    I get it... But aren't ads like this sexually discriminating ? It conveys the image that all hoons are young male drivers of commodores and falcons have little willies.

    we studied advertisments like this in social justice at uni.

    i believe it is safe to assume that the majority of hoons behind the wheel have a P3N15. - there are females out there who might speed but theyre far outnumbered by the males. but i think this ad is focussing on the majority of those who speed.

    you got to look at this from an advertising perspective.

    commercials are designed to be more or less a representation of how we aussies see ourselves. the typical aussie is what- a bronzed blonde haired aussie bloke who either loves his sport, his beer or his fast cars.

    to go even further, typical aussies would drive fordz or holdenz, so the advertisers are goign it safe by using the " TYPICAL, AVERAGE AUSSIE BLOKE" in their adz. many australians - even though they dont look anything like that or particularly like any of those things, still consider this description to be the default image of an aussie male.

    EXAMPLE - i consider myself AUSSIE first and foremost. but the people i come in contact with at uni, people i deal with at work and the students ive taught look at me as filipino. but even though im nothing like the typical aussie male i can see how that is considered the norm.

    if they were to use a bloke who was anything else other than the majority/average/typical male, like an asian/wog/african/arab looking bloke in their place and used imported cars, then I would think (in my own opinion) that they were singling those races out, saying that these are the sorts of people specifically responsable for the speeding that is happening everyday on our roads.

    there was a anti drug commercial a few years back that used a lebanese actor as a charactor who was pulled over by the copz and was found to have a small bag of some white substance tucked in his socks, then you see the image of the guy being cuffed. this was just about 5 seconds out of a 30+ second commercial which showed a whole bunch of people with abusing/being caught with drugs... but the advertisers got in sh!te coz it looked like they were singling out the lebanese.

    ok i ran out of things to say...

  10. i know runx 1s exist.. but im not willing to pay upwards of 400 for em :/

    :blink: jase change ur avatar it's disgusting :blink:

    hows this?

    yea it looks kinda grose when its slowed down that much... i tried 2 make it fast like benny hill fast... but turned out slow mo?

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